The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

What kind of roaster do you use? I'm thinking of trying out roasting, but am unwilling to shell out megabucks for a professional grade model.
I have a handheld one that looks like a perforated steel pan. I posted a video using it a while back. It has been hard to find a similar pan lately though.

I am able to do half a pound of green beans per roast without things going crazy and beans flying out. I'm working on a DIY design so i can roast more at once. I will post it in the coffee shop thread eventually once it is done and working.
I have a handheld one that looks like a perforated steel pan. I posted a video using it a while back. It has been hard to find a similar pan lately though.
Thanks, Kyle. There are some in the <$150 range on Amazon that look interesting. I just need to roast no more than a pound at a time. Green beans look to be roughly half the price of roasted, so it would eventually pay for itself.
Shave 23/OBF 6 2.7.20
Shave 24/OBF 7

A couple of good shaves were had. In fact, they were downright fantastic. I did 1 thing a little differently than normal and it seems to have had a stronger than expected effect. All i did was rinse my razor under hot water, but it made the entire shave feel dramatically smoother both during and after. I still used cold water for everything else and it started by accident as I bumped the faucet slightly to the hot side.

The soap is beginning to diminish faster than I'd have expected even with me loading the same or possibly even less. I think it's days are numbered.

In other news, I'm down 8 lbs so far. All I've done it work on my diet, gave up soda and decreased sugar intake dramatically, and began intermittent fasting. I've been averaging about 15 or 16 hours between my last meal of the day and my first of the next, with just black coffee and water in the morning. Surprisingly I haven't felt particularly hungry until just before noon most days. I'm planning to start adding in exercise this coming week. I'm going to start low impact with a tai chi program but will eventually add in strength training and some HIIT as well.

Well that's all for now, have a great weekend Cadre!
In other news, I'm down 8 lbs so far. All I've done it work on my diet, gave up soda and decreased sugar intake dramatically, and began intermittent fasting. I've been averaging about 15 or 16 hours between my last meal of the day and my first of the next, with just black coffee and water in the morning. Surprisingly I haven't felt particularly hungry until just before noon most days. I'm planning to start adding in exercise this coming week. I'm going to start low impact with a tai chi program but will eventually add in strength training and some HIIT as well.
This is great news! A lot of people don't realize that by decreasing sugars and doing some "time restricted eating" or "intermittent fasting" your hunger receptors are "deactivated." I had some things I kind of fell of the wagon this week. But back on it this weekend. Glad things are working for you!
thanks guys. It's always nice to see some quick results. Really helps to keep things moving in the right direction.

You got this @dangerousdon . No one is going to be perfect 100% of the time. just gotta get back on the horse, so to speak.
Shave 25/OBF 8

Keep the shave streak alive. The soap was spinning around in the tub as I loaded the brush. Might be about time to move it to a bowl. the blade is still going strong and aside from 1 spot that I seem to have missed my angle I'm super smooth. felt like a good day for deep woods to finish things off.
Shave 26/ OBF 9

Great shave this morning. Lather was off the charts! Had my brush a bit dryer than usual when I loaded and had to add more water than normal while lathering but the Bush just about exploded with lather.

Folks, it has been a morning. Alarm went off at 4 and I felt awful so I reset it for 5 and went back to sleep (benefit of my schedule this week is very flexible hours) woke up feeling better but still groggy. Ended up leaving the house a few minutes later than I like to but made it to work fine. Had some stuff to take care of upon arival, which is normal, before I could make myself some coffee. Well as soon soon as my coffee is finishing up someone lobbed a big one up at the proverbial fan. I still don't know what exactly happened but we have everything back to normal now.

finally, its time for coffee!
Actually, when I hear anything about utilities or computer systems having unidentifiable problems, my first though goes to a foreign group testing the system. I’m not a conspiracy guy at all, but I have no doubt some day we’re going to get hit in the infrastructure in a big way.
Actually, when I hear anything about utilities or computer systems having unidentifiable problems, my first though goes to a foreign group testing the system. I’m not a conspiracy guy at all, but I have no doubt some day we’re going to get hit in the infrastructure in a big way.
well we got it figured out now and the plus side is it was not any outside power messing around, which isn't supposed to be possible on our system anyway as it is not connected to the internet. Turned out to be human error during some maintenance that was being done.