The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

Happy Anniversary. Lets try to be clean shaven for that date huh?
SOTD 5.24.19

Frederick Reynolds SR
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
Thayers Coconut Water
Osage Rub

Well I decided to bust out the fat for the first time in ages. I know I had said before I've never gotten a bad lather from this soap but I guess there us a first for everything. Hit it with my brush wetter than I had intended so it ended up on the foamy side but it was still slick enough for the shave. Just had to reapply a bit. All in all I walked away with a solid DFS+ after dry down so I'm gonna call that a win.


Oh yeah I think I forgot to mention, this was also all done blind. Video coming soon...
Finally not alone in the blind open blade shave category! And with a genuine SR no less!

Looking forward to it man!
SOTD 5.25.19

Gillette New SC
Shark Super Stainless (5)
Omega Boar
CBL Sir Fougere
Thayers Coconut Water
CFG Summer Storm AS

Started the shave with the Kamisori I picked up a while back. I was sure it was Ready to go this time as it was just effortlessly removing arm hair but alas it did not take down the whiskers. Did a whole pass with it but it looked like I had just used a squeegee. Tagged in the New and got a fantastic shave. Solid BBS.

Starting to think i have some sort of geometric issue with the Kamisori but I'm not giving up on it just yet.

SOTD 5.26.19

Spike 4/8 SR
TSC 1st Anniversary Brush "Talon"
Chambers El Guapo
Generic WH
Avon Leather

Another shave with a freshly honed blade and this one worked out. Got this one from @CBLindsay and is a cool little razor. The edge is a bit harsh but this was first use and honestly it may have felt worse than it is because I forgot how crazy different it is to shave with a blade this narrow. You have a really small window for proper shave angle. Ended up with a solid DFS though but the AS was a legitimate home alone kinda moment. I ended up using the pre shave oil from CBL which helped my face feel better almost immediately.

Congrats on getting that blade whipped into shape. I don’t what it was with that blade but I was never going to get it Shave worthy. Union cutlery made some good blades, glad to see you were able to put this one into action.
Congrats on getting that blade whipped into shape. I don’t what it was with that blade but I was never going to get it Shave worthy. Union cutlery made some good blades, glad to see you were able to put this one into action.
Thanks Chris. It has some really wonky geometry. I'm guessing someone used it to try to learn honing or something but you had most of it pretty sharp. the toe was the hardest to get sharp since it had been muted from what it originally was. I am going to try it out against a few days growth later this week i think to make sure i am fully happy with it.
SOTD 5.27.19

Schick J2 Injector
Schick Blade (10)
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
CBL Breakfast Blend
Thayers Coconut Water
Pinaud Reserve Whiskey Woods

Woke up with a nasty headache today so opted for an easy shave. Walked away BBS but I did get a small cut on my chin. Also still got the reaction from this soap. It's not bad enough to keep me from using it and I think it is getting lesser every time so I may just need to build up a tolerance to whatever it is. Zero visible reaction though. Just that odd feeling.

Just want to add that while I don't know anyone personally that paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms but I have many friends and family that serve/served and have lost people. I have the utmost respect for all those people and I only hope that I can live in a way that respects those sacrifices.
SOTD 5.31.19

Union Cutlery Spike 4/8 SR
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
@LNHC Haute Leather
Generic WH
Avon Leather

Got a couple samples in from the Library yesterday so I thought I'd take one for a spin. Lisa did an absolutely amazing job on the scent with this one. I will have to pick up a full tub of this goodness. Performance was also top notch.

The spike got to come out today to test how it handles a few days growth. It did a great job. I am almost fully BBS except a couple spots under my jaw that I have to figure out how to get at when using a spike point and not slice myself open.


Hoping for a quiet Friday. It's my Monday and I'm also the only one in my office today. But my coffee just finished brewing and I have a muffin to go with it so I'm gonna go enjoy those.

Have a great day Cadre!
Hoping for a quiet Friday. It's my Monday and I'm also the only one in my office today. But my coffee just finished brewing and I have a muffin to go with it so I'm gonna go enjoy those.
That's a good looking setup. You said the q word! Hope you enjoyed your muffin and coffee.
That's a good looking setup. You said the q word! Hope you enjoyed your muffin and coffee.
muffin was great. Coffee is still being very much enjoyed. and yeah the q work is a mixed bag around here. some days you say it and it gets crazy, other days you avoid saying it and it get crazy anyway. this is one of our least busy times of the year but in about a month our monsoon season will hit and that is our most crazy season. Storms, flooding, and outages pretty much daily for a solid 2 months usually