The Shaving Cadre

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uacowboy's razor rodeo

Finish looks good to me Kyle! I need to look into getting my grandfather’s straight restored.

You have to be close to see them. I would think I was causing them but they are diagonal to the direction I was sanding. Just out of curiosity what kind of razor is you grandfathers?
Very nice. Those are supposed to be really good shavers. I have never used one but hear good things. Looks like the scales were changed out. The original would have been celluloid which is a plastic that off glasses as it ages and will eat steel. If those are bone scales that should be relatively easy to clean up.
Thanks Kyle. Yeah from what I read The scales were likely changed out at some point. I think sort of adjustment needs to be made to the placement of the blade because it doesn’t close smoothly. It must be crooked somewhere because you have to guide it in between or it will rub on one side.
Thanks Kyle. Yeah from what I read The scales were likely changed out at some point. I think sort of adjustment needs to be made to the placement of the blade because it doesn’t close smoothly. It must be crooked somewhere because you have to guide it in between or it will rub on one side.
That is one of the biggest challenges in making scales. I haven't messed with bone yet but with it being rigid I can see it being especially challenging. Using a wedge instead of a spacer helps in wood and horn because it flexes them a bit but bone probably can handle that.
SOTD 1/29/19

Assured Razor and blade from $tree
Ever Ready w/ Two Band Badger
Arko as pre-shave
CFG Summer Storm
CFG Summer Storm AS

first use with the dollar tree razor. Video is uploading. It actually went very well. No irritation and a 2 pass DFS+. Did nick my lip at the very end but that was on me.

Also had some interesting QC so here are some pics of that
No shave today but I did want to make a quick post on the life side of things. My wife went into the ER last night and was determined to have had an infection that went septic. She was admitted and is there tonight as well. Antibiotics seem to have gotten that under control but some her tests are coming back weird and they are not sure why and she is in a decent amount of pain. The hope is she can come home tomorrow but we aren't sure. I will probably be around in the evenings while I'm putting the kids to bed and such but less during the day. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.
No shave today but I did want to make a quick post on the life side of things. My wife went into the ER last night and was determined to have had an infection that went septic. She was admitted and is there tonight as well. Antibiotics seem to have gotten that under control but some her tests are coming back weird and they are not sure why and she is in a decent amount of pain. The hope is she can come home tomorrow but we aren't sure. I will probably be around in the evenings while I'm putting the kids to bed and such but less during the day. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Praying they find out the cause and she comes to a swift recovery! Sorry to hear!
Prayers most definitely sent your way. Don't worry about us. We are not important. Focus on your family and I, as well as the rest of us around here, will be hoping and praying for full and swift recovery!
You have my prayers as well. Take care of the wife and kids. We'll all keep KY Dave in line
Sorry to hear that brother. Sepsis is actually one of my major projects currently. Glad she is in and getting care. Hope everything turns around quickly. Don't forget to bring the latest People magazine for her!