The Shaving Cadre

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uacowboy's razor rodeo

My wife won't let me raise anything for eggs....................................But I get all the soap I want pretty much so I'll settle for that 🤪
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We are seriously discussing getting some chickens and a few ducks. Mainly because the sustainability of our egg consumption is expensive at the store and the oldest boy wants to try his hand at 4H so chickens are the easiest beginning animal to raise.

I personally go through at least a dozen eggs a week and my wife eats probably a half dozen or so herself. I have eaten as many as two and a half dozen in a week...though that's not normal. I don't buy the cheapest ones either. I have some egg standards and I will always look for pasture raised organic first. Then just pasture range...and then cage free. I won't buy anything below cage free and always Organic if they have it. A happy Chicken makes a Happy and nutritious egg!

That would be a great way for the kids to learn...though if I had to guess your kids are pretty well adjusted as it is. Once the ducks get to a egg laying age and weight...they will out produce your chickens. I believe that chickens are on a slightly longer laying cycle (25 - 28 hours) than ducks. But I could be wrong on that. Either should save you a good bit of money and if you get enough eggs you could always sell them at the local farmers market or just sell them on call.
I personally go through at least a dozen eggs a week and my wife eats probably a half dozen or so herself. I have eaten as many as two and a half dozen in a week...though that's not normal. I don't buy the cheapest ones either. I have some egg standards and I will always look for pasture raised organic first. Then just pasture range...and then cage free. I won't buy anything below cage free and always Organic if they have it. A happy Chicken makes a Happy and nutritious egg!

That would be a great way for the kids to learn...though if I had to guess your kids are pretty well adjusted as it is. Once the ducks get to a egg laying age and weight...they will out produce your chickens. I believe that chickens are on a slightly longer laying cycle (25 - 28 hours) than ducks. But I could be wrong on that. Either should save you a good bit of money and if you get enough eggs you could always sell them at the local farmers market or just sell them on call.

We go through 1-3 dozen a week at our house depending on what breakfast kick I am on. We have been getting them from either the farmers market or a family we know that raises chickens. I love eggs and feel like the nutritional value of them far outweighs any perceived health risk.
We go through 1-3 dozen a week at our house depending on what breakfast kick I am on. We have been getting them from either the farmers market or a family we know that raises chickens. I love eggs and feel like the nutritional value of them far outweighs any perceived health risk.

The health risks from egg consumption is, for the most part, a thing of the past. Most doctors, unless they are living in the 80s and 90s, understand now that dietary cholesterol from eggs does not raise serum cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. I think even Time magazine had an article about it a long time ago. I call eggs "nature's multi-vitamin." Though that isn't exactly true. But it is almost like having a cmplete meal wrapped up into one little contained thing. Good source of protein and good fats. Plus the Omega 3s are great for heart health and bring your Triglycerides down and improve your HDL cholesterol. Now...liver really is nature's multivitamin. but I won't get into that. I hope you get the chickens and ducks!

And sorry Kyle for hijacking your thread!
No worries folks. We go through aot of eggs too. Part of why we decided to get the chickens. Plus having the kids help as they can.
I was reading about the green snot soap not being available any more and then I think the channel flipped to barber Dave's journal and the country music started.
I personally go through at least a dozen eggs a week
Man, I eat 8 eggs a day during the week (4 for breakfast and 4 for lunch), and usually just 4 for breakfast on the weekends. That's 4 Dozen per week for just me! I wish I had time for Chickens or Ducks.....
Man, I eat 8 eggs a day during the week (4 for breakfast and 4 for lunch), and usually just 4 for breakfast on the weekends. That's 4 Dozen per week for just me! I wish I had time for Chickens or Ducks.....
Depending on your setup it's not all that time intensive after the initial setup and raising them. If you can set them up with a large area they can be almost self sufficient as far as food. Biggest thing is preadators and clean water.
I was reading about the green snot soap not being available any more and then I think the channel flipped to barber Dave's journal and the country music started.
Btw you may want to sniff only on this one when I send them(hopefully tomorrow). This has a good bit of menthol in it.
We go through two dozen eggs a weeks at our house. Sometimes closer to 3. We would also go for chickens but I don't know what to do with them in the winter.
Man you guys go through a lot of eggs. I see barber Dave starting up a side business. TSC Chicken Ranch and Eggery.
That being said I am trying minimize waste of it so since I had so much extra lather I decided to try my hand at painting, @Blade-meister style! Between that and the awesome Lime AS from Stirling I smell absolutely fantastic as I lay here typing.


Been off forum for a bit, so I'm late to the conversation. Glad you tried your hand at mammoth painting. It works doesn't it?
SOTD 5.22.19

Frederick Reynolds SR
TSC 1st anniversary brush "Talon"
Dr. Jon's Big Green Monster
Thayers Coconut Water
Stirling Lime AS

Well it only took 3.5 days but I got to shave again. Had to be quick because the kids were getting restless so I called it good with a 2 pass DFS.


Yesterday was our 8 year anniversary. Didn't get to do much but I did make a pork tenderloin for dinner that came out amazing and in a few weeks we are going to do our anniversary date and see Dark Phoenix(my wife's request) which we are both hoping will be good. Phoenix is probably my wife's absolute favorite comic book character and from what I have seen they are already doing this one better than the previous version. Here's hoping.
Happy anniversary dude! You picked a winner if she chose Dark Phoenix to go see on date night...or at least had a spot of extreme luck! :ROFLMAO: