The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

SOTD 5.15.19

AoS Dovo SR
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
Dr. Jon's Big Green Monster
Thayers Coconut Water
Skin Bracer

Was short on time this morning. Mostly because I was just moving slow. I really hate 4am alarms lol. Kept it to a 2 pass DFS today.


Well one more day after today and I'm on my long off. Looking like we have a busy weekend ahead with something planned every day if not multiple things. Hopefully I will win bingo tomorrow and not have to worry about finding calls all weekend. :LOL:
I definitely don’t have the strength to survive another round of TSC bingo, you guys are crazy.

As far as duck eggs go they really are pretty much the same as chicken eggs. They have bigger more dense yolks which adds richness to baked goods but doesn’t change the stand alone cooked egg much. The shell is tougher and they are a bit bigger. My stupid ducks will occasionally lay an egg in the pond or the mud ...not eating those. I guess one of the initial turn offs was that the duck eggs are always dirty looking while a fresh chicken egg looks clean.
Good read. I am not sure we are going to have a winner any time soon. I mean I am even putting the calls right out in the open and still nothing!
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Good read. I am not sure we are going to have a winner any time soon. I mean I am even putting the calls right out in the open and still nothing!
hey now, i have found them all. you just need to call the right numbers!
Also i think that one is broken
SOTD 5.16.19

Gillette New SC
Shark Super Stainless (4)
Omega Boar
Dr. Jon's Big Green Monster
Thayers Coconut Water
Avon Deep Woods

Speed was the name of the game this morning. My son woke us up at 3 and I didn't get to lay back down until 330 so I pushed my alarm back to 415. Even with that I was ready for work and out the door at my normal time and I got a great BBS shave with no issues. I can see how this blade got the 100 pack rating from @Cvargo. Even on shave 4 it is still super smooth and wicked sharp.

Well it's finally my Friday. This is always the hardest set of shifts for me. But I'll be off for the next 7 days so there's that.
SOTD 5.18.19

Schick J2 injector
Schick blade (9)
RR 400
Dr. Jon's Big Green Monster
Thayers Coconut Water
Stirling Lime AS w/ menthol

Late night shave for me tonight, more on why later.
The shave was excellent. I am absolutely BBS. I ended up bowl lathering tonight since my tub is getting low enough for loading to be a pain. Especially since I made 2 samples of it to send into the Library. This really is my absolute favorite scent so far but since they no longer make it I am just going to use it up rather than have it sit for ages because I want it to last. That being said I am trying minimize waste of it so since I had so much extra lather I decided to try my hand at painting, @Blade-meister style! Between that and the awesome Lime AS from Stirling I smell absolutely fantastic as I lay here typing.


Well today was a busy day. Started off make breakfast before the wife and kids went to run an errand and I started some chores around the house. Ended up mostly doing work in the back yard which I hadn't planned but needed to be done. Had intended to go out for 15 min and was out for about 4 hrs. For that I got a bit burned but the Thayers has aloe so I rubs that on and it helps a lot. Also didn't wear gloves but that was a choice. I my work gloves seem to have become embedded with splinters of fiberglass. I didn't have a spare so I opted to go with out today. Got one blister that also popped, and I should note that I still used an as with alchohol and @Cvargo it was totally worth it 😁. After that my wife had to do a few things sans kids so I had them and we went to the park for a bit and got food on the way home. They passed out really easy tonight and I am sure I will soon join them.

Good night Cadre, and see ya'll tomorrow.
Super busy yesterday! I tend to have those days also when you need to do a bit of work out side and you come in and it's time to eat dinner! It happens to the best of us. In doing a little catching up...I saw the conversation about duck eggs.

I eat duck eggs pretty regularly. Other than size...the biggest differences between duck and chicken eggs are that duck eggs have a higher amount of fat in general, which is what really makes them much richer. The other thing is they have a much better Omega 3 fatty acid profile. But I think (and this is just my opinion) is that you typically don't have commercially raised ducks that produce commercially harvested duck eggs. So the ducks have a better diet than the chicken hens that never see the outside of a cage and are only eating feed. If I had to bet, I would say that a pasture raised chicken hen that has a large plot of land available to them for foraging and finding all sorts of bugs, worms, grubs, stone, soil, and some grain will lay an egg that has a similar Omega 3 profile as a egg laid by a duck.

Anyway...I get duck eggs from my niece who has a few ducks. Nothing big. Her ducks pretty much eat what they can find in her yard. Bugs, grubs, worms, frogs, lizards, mice, whatever is outside. She will supplement with meal worms and other organic things for them.

My sister in law at any given time has about 12 ducks. She has a big pen that her ducks mostly stay in. They will get out during the day from time to time, and really just eat bugs and such and then go back to the pen when they are satisfied. She has a big coop that she built and puts them up every night. They pretty much just took to going in the coop after a couple times of training. But now when a new duck is introduced, they others just get it in line. She has had a couple mishaps with coyotes, but all in all...she raises some pretty healthy ducks.

I personally wish I was able to raise a few I love those duck eggs!