The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

muffin was great. Coffee is still being very much enjoyed. and yeah the q work is a mixed bag around here. some days you say it and it gets crazy, other days you avoid saying it and it get crazy anyway. this is one of our least busy times of the year but in about a month our monsoon season will hit and that is our most crazy season. Storms, flooding, and outages pretty much daily for a solid 2 months usually
Lol. I don't actually believe I'm that crap. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I was actually talking to my partner about hurricane season this morning. I'm hoping it's a quiet season.
Lol. I don't actually believe I'm that crap. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I was actually talking to my partner about hurricane season this morning. I'm hoping it's a quiet season.
I wish you the best of luck with that one. Ya'll deserve a break after the last few years.
SOTD 6.1.19

Frederick Reynolds SR
Razor Rock 400
A&E Revolution
Thayers Coconut Water
Avon Clint AS

Man it's hard to believe its June already. Had an overall good shave this morning. Couple of close calls withers the blade but managed to avoid taking any damage.

This soap is really nice. Scent could have been just a touch stronger but overall I like it. I had a hard time picking out any particular notes but when I put the clint on the gunpowder came through pretty strong initially. Performance was also good. Loaded a bit more than I thought but got a thick yogurty lather that was plenty slick.

SOTD 6.2.19

Gillette New SC
Shark Super Stainless (6)
Omega Boar
CBL Ghost Banana
Thayers Coconut Water
Florida Water

It's my Friday for my current set of shifts and 4am was kicking my butt so I went for a nice easy shave with th he new and some Ghost Banana to wake me up a bit. Got a great shave and walked away BBS+.


Watching some cadre Videos and drinking coffee. Good way to start the day.

See ya round folks
Happy Sunfriday! Been considering trying to swap my Fatip for a’s just a touch too aggressive for my tastes lately.
Happy Sunfriday! Been considering trying to swap my Fatip for a’s just a touch too aggressive for my tastes lately.
i suck at judging how agressive things are but for me the New is Very efficient and super smooth to use.
SOTD 6.4.19

Gillette New SC
Shark Super Stainless (7)
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
Clown Puke Soap
Thayers Coconut Water
Ultimate Osage

Didn't realize I was using the same razor as last shave till just now but hey it was yet another great combo and the Shark blade it still going strong.

Decided to use the CP today since the A&E Revolution and LNHC Haute Leather samples have been added to it. They didn't make a huge over all difference as the Ghost Pineapple is just super strong in it but the leather note did come through here and there.

The ultimate osage is amazing. It seems to me at least like the scent and cooling of the osage where just barely altered but now my face just feels amazing. Nicely hydrated but not oily or sticky. I'm loving this so far for sure.