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TSC Family Pets Thread

But now I need to figure out how to feed the darn thing when we are out of town! I didn't think this through LOL.

Exactly why I don't have many other pets I'd like to have. I need low maintenance pets. I can leave for a few days and don't need to worry about my tarantulas, snakes, fish, or even my cat. I could be gone for a month and not worry about the tarantulas or snakes.....
Exactly why I don't have many other pets I'd like to have. I need low maintenance pets. I can leave for a few days and don't need to worry about my tarantulas, snakes, fish, or even my cat. I could be gone for a month and not worry about the tarantulas or snakes.....

Yup cats are easy too! We invested in an auto feeder so basically we just have to have someone stop in every 3 days to change the water and the litter. I suppose the whole gecko cage might go to the in-laws when we go out of town. They have snakes and tarantulas so one extra cage for a week probably wouldn't be a big deal.
Low maintenance pets are great...but for me, ever since I was a little one, life Just is never the same without a good dog!
Low maintenance pets are great...but for me, ever since I was a little one, life Just is never the same without a good dog!
Been wanting a dog for a long time. But living by myself, and frequently traveling for a week at a time for work, it just isn't practical.
We went about 2 years without a dog after our previous pup passed away from cancer. Sure love having a dog again. Thankfully most of our vacations this year have been camping so we just take her with us.
Chris, is that a Sulcata?
Yes, a VERY young Sulcata. Our older one got very ill over the winter and never recovered, my wife was pretty heart broken so she quickly found another. There is a place in Las Vegas that raises several varieties of tortoise, she had them mail "it" to us. It was only a couple weeks old when we got it. We will probably get a Russian Tortoise too but probably not until next year.
ROFL I meant to say gecko. I thought chameleon was cool but didn't want to spend that much on a first time lizard.

You spent money on a gecko? I can go out on my back patio and get you a gecko. I can get you a gecko by 2 PM. (Sorry channeling my inner Big Lebowski).
Yes, a VERY young Sulcata.

Well, might as well add it to your will, cause that thing is going to outlive you!

I know a family that raises these in Florida. They keep them outside in their backyard year round. The things are massive. We'd be at their house and the male would just walk into you (either your leg or your chair). LOL.
You spent money on a gecko? I can go out on my back patio and get you a gecko. I can get you a gecko by 2 PM. (Sorry channeling my inner Big Lebowski).

Well send Climbers a friend then.

Well, might as well add it to your will, cause that thing is going to outlive you!

I know a family that raises these in Florida. They keep them outside in their backyard year round. The things are massive. We'd be at their house and the male would just walk into you (either your leg or your chair). LOL.

Not sure why this made me laugh. I just have this vision of a tortoise in super slo-mo slamming into a chair
Her attitude wasn't the best tonight. Only got 3 socks on her while folding laundry today.

I have lots of pets. There are 108 animals in my home. Eventually I will share them all with you. Today I’m going to start with Monkey.

Monkey is my pet cat. Now, to start off, let me say that I have always hated cats. I’m allergic to them, and I was always a dog person, and NOT a cat person. But I’m an animal lover at heart and there’s a good reason I have a cat.

Almost two years ago I discovered a stray cat living on my back porch. She was gone during they day, but hunkering down there at night. We went outside one day and heard a noise, and discovered that she had had 5 kittens! When I discovered them when they were about 3 days old, based on their appearance, size, and their eyes were still shut.

Within a few days, the mother started moving the kittens elsewhere. However, she abandoned one of them and never came back for it. I waited to be sure, but the kitten was crying and was obviously hungry. Despite hating cats I didn't want the thing to suffer and it was awful listening to it cry. So I brought it in and decided to raise it. I had to start by bottle feeding it, and then wean it into solid food. It was very rewarding and even though I was allergic to him, he really grew on me. The allergy was mild, and I’ve gotten used to him over time. I still get itchy and teary if I touch my eyes after petting him, but Visine Allergy gets me through it.

He’ll be 2 years old in September. Meet Monkey!

Not what you thought I was going to start with was it?

Great read, KJ. Monkey is quite the cat, great coloring.
My family has two adult cats, female and male, and Wednesday we adopted a 10 week old boy named Jack. Here he is, a spunky, friendly little thing.

Have the laptop out and trying to watch videos and catch up on the cadre after two rounds with the snow blower. And look who climbed up.