The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

SOTD 1/24/19

AoS Dovo SR
Pilson w/ TGN synth
CFG Summer Storm
CFG Summer Storm AS

was feeling pretty groggy this morning but it's my last day shift for the week. Another good shave. Soap seemed to fight me this morning, I think I may have squeezed a but to much water out of the brush, but I got it whipped up in the end. Glad the handle has that little necked and flare at the bottom. Soap went everywhere once it was whipped up. Walked away with an almost perfect BBS.
Started loosing my voice yesterday afternoon so we will see if I'm up for a video tomorrow.
Man the sickness has been hitting everyone this last week! Hope you pull out of it sooner than later!
Haha thanks guys. I haven't felt sick at other than the voice. Seems better than it was. We will see tomorrow.
Wish everyone would wash their hands and clean their keyboards.......

Good point. And scrub your screens clean after watching the shave videos.
SOTD 1/26/19

Microtouch One w/ Voskhod (6)
Omega Boar
CFG Summer Storm, CBL The Shaving Cadre, Chambers El Guapo
Florida Water

Did my 3 soaps 1 bowl shave today. Voice is better but still not great. You can check it out once the video is done uploading. Voskhod blade saw its final use today. Could feel it pulling and was not as comfortable so I binned it after the shave. Came out DFS+/BBS- and a tiny bit of irritation.

On the soaps i may need to revisit this again. I thought I had more than enough soap but may have been a bit light. It was very thin but slickness and post were still fantastic. I don't normally bowl lather much and even then I still load off the puck so that may have been it. Scent wise I feel like the CBL disappeared. The other two came together into a while new profile that was absolutely amazing. Both fresh and yet dark. And lightly sweet. Think old growth forest after a heavy rain.

SOTD 1/27/19

Wade&Butcher 6/8
Pilson w/ TGN synth
CFG Summer Storm
Osage Rub

Did a speed shave today. Could have been faster but got a solid DFS+ in about 6.5 min and just a couple minor nick's and no irritation.

Also just finished the rescale and ho ing on this razor last night. This horn is weird. The more I tried to sand it smooth the more little pockets seemed to open up. I am very happy with the shape but but less so the finish due to that issue.