The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Great reads and shaves Eric!

Great picture today!

L"Instant De Guerlain is indeed a great scent.

Smattayu said:
As for the performance of the soap: It's a CBL soap. Many artisan soapmakers across the nation who charge for their products shed tears of frustrated envy that a guy who makes soap for fun has put their best efforts to shame. Top tier all the way.
Straight razor shave #424

Pre-shave: Hot towel
Brush: Barzini
Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard
Soap: Lisa's Sample #3
Aftershave: Pitralon Classic

This was yesterday's shave. I was still SAS from the previous days shave, and could have easily skipped, but the third sample came in the mail the day before and I was itching to give it a go. From the first sniff, Pitralon Classic was the first AS that came to mind, so it was called up. I still like Swiss Pitralon the best, but the other two I have(Polar and Classic) are still excellent.

Even after the usual prep I couldn't feel much in the way of stubble on my face, so I opted for one laid back ATG pass with a tiny bit of clean up, which left me with a lovely BBS. A splash of Pitralon to finish it off and life is good.

Been able to spend a little time in The Dungeon the last few days, but not nearly as much as I'd like. Hopefully that can change soon. Thanks for reading and have a great night!
Great shave Eric. Pitralon is another that I still haven't tried.
Whew, it seems like I can spend time on other parts of the forum or in the Journals, but don't have time for both lol. Have had two straight shaves since my last entry, one more with Lisa's Sample #3, and one with B&M Reserve Lavender. Lisa's is a great soap, and I'd buy this one without hesitation. The B&M Reserve base is downright incredible, and the performance is probably in the top three shaving soaps of all time for me.

But on to the important stuff. I got off the phone with Dave, aka Xenostr8shaver, aka skypsyd a little while ago. He's doing well and hopes that things calm down enough for him to post more soon. He wasn't completely sure if everyone knew that he'd changed his user name from the other forum, so I let him know that I would make sure to announce that Xenostr8shaver is skypsyd.
clyde72 said:
Yeah like the pictures didn't give him away.

Great shaves Eric!
Dagwoodz said:
Sounds like a couple of great shaves, Eric!
Quijote said:
Nice shaves Eric. I think he was worrying unnecessarily.

Lol thanks guys. You never know, there might be that one guy that hasn't caught on yet.
Good stuff Eric. I talk with Dave regularly. The man is busy for sure. He needs a vacation.
Good Stuff Eric and Thanks for the reveal, I was trying to be incognito, LOL