The Shaving Cadre

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uacowboy's razor rodeo

I guess the MMOC carries a certain stigma with it? I know nothing about them, but let the bloodbath begin

So it would seem. I have a Gem 1912 that works well for me but it isn't OC so we will see how it goes.
SOTD 2/4/19

CFG Summer Storm (22)
CFG Summer Storm AS

Well today's shave was interesting. You can definitely feel the blade in this one and I probably didn't do myself any favors using it after my shave yesterday. The MMOC is a lot heavier than t by e assured razor and much more aggressive. Pretty sure I just way to much pressure in addition to my fave possibly not fully healed from the scraping yesterday. Opened up several weepers that looked to be in the same spots as yesterday AND I took a piece off of the small mole on my chin. Face feels raw but I did get a 2 pass BBS but a few hrs later i can feel some hairs just starting to come back.

I will give my face a couple days or so and try this again.

Video is uploading and will be posted soon.
Glad the wife is on the mend. Doesn't sound like the alternative would have been very nice either. But she is hoe and that is all that matters!

Don, Show some class. God mercy the women just got home.

Hey Kyle, Sorry I missed this the last couple days. I am glad all is on the mend. Thoughts are with you guys.
I'm so glad you didn't make terrible sushi than I did on my first try!

yeah, while there was some blood today i really have to wonder how much was this razor and how much was due to the previous shave. we will find out on wednesday or thursday.
I forgot I was gonna get y'alls opinion on these last night but forgot to post. How do you like the looks of these scales for this razor?
I am working on finishing them right now but input would be most appreciated toward future projects.
I like the look Kyle. My only suggestion would be a darker finish, but that’s just my preference. Otherwise I think they're a good fit.
The MMOC is a beast! I have tried using it several times and I can NEVER get the right amount of pressure! And I really like the look of those scales!
I like the look Kyle. My only suggestion would be a darker finish, but that’s just my preference. Otherwise I think they're a good fit.

I got it all finished and pinned last night. I will get pics later today. The finish darkened it up a bit and i think it may be my best set of scales yet. I'm a bit disappointed it the color of the wood. This is pink ivory but as i worked the wood it seemed like all the pink disappeared.
Great job on the scales! It's kind of a bummer about the color, but you can still see some pink in it.
The scales look great, Kyle. I see pink hues, but of course I'm red-green color blind to a degree, so they could be green for all I know.
Thanks guys. Can't wait to get this one across the hones and give it a test drive.
SOTD 2/7/19

MMOC w/ Gem blade(2)
Omega boar
CFG Summer Storm
CFG Summer Storm AS

Ok second shave with the MMOC went way better. Made sure to ride the cap and man was it a smooth shave. Messed up in a couple spots and got bit but they were some challenging areas angle wise. Also hit the mole again. Seems like I when I hit that I can't miss it for several shaves. Overall a mostly BBS shave with a bit of scattered DFS.

Will probably get my opposite shave in on Tuesday. Going to use the microtouch for that I think. Should be fun.
What ! Why not another spin with the MMOC for the opposite shave

Yeah don't have a death wish at the moment.

Stoped in to see XenoDave for a haircut today. He says hello to everyone and he will be around more once he graduates in 2 weeks.

Also he says he will hit his 3 soaps Challenge then as well.