In order to ensure all members (and prospective members) have easy access to the forum's Terms OF Use (TOU) we have pinned a copy here. You may view as a PDF by clicking the link embedded in the image below

Official TSC Terms of Use Rev. 02/2021
Welcome to The Shaving Cadre (TSC), this is a website created by three friends who have a
passion for all things traditional wet shaving, shooting the breeze, and other gentlemanly
pursuits. This site was created to allow more and better communication between and
amongst those who share the wet shaving hobby and those artisans & hobbyist that make
our daily ritual “that” much more enjoyable.
We are VERY excited to have you as a member of The Shaving Cadre, However we want to be perfectly clear, membership with this forum is a privilege that is granted, NOT a right or guarantee. You have no doubt noticed, our forum has NO ads - our content is not sprinkled with affiliate links and pages aren’t cluttered with banner ads. This is because, unlike other forum owners, we have chosen not to monetize our forum. Our members aren’t a source of income or profit and the content we encourage is not intended to produce paid clicks. …we don’t look at new members as dollar signs, we look at YOU as a member of our Cadre. We ask that individual members consider the fact that the forum is privately owned and the forum is not monetized as they read the following terms of use and participate in the forum on a day to day basis.
Registering for this site is completely free and we hope that you can join in on the friendly
banter, and of course adhere to the following rules set forth by the privately owned forum. Our
goal is not to be limiting in what you can and can-not say, just to encourage good
discussion and ensure the culture and tone of the forum is positive and represents the common interests of the members.
Violation of the forum rules or “Terms of Use” (TOU) in any way or for any reason, may result in your access to the forum being limited or your membership being modified, suspended or revoked.
General Forum Rules/Terms Of Use:
By accepting these terms of usage you understand that The Shaving Cadre is released of all legal liability associated with your use of this site. TSC is not responsible for comments made by its members, moderators, vendors, or hobbyists.
Due to the fact that this is a privately owned and funded website the owner’s reserve the right to delete or change any post that they do not feel complies with the terms of usage.
The ownership of TSC reserves the right to make any corrections at any time to these terms of usage. Once the change is made it is effective immediately. And all membership will be notified. How do you accept these terms? These terms are emailed to you upon signing up for the site, therefore by activating your account, every time you access your account, every time you make a post, engage in a private conversation on the site, or represent the TSC in any way you are agreeing to these terms. If any time you no longer agree to these terms please contact an owner describing why, and your membership can be revoked at any time.
TSC promises to never sell or distribute the private information that you provided to create your account when you registered.
Forum Media/TSC Media Forum Rules
The Shaving Cadre ownership strongly believes in creation of content for the members of the TSC. The TSC was the pioneer in the "Video Journal Format" and encourage you to get involved in all aspects of the Media Section. By reviewing, understanding and getting to know a few simple Terms of Usage, it will make your experience there more enjoyable and creates content for all TSC members to enjoy
Should you have any questions about your submitted videos or media please contact any of the TSC Ownership, BarberDave, Cvargo, or CBLindsay
Buy Sell Trade at The Shaving Cadre –Terms of Use & Additional Guidelines
The BST forum is intended to offer TSC members a means to engage in occasional BST transactions. TSC does not warrant or endorse any items listed in the BST forum and is not responsible for transactions that go south, or for a member not living up to their end of an agreement. This is not a storefront, and by participating in the BST forum you understand that you are doing so at your own risk. Any member appeared to use the BST forum as a personal storefront may have their access removed from the BST, suspended, or blocked.
This is a buyer beware section of the forum and the following rules apply:
You must be a registered member of TSC
There are 5 groups of members on The Shaving Cadre Forum.
Owners: There are 3 owners who work as a voting board to determine what will and will not be happening on this site. All owners carry equal vote, and most voting items can be determine by majority, however some items require a unanimous vote such as but not limited to member suspensions or banning.
Moderators: As TSC grows we will select members to assist us with moderator duties. Our moderators’ main duties revolve around driving content, ensuring that posts are adhering to the TOU, correcting posts, and basic moderator duties. If a moderator feels that a member needs disciplinary action they will refer it to the Owners who will then make the final decision. *Please note, as of the most current TOU revision there are NO moderators assigned or active on the forum.
Members: This is the life blood of our site. Your membership is ALWAYS free! It is our goal to support site operations without the use of display ads through a third party vendor, such as google ad-sense. In the future we will be able to accept donations, while not required, donations supporting site operation will be considered a “thank-you” with no special rights or
privileges granted in return.
Artisan/Vendors: The Vendor program is a paid membership that allows participating vendors significant freedoms and opportunities intended to bring value to our general membership while also providing a meaningful marketing tool to the vendor. Vendors participating in the vendor program will be allowed to direct traffic to their website, and openly discuss their products in all areas of the forum. Vendors who chose to participate as “members only” will be allowed to do so but will be asked to refrain from posting “vendor” content as described in the Vendor Program TOU.
Hobbyist: We will allow members to participate in a dedicated hobbyist section within our site. This will be a paid membership that will allow hobbyist to freely discuss and display the items they make. All sales by hobbyist MUST be conducted privately off TSC site. Only Vendors will be allowed to directly solicit sales through the website or forum. It is at the discretion of ownership whether you are a vendor or a hobbyist. Please see Hobbyist TOU posted in the Hobbyist section for complete rules and requirements
*Last updated 1/31/2021 by @The Shaving Cadre Owners

Official TSC Terms of Use Rev. 02/2021
Welcome to The Shaving Cadre (TSC), this is a website created by three friends who have a
passion for all things traditional wet shaving, shooting the breeze, and other gentlemanly
pursuits. This site was created to allow more and better communication between and
amongst those who share the wet shaving hobby and those artisans & hobbyist that make
our daily ritual “that” much more enjoyable.
We are VERY excited to have you as a member of The Shaving Cadre, However we want to be perfectly clear, membership with this forum is a privilege that is granted, NOT a right or guarantee. You have no doubt noticed, our forum has NO ads - our content is not sprinkled with affiliate links and pages aren’t cluttered with banner ads. This is because, unlike other forum owners, we have chosen not to monetize our forum. Our members aren’t a source of income or profit and the content we encourage is not intended to produce paid clicks. …we don’t look at new members as dollar signs, we look at YOU as a member of our Cadre. We ask that individual members consider the fact that the forum is privately owned and the forum is not monetized as they read the following terms of use and participate in the forum on a day to day basis.
Registering for this site is completely free and we hope that you can join in on the friendly
banter, and of course adhere to the following rules set forth by the privately owned forum. Our
goal is not to be limiting in what you can and can-not say, just to encourage good
discussion and ensure the culture and tone of the forum is positive and represents the common interests of the members.
Violation of the forum rules or “Terms of Use” (TOU) in any way or for any reason, may result in your access to the forum being limited or your membership being modified, suspended or revoked.
General Forum Rules/Terms Of Use:
- The Shaving Cadre’s number ONE rule is to behave like Ladies & Gentlemen, act with a sense of common courtesy and with integrity. Consider this the “morality clause”, refrain from behaviors, actions and/or treatment of others on the forum that is aggressive, abusive, lacking integrity (lying, cheating, stealing, etc.) or is otherwise detrimental to the forum or its members. This rule applies to ALL corners of the forum including PM’s, BST transactions, video “vlogs” mentioning or posted to The Shaving Cadre, TSC sponsored ZOOM calls and any Off-line forum sponsored events.
- We follow the golden rule here, and ask all members to do the same. Please contribute to posts, but do not derail discussion, there will be disagreements please do not make it personal. Remember the goal of the owners and “moderators” is to not have to intervene. If you see an opportunity to steer a conversation BACK on track please to do so, if you see a problem please report it.
- Please refrain from vulgar language, vulgar pictures, derogatory comments, personal attacks, etc. Failure to comply will lead to your membership being revoked.
- Only one membership allowed per person. If it is determined that you are not complying with this rule you will be banned.
- Discussion about other forums- We are very proud of OUR forum, naturally we think The Shaving Cadre offers the best/most unique forum experience on the internet…but we also understand that many of our friendships may have been built on a competitor forum and members come from forums far and wide. Because of that we ask that we all refrain from negativity directed towards these other forums, you aren’t HERE to complain about THERE. You aren’t HERE to recruit for OTHER forums either!
- The BST forum is intended to offer TSC members a means to engage in occasional BST transactions. Because the BST is offered only as a convenience to forum members, we have a STRICT limit if 1 (one) open listing in the BST forum at a time. TSC does not warrant or endorse any items listed in the BST forum and is not responsible for transactions that go south, or for a member not living up to their end of an agreement. This is not a storefront, and by participating in the BST forum you understand that you are doing so at your own risk. Any member appearing to use the BST forum as a personal storefront may have their access removed from the BST, suspended, or blocked. *see additional rules & guidelines below (will also be posted as a sticky on the BST Forum)
- Group buys must be approved by TSC ownership. TSC forum is not responsible for product performance or customer satisfaction, if a group buy is conducted through the forum the TSC is ONLY acting as a facilitator. TSC approval for a group buy does not imply TSC warranty *Buyer Beware!
- Pass Arounds- Unless explicitly stated, The Shaving Cadre (TSC) does not engage in any form of pass around, all pass arounds are conducted by individual members independent of the forum and its owners. TSC does not warrant or endorse any part of ANY pass around conducted by or among individual TSC members. Organizer/participant beware. *At this time Pass Around’s ARE allowed to be posted/conducted via open forum. Those who conduct/participate in a pass around should do so in a manner that reflects general rules #1&2.
- The TSC is not an appraisal site, but please post your finds… we want to see your mail-calls. And please, refrain from discussing or promoting active e-Bay auctions.
- Any attempts at promoting gambling, raffles or unauthorized use of this site for fund-raising is strictly prohibited, this would include, but is not limited to such things as charity events, "vote for me/someone I know in a contest", solicitations for medical treatment costs or political campaigns. This means that discussion of Kickstarter or other similar fundraising sites & their projects, unfunded projects, and pre-order projects are also prohibited. Proselytizing or posting of religious or political views in a manner that is distracting from the topic, argumentative or combative is not allowed. *We do not prohibit conversation of a religious or political nature, we just ask that all comments be constructive and remain on topic.
- Do not submit/post copyrighted materials, or pictures, content, etc. that you do not own. TSC is not responsible for, and does not assume liability for the content posted by members of this forum. If you feel an infringement has been made, contact the member that posted the material in question.
- Links to content on “competitor” forums/websites- In order to prevent potential copyright infringement, technology issues and carry-over OR bleed-over of "drama" from other shaving related forums, NO LINKS to other shaving related forums will be allowed. In addition to protecting the TSC brand, prohibiting content links to other shaving forums helps to reduce potential risks which would impact the operation of TSC forum. Copying and pasting content YOU created elsewhere or recreating/paraphrasing content and referencing other sites by name IS allowed.
By accepting these terms of usage you understand that The Shaving Cadre is released of all legal liability associated with your use of this site. TSC is not responsible for comments made by its members, moderators, vendors, or hobbyists.
Due to the fact that this is a privately owned and funded website the owner’s reserve the right to delete or change any post that they do not feel complies with the terms of usage.
The ownership of TSC reserves the right to make any corrections at any time to these terms of usage. Once the change is made it is effective immediately. And all membership will be notified. How do you accept these terms? These terms are emailed to you upon signing up for the site, therefore by activating your account, every time you access your account, every time you make a post, engage in a private conversation on the site, or represent the TSC in any way you are agreeing to these terms. If any time you no longer agree to these terms please contact an owner describing why, and your membership can be revoked at any time.
TSC promises to never sell or distribute the private information that you provided to create your account when you registered.
Forum Media/TSC Media Forum Rules
The Shaving Cadre ownership strongly believes in creation of content for the members of the TSC. The TSC was the pioneer in the "Video Journal Format" and encourage you to get involved in all aspects of the Media Section. By reviewing, understanding and getting to know a few simple Terms of Usage, it will make your experience there more enjoyable and creates content for all TSC members to enjoy
Should you have any questions about your submitted videos or media please contact any of the TSC Ownership, BarberDave, Cvargo, or CBLindsay
- ALL Videos posted on The Shaving Cadre Website, Forum, Sub Forum, or Thread; regardless of content MUST REFERENCE The Shaving Cadre Forum. This can be done by any one of the following:
- TSC branding placement ( Logo ) or item referencing the TSC (speak with TSC ownership for details ) and/or
- Mentioning the TSC or the Shaving Cadre, Verbally i.e. " you can find me on The Shaving Cadre Forum and/or
- Mentioning the website We are striving to create content for our members.
- *Please note: the best way to explain this is the analogy of TSC being a Radio or TV station and Your Video the Advertiser. You would like to advertise on the TSC, we need payment for that advertising since we are providing you the arena and audience, not to mention the organic growth your Channel or Videos. Our "Payment" is listed in Paragraph #1*
- All Content posted in the Media Forum and anywhere on the TSC should be made and posted with the primary intent to benefit the TSC members and build quality content on the TSC forum. Content not for this purpose can be spammed and/or linked to other sites which defeats the exclusivity of TSC content for its members.
- We request that videos posted must be of you shaving, (see how to post a video below) to demonstrate your way of shaving whether it be Str8's, DE, SE, etc.
- No copyrighted or offensive music, You tube offers free music.
- Other TSC content videos are allowed using the same guidelines in the subject matter posted as referenced in paragraph #1.
- Links to outside forums, video channels (other than your own), or forums that share or have similar content to The Shaving Cadre, should not be posted or mentioned (written or said). Exceptions may be made for Artisan Retailers & Hobbyist of the TSC. This includes shaving blogs and or advertisements, unless you are reviewing a Shaving product
- Requests for subscriptions and or likes will be ok as long as the content submitted completely adheres to Paragraph #1 (having a subscribe button is OK. your channel growth must be organic)
All videos posted become the property of TSC, as they appear on this site and can be used for promotional purposes as warranted. - TSC holds no claim to member's individual YouTube channels, nor takes any responsibility for content on any specific members Media page.
- You must be a member in Good Standing with at least 30 quality posts before you can post in the media forum.
- Please when shaving wear a t-shirt and or towel, you need to be fully clothed
- All Videos posted must be from a recognized source, i.e.: YouTube, Vimeo, ETC
- They must be from your owned media source
- It must not be just a link, it needs to show and be embedded
- Try to make the videos as professional as possible. Mind that you are showing to an audience of our members, and in essence representing the TSC
- On the tool bar click on the chain looking icon (Link) and paste your link in there. You will see a blue highlighted link. You can preview at this point. Once submitted your video will show in almost a full screen.
Buy Sell Trade at The Shaving Cadre –Terms of Use & Additional Guidelines
The BST forum is intended to offer TSC members a means to engage in occasional BST transactions. TSC does not warrant or endorse any items listed in the BST forum and is not responsible for transactions that go south, or for a member not living up to their end of an agreement. This is not a storefront, and by participating in the BST forum you understand that you are doing so at your own risk. Any member appeared to use the BST forum as a personal storefront may have their access removed from the BST, suspended, or blocked.
This is a buyer beware section of the forum and the following rules apply:
You must be a registered member of TSC
- In order to post in this section you must have 35 quality posts, and 30 days of membership. You also must be active in the forum. If it is determined that you are only using your membership at TSC in order to use the BST section of our site, you may lose access to the BST, have your account suspended, or be banned.
- We understand that "new" members can see the ads and MIGHT want to purchase them. This is at the discretion of person listing the ad and it is your choice if you want to take on the risk with a member who has not met the 35 posts and 30 days of membership
- You are only allowed ONE active ad at a time.
- Photos are required and that you include a handwritten note with your username and date in the photo
- Please place an asking price on the ad, do NOT go back and delete the price. Please 'no make an offer' posts. However, please understand that the potential buyer has a right to ask for a lower price, or make an offer. At that point it is between the two parties
- No negotiation in the thread. Please use the private message feature of the website
- You can use any source of your choice to engage in transfer of funds. Here at TSC we believe that, due to its buyer and seller protections PayPal is the safest method and would recommend that.
- Whichever payment method used, no party involved may ask for or agree to engage in a transaction that circumvents the rules or fees established by the payment processor regarding commercial sales transactions (BST transactions are NOT “friends and family” transactions, telling the payment processor otherwise is a LIE and not only does that expose the buyer to risk it violates TSC rule #1). It IS ok to request a specific payment method so long as it is the equivalent of a “goods and services” method.
- What items can you sell? We ask that they please correlate to the main theme of the forum. Offering to sell alcohol, tobacco, firearms, drug paraphernalia, any illegal substance, pornography, etc. is STRICTLY prohibited. There is no leniency on this rule. You break this rule you will be banned.
- NO listings to sell items that you personally made, this will be reserved for the hobbyist section
- When your item sells please contact one of the owners OR one of the one of our forum monitors to move your ad to the SOLD section
- Any ad that is more than 30 days old will be moved to the SOLD/Closed section
- If you want to re-list the item after 30 days please create a new ad
- If relisting an Item you must also updated the photo with a new handwritten date.
- Failure to comply with the above information can result in you losing access to the BST area, account suspension, or being banned.
There are 5 groups of members on The Shaving Cadre Forum.
Owners: There are 3 owners who work as a voting board to determine what will and will not be happening on this site. All owners carry equal vote, and most voting items can be determine by majority, however some items require a unanimous vote such as but not limited to member suspensions or banning.
Moderators: As TSC grows we will select members to assist us with moderator duties. Our moderators’ main duties revolve around driving content, ensuring that posts are adhering to the TOU, correcting posts, and basic moderator duties. If a moderator feels that a member needs disciplinary action they will refer it to the Owners who will then make the final decision. *Please note, as of the most current TOU revision there are NO moderators assigned or active on the forum.
Members: This is the life blood of our site. Your membership is ALWAYS free! It is our goal to support site operations without the use of display ads through a third party vendor, such as google ad-sense. In the future we will be able to accept donations, while not required, donations supporting site operation will be considered a “thank-you” with no special rights or
privileges granted in return.
Artisan/Vendors: The Vendor program is a paid membership that allows participating vendors significant freedoms and opportunities intended to bring value to our general membership while also providing a meaningful marketing tool to the vendor. Vendors participating in the vendor program will be allowed to direct traffic to their website, and openly discuss their products in all areas of the forum. Vendors who chose to participate as “members only” will be allowed to do so but will be asked to refrain from posting “vendor” content as described in the Vendor Program TOU.
Hobbyist: We will allow members to participate in a dedicated hobbyist section within our site. This will be a paid membership that will allow hobbyist to freely discuss and display the items they make. All sales by hobbyist MUST be conducted privately off TSC site. Only Vendors will be allowed to directly solicit sales through the website or forum. It is at the discretion of ownership whether you are a vendor or a hobbyist. Please see Hobbyist TOU posted in the Hobbyist section for complete rules and requirements
*Last updated 1/31/2021 by @The Shaving Cadre Owners
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