The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Nice shave and mail call Eric!

I've got an itchy trigger finger on an Italian Barber shopping cart myself. Just holding out waiting on a few things that are out of stock to be back in stock.
Dagwoodz said:
Nice shave Eric...and great mail call!
Cvargo said:
Good stuff there!
Xenostr8shaver said:
Catching up Eric, I agree the AOS creams and soaps are good albeit overpriced for what they are. Nice reads. Nice mail call as well. Dont be shy with the water on the SMDF
Majorrich said:
Woohoo! looks like a great mailcall!
clyde72 said:
Nice shave and mail call Eric!

I've got an itchy trigger finger on an Italian Barber shopping cart myself. Just holding out waiting on a few things that are out of stock to be back in stock.

Thanks guys! I used the Santa Maria del Fiore for yesterday's shave, but haven't really had time to write it up yet. This week is looking to be crazier than usual. Gotta be up at 4AM tomorrow to get a group to an all-day event in Detroit, which should be interesting.
All caught up, Eric. Great reads! And I agree with you about AoS creams - they are top notch. And yep, I still stand by my assessment of the AoS soaps as being most excellent!
Great shave Eric.

I can't tell you how many times I have had that exact mail call in my cart.
cmh737 said:
All caught up, Eric. Great reads! And I agree with you about AoS creams - they are top notch. And yep, I still stand by my assessment of the AoS soaps as being most excellent!
Thanks Chris! I'm going to have to pull the trigger on one of the new AoS soaps and see if it works with my water.

Quijote said:
Great shave Eric.

I can't tell you how many times I have had that exact mail call in my cart.

Thanks Don! I still haven't tried the What the Puck soaps, but the Santa Maria del Fiore is good suds.

Up at 3:30 this morning, out the door for work at 4:00, and just got home. I'll try to post and catch up tomorrow, but it is time to collapse lol. Have a great evening all!
Monday's evening shave:

Pre-shave: Hot towel
Brush: Shubbyu
Razor: El Jefe
Blade: Feather Pro
Soap: Barrister & Mann Lavender Reserve
Aftershave: Fine Lavender Pour Homme

Ok, so I was able to use this new SE on loan from The Monkey. I was curious to see how it would stack up against the two vintage ones in the stable. I chose B&M's Lavender Reserve for this particular shave mostly because I needed to get to bed early, and I figured the calming effect of that scent would probably help me get to sleep.

I checked the pic posted in the El Jefe Pass Around thread to make sure the head was lined up properly, then went through the usual pre-shave prep. A few swirls of the brush in the tub of soap is all it takes to load enough for a lather bath, and it was time to put steel to face. It didn't take long to realize that John wasn't kidding when he talked about the aggressiveness of this razor, but a little dialing back of angle smoothed things over quickly. This is also my first experience with a Feather Pro, and I was a little surprised that it didn't really feel any sharper than the ProGuard. It was plenty sharp and smooth nevertheless, and three passes left me with a lovely BBS, though I did manage a small nick on my left jawline during the first pass. There was also a little burn from splashing on the Fine aftershave, which is notoriously unforgiving, but it cooled quickly. Overall it was a successful first run, and I'm looking forward to the second shave with it. Many thanks to John for starting this pass around!

A very long day yesterday, and today's started out surprisingly busy. I had to head to my sister's to pick something up, and passed something beautifully hilarious while driving down I-75. I made note of the mile marker so I could slow down and get a pic on the way home.

Sorry about the grainy pic. It was a few hundred feet back from the road, and I had to take the pic through an open window while driving. Thanks for reading and have a great night!
It didn't take long to realize that John wasn't kidding when he talked about the aggressiveness of this razor,

I'm shocked that you thought I would kid...Shocked I say.

I get way better shaves with the El Jeffe than I do with the RX. I love the blade feel and closeness I get from it. No if you really want an aggressive shave slide the tabs forward and the razor becomes an angry pitbull!

Look forward for you next shave report.
Good read, Eric. And that photo is hilarious. "You know you're a redneck when....."
Dagwoodz said:
Nice first shave with El Jeff today Eric! Love the master limo, BTW...
Thanks Josh!

The Monkey said:
I'm shocked that you thought I would kid...Shocked I say.

I get way better shaves with the El Jeffe than I do with the RX. I love the blade feel and closeness I get from it. No if you really want an aggressive shave slide the tabs forward and the razor becomes an angry pitbull!

Look forward for you next shave report.
Lol I might try that...but probably not.

cmh737 said:
Good read, Eric. And that photo is hilarious. "You know you're a redneck when....."

Thanks Chris! Seeing that limo(?) was a magical moment, and one that needed to be shared.
Straight razor shave #430

Pre-shave: Hot towel
Brush: Black Walnut tuxedo
Razor: Jernbolaget wedge
Soap: SV Opuntia
Aftershave: SV Opuntia
EDP: Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa

I apologize for the long winded post, and will tell you in advance that it has things of a personal nature in it. No hurt feelings if you want to pass on, but I thought it best to give you fair warning lol.

Ok, so the Opuntia showed up yesterday..kind of. I was out all morning, and when I got home there was a "sorry we missed you" note from FedEx. At first I thought it was for a shop light I had ordered for The Dungeon, and was going to just pick it up tomorrow, but then UPS showed up with the shop light a couple hours later. I'm expecting a few Mail Calls, and had to do a bit of digging, but when I realized what it was I ran out and picked it up from FedEx. I had ordered it directly from SV, and there were packets of every other aftershave that SV carries in the box, which was a very nice surprise. I already have four of them, and will be passing those packets along to a friend that I'm in the process of enabling. I was happy that it was here on time since today marks an important anniversary for me, and I was hoping to start it out with a stellar shave.

The Jernbolaget was called up for this one. This Swedish hunk of metal probably took longer than any three razors combined to hone, but the end result was completely worth it. It's been consistently sharp and smooth, and has retained it's edge with very little maintenence.

The Shave: Ok, this stuff smells amazing. I catch some of the opening notes of Aventus in it, and some AdP Colonia Intensa as well, and it is fantastic! A few swirls of a damp brush on the bloomed puck, plenty of extra hydration, and the lather was perfect. I've used the 4.3 formulation before so I knew the performance would be nothing short of excellent, and was not disappointed. The Jernbolaget cut a swath through two days of growth like the stubble wasn't even there, and three slow passes and a little clean up left me with the coveted HCBBSG. A few drops of the AS on a still damp face had my skin feeling smooth and moisturized, and two Vassily's of Intensa tied a fragrant bow around a shave that was as enjoyable as opening a Christmas present.

On to the personal stuff. Four years ago today I took my last drink of alcohol. Having an addictive personality, I had been losing a battle against alcoholism for years. To make a long story short, a loving family and a good friend(who was not afraid to look me in the eye and lay out some painful truths) helped me realize where I was headed. To make another long story short, I entered a residential program, completed it, and was asked to stay on in a helpful capacity. I've been employed at the place that was instrumental in helping me for three years now, and life is good. I thank God every day for His mercy, and for second chances. This day is marked every year to remember that I may not be the person I should be, but thanks to Him I am nowhere near the person I was. I'm incredibly grateful for the people in my life, including all of you in The Cadre, and am still blown away by how close I can feel to people who's hands I've never shaken. I've told the full story in various churches throughout the state so many times that it's easy to share a small part of it, though I hope no one reading this was made uncomfortable.

Thanks for sharing my Soberversary shave, and I hope your morning started out at least as well as mine did.
Eric I have witnessed first hand what alcoholism can do to a family. My grandfather quitting alcohol was the best thing that ever happened to our family. You should hold your head high! 4 years is an AMAZING feat and I am confident that this time next year we will be celebrating a happy 5 years! And hey if the Cadre does Vegas and you make it i'll buy you a burger in celebration from Gordon Ramsay's Burger restaurant.

Oh yea nice shave!
Smattayu said:
Straight razor shave #430

Pre-shave: Hot towel
Brush: Black Walnut tuxedo
Razor: Jernbolaget wedge
Soap: SV Opuntia
Aftershave: SV Opuntia
EDP: Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa

I apologize for the long winded post, and will tell you in advance that it has things of a personal nature in it. No hurt feelings if you want to pass on, but I thought it best to give you fair warning lol.

Ok, so the Opuntia showed up yesterday..kind of. I was out all morning, and when I got home there was a "sorry we missed you" note from FedEx. At first I thought it was for a shop light I had ordered for The Dungeon, and was going to just pick it up tomorrow, but then UPS showed up with the shop light a couple hours later. I'm expecting a few Mail Calls, and had to do a bit of digging, but when I realized what it was I ran out and picked it up from FedEx. I had ordered it directly from SV, and there were packets of every other aftershave that SV carries in the box, which was a very nice surprise. I already have four of them, and will be passing those packets along to a friend that I'm in the process of enabling. I was happy that it was here on time since today marks an important anniversary for me, and I was hoping to start it out with a stellar shave.

The Jernbolaget was called up for this one. This Swedish hunk of metal probably took longer than any three razors combined to hone, but the end result was completely worth it. It's been consistently sharp and smooth, and has retained it's edge with very little maintenence.

The Shave: Ok, this stuff smells amazing. I catch some of the opening notes of Aventus in it, and some AdP Colonia Intensa as well, and it is fantastic! A few swirls of a damp brush on the bloomed puck, plenty of extra hydration, and the lather was perfect. I've used the 4.3 formulation before so I knew the performance would be nothing short of excellent, and was not disappointed. The Jernbolaget cut a swath through two days of growth like the stubble wasn't even there, and three slow passes and a little clean up left me with the coveted HCBBSG. A few drops of the AS on a still damp face had my skin feeling smooth and moisturized, and two Vassily's of Intensa tied a fragrant bow around a shave that was as enjoyable as opening a Christmas present.

On to the personal stuff. Four years ago today I took my last drink of alcohol. Having an addictive personality, I had been losing a battle against alcoholism for years. To make a long story short, a loving family and a good friend(who was not afraid to look me in the eye and lay out some painful truths) helped me realize where I was headed. To make another long story short, I entered a residential program, completed it, and was asked to stay on in a helpful capacity. I've been employed at the place that was instrumental in helping me for three years now, and life is good. I thank God every day for His mercy, and for second chances. This day is marked every year to remember that I may not be the person I should be, but thanks to Him I am nowhere near the person I was. I'm incredibly grateful for the people in my life, including all of you in The Cadre, and am still blown away by how close I can feel to people who's hands I've never shaken. I've told the full story in various churches throughout the state so many times that it's easy to share a small part of it, though I hope no one reading this was made uncomfortable.

Thanks for sharing my Soberversary shave, and I hope your morning started out at least as well as mine did.

Absolutely fantastic shave! Congrats on 4 years that is a major milestone for you. I am touched by your thoughts and proud to say I can call you brother in more ways than one!
Great shave today, Eric! More importantly, congrats on the 4-year anniversary of sobriety. I've had many friends who have been swallowed by substance addiction, and the path of destruction (personal and collateral) is never pretty. It's quite an achievement to be 4 years sober, and to top it off you're helping others find their own path to sober living. From my perspective, it's an honor to count you among my friends.

This day is marked every year to remember that I may not be the person I should be, but thanks to Him I am nowhere near the person I was

The Apostle Paul put t this way:
Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

Congratulation on your 4 years of sobriety. Even better is your drive to help others to escape the same bondage.

Great shave setup, you deserve it.
I don't think anyone could be uncomfortable with what you shared. It's a story of strength, asking for help when you realized you needed it and then giving back to those that helped you. Guarantee it's respect we all feel.
A great shave to celebrate an even better day. 4 years sober is amazing. I personally know what it is like to lose a family member due to alcoholism. I am glad you are here with us.
Cvargo said:
Eric I have witnessed first hand what alcoholism can do to a family. My grandfather quitting alcohol was the best thing that ever happened to our family. You should hold your head high! 4 years is an AMAZING feat and I am confident that this time next year we will be celebrating a happy 5 years! And hey if the Cadre does Vegas and you make it i'll buy you a burger in celebration from Gordon Ramsay's Burger restaurant.

Oh yea nice shave!
Thanks Chad. I'd never turn down a burger, but you're making me hungry lol.

DocHoliday0831 said:
Absolutely fantastic shave! Congrats on 4 years that is a major milestone for you. I am touched by your thoughts and proud to say I can call you brother in more ways than one!
Thanks TJ. Looking back it doesn't seem like that long. I think it's true that the older we get, the faster time seems to move.

Dagwoodz said:
Great shave today, Eric! More importantly, congrats on the 4-year anniversary of sobriety. I've had many friends who have been swallowed by substance addiction, and the path of destruction (personal and collateral) is never pretty. It's quite an achievement to be 4 years sober, and to top it off you're helping others find their own path to sober living. From my perspective, it's an honor to count you among my friends.
Thank you Josh, the honor is mine as well, and I hope we all get a chance to meet in person eventually.

The Monkey said:
The Monkey said:
The Apostle Paul put t this way:
The Monkey said:
Congratulation on your 4 years of sobriety. Even better is your drive to help others to escape the same bondage.

Great shave setup, you deserve it.
Thanks John, I like the way Paul put it better lol.

NurseDave said:
I don't think anyone could be uncomfortable with what you shared. It's a story of strength, asking for help when you realized you needed it and then giving back to those that helped you. Guarantee it's respect we all feel.
Thank you Dave. It took a long time to get to the point of asking for help, but I'm grateful for everyone who had a hand in slapping some reality into me.

Quijote said:
A great shave to celebrate an even better day. 4 years sober is amazing. I personally know what it is like to lose a family member due to alcoholism. I am glad you are here with us.

Thanks Don, I'm glad to be here, and I'm sorry for your loss.

Many thanks to all of you. It is an honor and a pleasure to be a part of The Cadre.
Thank you Eric for counting us among your friends. It is truly an honor to count you as a friend of mine. I look forward to meeting up with you and the gang, be it in Vegas, or when I next make it to Michigan. Stay the course my Brother.
Majorrich said:
Thank you Eric for counting us among your friends. It is truly an honor to count you as a friend of mine. I look forward to meeting up with you and the gang, be it in Vegas, or when I next make it to Michigan. Stay the course my Brother.

Thank you Rich. If you're ever within 30 miles of Flint, let me know and we can get together.