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TSC Family Pets Thread

My first dog (long since gone) was a Australian Shepherd/German Shepherd/ Queensland Heeler mix. She was on the lower side of medium, but what a great dog. Intelligent, alert, and had some of the herding instinct still...she was fast and she loves to playfully nip at heels and hook her paw around your leg when running around. Super fun!
Hux looks and sounds like a great dog!
The Other Don...what a wonderful dog!
He is a great dog. When he was a puppy, we had the toughest problem getting him to not jump on people. This problem was made worse because he also used to pee when he was excited. So everyone that came to the house not only had to dodge the jump but dodge a spray.
How hard are these things to take care of?

Never had one, but shouldn’t be too difficult. Not one I would personally choose, but they have their fans. Not a species that is great for handling, but as a hands off pet, should be fine. Sorry, not much help. Best bet is to get a book on their care.
Well was going to do. Bearded dragon but the lady talked us into a gecko because apparently they are very easy to take care of. Connor loves it already so I'm sure we'll be fine.

Megan should be home in about 30 min
Bearded Dragon would have been my first choice.

But, that’s a gecko, not a chameleon.
Had a Gecko for a while. It’s all about keeping it in the right environs and making sure it eats well. They are very cool pets when active, but that isn’t often.
Bearded Dragon would have been my first choice.

But, that’s a gecko, not a chameleon.

ROFL I meant to say gecko. I thought chameleon was cool but didn't want to spend that much on a first time lizard.
Nifty looking dinosaur ya got there. Just tell Meaghan you got Gieco and they gave you a free gecko.

Ive got a friend who has bearded dragons...not my thing though

got a new tortoise a few weeks ago. Pretty fun thing, eats like three times it’s weight everyday.
I have always wanted a turtle or a tortoise but never went that direction. I survived the wrath of the wife. The whole story is that Connor has been trying to earn a new pet for about 2 months. He thought he wanted a hermit crab. That is until we went to the store and he held one and screamed. It was quite the site LOL. So it was technically one week before he was supposed to get it. Megan and Sadie where with my mom and grandma out shopping and Connor and I went to look at the hermit crabs. When he freaked out the lady said that we might be able to get a lizard for around same out of door price because they had a labor day sale on the tank set up. So needless to say that is how it happened. Got the whole set up with the gecko for about $140, and that includes 3 weeks worth of food. Megan is an animal lover just like we are. And I'd say the kids are enjoying it:

But now I need to figure out how to feed the darn thing when we are out of town! I didn't think this through LOL.