The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

Solid Shave Kyle! And great work on the W&B! The Old Spice is always a nice scent. I almost always get a compliment when I wear it and then they are surprised to find out what it is.
I’m told the key to having chickens is not to name them. It makes it easier to eat ‘em. Name it and it becomes a pet.
I’m told the key to having chickens is not to name them. It makes it easier to eat ‘em. Name it and it becomes a pet.
I could see that helping. Don't think it would bother me to much as even named it's still not quite a "pet" to me. They serve a purpose other than companionship.

That being said my wife also can't not name an animal that is part of the household lol.

A TV reporter became lost on the back roads and stopped at a farm to get directions. As he was talking to the farmer he noticed a pig with a wooden leg. “This could be a great story for the Six O’Clock News. How did that pig lose his leg?” he asked the farmer. “Well”, said the farmer, “that’s a very special pig. One night not too long ago we had a fire start in the barn, and that pig squealed so loud and long that he woke everyone, and by the time we got there he had herded all the other animals out of the barn. Saved them all.”

“And that was when he hurt his leg?” asked the journalist anxious for a story. “Nope, he pulled through that just fine.” said the farmer. “Though a while later, I was back in the woods when a bear attacked me. Well, sir, that pig was nearby and he came running and rammed that bear from behind and then chased him off. He saved me for sure.”

“Wow! So the bear injured his leg then?” questioned the reporter. “No. He came away without a scratch. Though a few days later, my tractor turned over in a ditch and I was knocked unconscious. Well, that pig dove into the ditch and pulled me out before I got cut up in the machinery.” “Ahh! So his leg got caught under the tactor?” asked the journalist. “Noooo. We both walked away from that one.” says the farmer.

“So how did he get the wooden leg?” asked the journalist. “Well”, the farmer replied, “A pig that special shouldn’t be eaten all at once”!
SOTD 6.27.19

TSC 1st Anniversary brush "Talon"
TOBS Lavender
Thayers Coconut Water
Skin Bracer


Did my shave last night. Needed a shower before bed to help me wind down a bit which didn't end up helping much unfortunately but decided to get the shave done too so I could sleep in and extra half hour this morning. Decided to break out a soap I don't use much but really do enjoy. Lavender just isn't much of a morning scent for me.

This Kamisori and I have had a test of wills going on trying to get a good edge on it. I think this was round 3 but I think I finally nailed it. Got a very smooth shave and walked away almost perfect BBS. This is going to be sweet once I get my angles figured out. Might do a video with it next week.
SOTD 6.29.19

Gillette new SC
Shark Super Stainless (9)
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
CBL Ghost Banana
Thayers Coconut Water
Florida water


Just a nice easy shave this morning. The shark ss was starting to feel kinda rough under the jawline so I called it after the shave and binned the blade. Still 9 great shaves is pretty respectable. Walked away this morning with a DDBBS. That's Desert Dolphin for those wondering. ;)