The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

Slow drain I think is part of the battle of wetshaving. Mine has slowed down. I need to get some drain remover.
I've had similar issues Kyle, but I've found that running the water very hot after the shave helps to keep things from building up. It's not good for your pipes to continuously use Draino. I've heard of using a vinegar/peroxide mix periodically helps but I've never tried it. I've also heard that keeping hair clips out of the drain helps too 😂😂😂
There's another solution: buy short plastic plumber's snakes at a hardware store or Amazon. Some drain de-cloggers include them. They work very well at snagging hairballs and such.
Thanks guys. Yeah I have used the short drain snakes before but I couldn't find any so I need to pick more up I guess.
SOTD 5/2/19

Gillette New SC
Shark Super Stainless (2)
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
CBL Oud Minéral
Thayers Coconut Water
Skin Bracer
Stirling Sandpiper Edt

Well I started the shave off with the Kamisori but I didn't get the edge right. I was cutting hair but not well or comfortable so I switched to the New. Ended up with a great BBS shave. Felt like having a little extra scent today so I used the sample from the anniversary brush. Good stuff for sure.

Sorry no pic today I managed to accidentally delete it earlier.
Did you show a pic after you cleaned up your kamisori?
SOTD 5/3/19

Schick J2 w/Schick blade
Omega Boar
CBL Ghost Banana
Thayers Coconut Water
Florida Water

Had a great shave this morning. The Ghost Banana seemed a bit thirsty this morning but I gave it what it needed and got a fantastic lather. Another BBS shave in the books.


So yesterday I was asked to come in a half hr early today because of some work that needed to start earlier than normal. So I was up at 330 to start my day and it's been pretty busy since then. Plus side all the work done today should ensure a more quiet weekend since it removed some malfunctioning equipment from the system.

For anyone interested in what was done, our electric transmission supplier had a load tap changer(LTC) get stuck at -10. An LTC adjusts the voltage coming from a substation transformer in small amounts to account for loading and keeping the voltage in the proper range. They can tap from -16 to +16 where anything over zero raises the voltage and less than zero lowers it. -10 was way lower than it should have been and in order to fix it the transmission supplier needed to totally de-energize the transformer. That was all yesterday so we set up switching to move all of our load off of that substation to a different one for the weekend. And repairs are scheduled for Monday. My job was to help come up with the switching plan and the run it over the radio in coordination with crews in the field. Some things I can control from my computer in the office and others have to be done on site. Plus side is everything ran pretty smooth and according to plan but it is a pretty big task for sure.

Thanks for reading.
SOTD 5/4/19

Pre-shave: CBL pre-shave oil

Gem 1912 w/ gem blade (?)
"Talon" TSC First Anniversary Brush
CBL Breakfast Blend
Thayers Coconut Water
Pinaud Clubman

Got my soaps in yesterday so I had to use the Breakfast Blend this morning. I absolutely love this scent. Of the tub smells a bit sweet and even almost creamy for just black coffee but once you lather it, man it's nice. Much more like a good cup of black coffee. About halfway through the first pass I did start to feel a "warming" sensation. It remained mild but was odd. Almost like the exact opposite of a cooling agent. It could have been the pre shave oil too I suppose but I'm not sure. I have never had a reaction from a soap before so I hope this wasn't that. My face was a bit red after the shave but that was gone after a minute or two, as was the feeling I was getting. I guess we will see what happens next time I use it cause like @NurseDave with his lemon soap. I can handle it for the scent and performance.

As for the rest I think I am going to bench the GEM 1912 for a while. Got a great shave but it's just not as fun to use. I will also probably be rePIFing the MMOC for the same reason.


Anyway I'm back at work and it's time for some breakfast and coffee.

Have a great day Cadre!
Interesting. I should use that one this morning to see if I get tingling from that too. I would surprise me if I did.
Hope the "warming" sensation is nothing more than what it is. Would be a shame for you to like the scent so much and not be able to use the soap.