The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

My shave this morning

Dr. Jon's Big Green Monster
Omega boar brush
John Williams razor
Witch Hazel
Osage Rub

Wanted to try the Composer again but with a soap I know well. It was a very good shave. BBS everywhere but my jawline and that almost never gets it due to the awkward angle it would require, but still DFS there.

I always forget how much sound a full hollow makes as you shave. It's like you can hear each hair scream as its mowed down.

Also here is the stamp on the razor. Sounds like it is about 100 years old.

Maybe it’s not the hairs screaming, but the symphony playing to the Composer

I like it
That soap, I couldn't pull that out to use looking at the label.
That soap, I couldn't pull that out to use looking at the label.

yeah, but it smells fantastic and lathers up pretty well for me. it may be the first soap i actually finish, aside from the 3017 coming up in Jan.
My shave from this morning,

Chiseled Face Cryogen
Tweezerman badger brush
George Wostenholm 8/8
Witch Hazel
Aqua Velva Ice Blue

Needed a good wake up shave so I grabbed the cryogen. Also decided to use the tweezerman brush that was my second badger brush. My dogs got the first one but they were both cheap Amazon specials. For a cheap brush it makes a very solid lather but does feel a bit scratchy on the face. Haven't done a bowl lather in a while so I grabbed what was originally packaged as a microwave egg cooker but has a glazed but rough finish inside. Works great. This is the first use of Geo since I refreshed the edge and it was fantastic. 2 pass 75% BBS, no time for cleanup today. The ice blue finished everything up nicely.

My cheapo brush to go are the stirling brushes. Give them a whirl and you won't be disappointed.
This morning's shave:

FR straight
MW coconut sandalwood
Whipped Dog badger brush(finally remembered)
Witch Hazel
Florida Water

Decided to try the MW from the Monkey again today, but this time bowl lathering. It whipped up great in the bowl but at soon as I started putting it on my face it began to break down. I really like the smell of this soap but it just isn't performing well for me. Only did a 1 pass SAS in part because all the lather disappeared from my brush and also because my kids woke up as I started my shave and wanted breakfast. Just didn't feel like rebuilding the lather again at that point. Blade was great. This was my first use of the Florida Water and I gotta say I like it a lot.

Today's shave, brought to you in part by Sharp's!

AoS Dovo SR
TOBS sandalwood
Omega boar brush
Witch Hazel
Osage Rub

Got my PIF box from Sharps in a couple days ago so I figured it was a good time to try some of it out.

The AoS Dovo is a beautiful blade and it gave a DFS today with 2 passes. The edge was tugging a bit though so I will be getting a meeting with my hones soon. The TOBS mystery soap is definitely sandalwood smells just the their sandalwood cream I used to have. It lathered up very well for me no problem. Now I just need to start in on those Brush handles. Where are yall liking knots from these days?

Today's shave, brought to you in part by Sharp's!

AoS Dovo SR
TOBS sandalwood
Omega boar brush
Witch Hazel
Osage Rub

Got my PIF box from Sharps in a couple days ago so I figured it was a good time to try some of it out.

The AoS Dovo is a beautiful blade and it gave a DFS today with 2 passes. The edge was tugging a bit though so I will be getting a meeting with my hones soon. The TOBS mystery soap is definitely sandalwood smells just the their sandalwood cream I used to have. It lathered up very well for me no problem. Now I just need to start in on those Brush handles. Where are yall liking knots from these days?

I am dying to see how it performs for you after you give it a good home.

As for knots I am a little snobbish. I have heard amazing things about envy knots.

Are you thinking Badger Boar or Synthetic?
\n\nI am dying to see how it performs for you after you give it a good home. \n\nAs for knots I am a little snobbish. I have heard amazing things about envy knots. \n\nAre you thinking Badger Boar or Synthetic?
\nFair warning I have an Envy Shave Luxury Silver Tip that won\'t quit shedding. I wouldn\'t buy another one myself.
I have a synth knot from TGN that i picked up for something that didn't happen a few years ago that has just been sitting around that looks to be the right size for the Pilson. On the other 2 i was thinking one in maybe a 2 band badger and the other in boar. I think the 500 BN would look great with a boar knot in addition to just being completely contradictory to what it was to begin with. Unless there is someone out there making a part badger part synth knot that performs well.