The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

Nice job on those scales! Really steps up the Weck a notch.

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All I did on these was take them off another razor he sent and clean them a bit but thanks!
The brush looked happier in the pic, just sayin
VEry Nice Kyle! Love the look of the scales and I agree...your brush looks happier because of the Towel Strop.
This made me laugh because the picture is pre shave!
Kickin’ it in the Buick. Clint for the win!
Well folks a shave was had today but it was done by @HandleBarberDave. Got a haircut and the Italian shave and Man was it nice. This was my first experience with SV 70th and i gotta say it really does smell pretty wonderful. Unfortunately Dave forgot his video making setup so i guess i will have to "suffer" through that again another day... :cool:
Rough life. How is the Old Fart ( @HandleBarberDave ) other than BUSY ? 😜
SOTD 6/22/19

Schick J2 Injector
Schick Blade (12)
Chambers El Guapo
Thayers Coconut Water
Avon Leather


Had a good quick shave with the 'Jectah today. Walked away BBS and smelling great. The El Guapo and Avon Leather really go together very well.

Not much going on. Just working nights and hoping to get some honing done. Also going to try to get in 2 yoga workouts in tonight. we missed thursday from a family birthday dinner running longer than expected and i need to catch up.
SOTD 6.23.19

Frederick Reynolds SR 7/8
Omega boar
CBL Ghost Lime
Dickinson's witch Hazel
CFG Summer Storm AS


This is my gear that represents major aha moments in my time traditional Shaving as Challenged by @DocHoliday0831

I'll start with the razor. This razor represents the culmination of my journey to find my ideal style of SR. It's a 7/8 wedge grind with a slight smile and is narrower at the heel than the toe. It is to date my all time favorite razor I've ever used.

On to the brush. This omega is my third boar brush and the first that wasn't just super cheap from Amazon. Actually it is my first brush period that wasn't a cheap Amazon special. I still have and occasionally use my first boar (a VdH) but this is my go to for whipping up a great lather without much fuss. It just works.

The CBL Ghost Lime is the first hands down elite soap I used. I have several soaps that can check a box here and there for top level performance but this stuff checks all the boxes and my small soap collection is now more than half from

The Dickinson's witch Hazel is a relatively new addition to my routine and I have actually switched to Thayers Coconut Water most if the time but this is the first bottle of witch Hazel I tried and has made a huge impact. My face breaks out far less then it used to and I credit its skin healing properties with my ability to get solid, comfortable shaves multiple days in a row.

And last is the CFG Summer Storm AS. this one is more representative of the soap it outlasted from the only 3017 I've ever done, but is also just a great example of an AS splash that also contains great stuff for your skin. When I did the 3017 earlier this year I had yet to ever finish a soap in my nearly 6 year journey with traditional Shaving. I learned a lot from the experience and while I could probably see myself doing it again at some point (as another group thing) I now appreciate all the different soaps(and AS's) I have very differently from how I used to.

Walked away with a solid DFS+ today, didn't have as much time as I had planned on because my wife got attacked by the chickens when she went to see if there were any eggs. Somehow the got poop everywhere and she needed to shower first.
That’s just a fun mental image.

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yeah. as i was getting ready for my shower i heard one of them start singing the egg laying song( i didn't know this was a thing till we got the chickens) and my wife hadn't heard it yet so i went out to tell her. and a few minutes later she went to check and i guess they didn't like being interrupted lol.
Nice shave, Kyle. I see I'm not the only one to recently add witch hazel.

I see fried chicken in your future if they keep pooping on your wife.
SOTD 6.24.19

Wade & Butcher SR
TSC 1st anniversary brush "Talon"
CBL Iron Throne
Thayers Coconut Water
Old Spice

Got the W&B I've been working on honed up and took it for a test drive. It took a really nice edge and I am BBS today. Iron Throne was once again fantastic. the old spice kinda surprised me though. I don't remember detecting a sweetness before but today it hit me right in the nose as I applied it. Didn't take long for that to dissipate and th he familiar scent to take over but it was interesting.
