For anyone interested in what was done, our electric transmission supplier had a load tap changer(LTC) get stuck at -10. An LTC adjusts the voltage coming from a substation transformer in small amounts to account for loading and keeping the voltage in the proper range. They can tap from -16 to +16 where anything over zero raises the voltage and less than zero lowers it. -10 was way lower than it should have been and in order to fix B5 it the transmission supplier needed to totally de-energize the transformer. That was all yesterday so we set up switching to move all of our load off of that substation to a different one for the weekend. And repairs are scheduled for Monday. My job was to help come up with the switching plan and the run it over the radio in coordination with crews in the field. Some things I can control from my computer in the office and others have to be done on site. Plus side is everything ran pretty smooth and according to plan but it is a pretty big task for sure.