The Shaving Cadre

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uacowboy's razor rodeo

SOTD 5.9.19

Frederick Reynolds SR
VdH boar brush
CBL Breakfast Blend
Thayers Coconut Water

So today was a bit of a special day for me as far as shaving goes. I was recently trying to figure out when I had purchased something from Amazon and came across the date I made my first traditional shaving purchase. That was today back in 2013. It was a VdH starter set with brush bowl and soap, a super cheap strop, and a Gold Dollar straight razor. This is the same brush and while I have the soap and bowl still, it has just been my brush cleaning soap for a while now, so I went with the Breakfast Blend again. This time I still felt that odd warming sensation but it was much less than last time. Overall a good shave was had.

SOTD 5.13.19

Gillette New SC
Shark Super Stainless (3)
Ever Ready w 2 band badger
TOBS Sandalwood soap
Generic WH
Skin Bracer
Stirling Sandpiper Edt

Didn't get to shave over the weekend but man did this morning make up for it. Soap smelled great and gave me a nice slick lather. I think for me slickness is really my #1 property I look for in soaps. Especially since I regularly use a straight.
Would have called it a grail shave today except I nailed the mole on my chin again.


Had a good weekend with the family. And we actually had rain Saturday AND Sunday. My wife had a minor procedure done Friday morning and had to take it easy over the weekend but her, my son, my MIL and BIL went on a double mother-son date to see Detective Pikachu that afternoon and my Daughter and I had Chick-fil-A and got the oil changed in my wife's SUV. Saturday was pretty much a stay at home day but I did run out to BWW per request and found out the have a limited time GOT sauce called Dragon Fire. Its pretty good. Sunday we woke up to one of our chickens crowing(it was his first attempt so it sounded really pathetic lol) so we has to give him away because we aren't allowed roosters in city limits, but when I went out I found one of the other chickens had died in the night for some unknown reason. Looked otherwise healthy. We are guessing that was what caused the crowing to start. We still have 4 hens who should start laying in the next month or two and we are thinking about picking up 3 more chicks this weekend. After all that fun I made Chorizo breakfast burritos (wife's favorite) and that afternoon we saw Ugly Dolls. It was alright. Kids enjoyed it.

Now I'm back at work and need to make my coffee so I'll see you guys around.
SOunds like a great weekend was had. We are probably taking our kids to that movie soon. We have plans for the zoo on Saturday but if the rains hit like expected it will be a movie day instead.
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So is the thing that you aren't sure if they are hens or roosters until they are older?
So is the thing that you aren't sure if they are hens or roosters until they are older?
yeah unless you pay to have them DNA tested you can get sexed chicks but it is still only 90% accurate. in our case we got 6 chicks and 1 ended up being a Rooster. after they are a couple days old you really can't tell for most breeds untill they get to be 3+ months old. we were 99% sure that one was a rooster from his physical traits but the crowing was the final confirmation.
SOTD 5.14.19

Schick J2
Schick Blade (8)
TSC 1st Anniversary Brush "Talon"
Dr. Jon's Big Green Monster
Generic WH
Osage Rub

Just a quick shave with the 'Jectah before work. Shave ended up with a bit of a Green theme to it. I'm actually thinking about just sticking with this soap till I kill it. I have about a half dollar size hole in the middle so it'd probably only be a week or 2. We will see. For sure I'll finish the week with it.

Never fails, there's always at least one rooster in the bunch. Bummer about the hen. Our flock-o-fun is getting smaller and we don't have the option to add to it because we are in a newcastle hotzone. I am a little put off by the idea of eating duck eggs but my ducks are always strong and when you end up with a male or two they stay pretty quite.
yeah they don't have any restrictions on the male ducks that i am aware of here. just roosters and guinea fowl. I don't think i'd have an issue eating duck eggs unless they just have a very different taste that doesn't agree with me. Good luck with your flock though. sounds like the newcastle has been hitting Cali pretty hard. I heard we even had a case in AZ a month or so ago when someone smuggled some chickens from there. Luckily is stayed isolated for now it seems.
I’ve always wanted to try duck and goose eggs. I’ve been told duck eggs taste about the same as chicken.
as long as you train them young where home for the night is and have a nesting area for them they probably would be fine. I'm not sure if you have to clip their wings for domestic ducks or not. if you do they can't fly anyway. We had some when i was a kid but just for the experience of raising them. once they were big enough they were release to our pond and they actually migrated and came back for a few years. I think ducks have a strong sense of where home is.