The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

HOLY COW! what an amazing Woodworking PIF!
Caught up on some great stuff, Eric! Nice score on the tools, and great shaves to boot.

Thanks guys! I had time to pick up the drill press Monday afternoon as well.

Unfortunately, I tweaked my back getting it into The Dungeon lol. It didn't feel too bad until I got up this morning, so I'm taking it easy today in hopes that it heals up quickly.
Glad the event came together so well Eric. I have a chainsaw (two actually), so I am certain we can bring the trees down. Who is going to cut them into boards and cure them?
Getting caught up. Nice score on the hardware. Hope you didn’t tweak your back too bad.
Glad the event came together so well Eric. I have a chainsaw (two actually), so I am certain we can bring the trees down. Who is going to cut them into boards and cure them?
Lol one thing at a time.

Nice Drill Press there Eric!

Hope the back is better soon!
Very nice hardware. I hope your back heals quickly.
Getting caught up. Nice score on the hardware. Hope you didn’t tweak your back too bad.
Hope the back heals up soon!

Thanks guys! It's feeling better so far this morning.
It's been a while since I posted a shave in this shave journal lol. I have kept count though, so:

Straight razor shave #438....need to pull the trigger on some Iced Pineapple....

....Iced Pineapple is one I have to pull the trigger on as well....

Gentlemen, the fact that neither of you have tried Stirling's Iced Pineapple is astonishing to me! I'm speechless!!

On a serious note, I hope your back gets better soon. That is definitely no fun.
Spinal discomfort is miserable and there’s no escape. Hope it resolves quickly
Gentlemen, the fact that neither of you have tried Stirling's Iced Pineapple is astonishing to me! I'm speechless!!

OH...don't get me wrong. I have a Stirling sample of it...but I need to buy a full tub of it here shortly. I'm waiting to see if they re-release the glacial version of it this year.
I dunno about frozen pineapples...but some Proraso Green regimen is my current “beat the heat” shave!
Hokey Smokes! There's a Glacial Pineapple?! Oh heck yeah!

Yeah, they released it last year for a summer release, though not sure if they are going to release it again this year. I'm struggling on whether to get the normal version or hold out and see if there are plans for a glacial version.
Liking the diary title Mr. Smaggins
Thanks Derek! Lol I was wondering how many got the reference. Probably a lot more who haven't posted about it. Read that book when I was 11, and it was the start of a love affair with the fantasy genre.

Gentlemen, the fact that neither of you have tried Stirling's Iced Pineapple is astonishing to me! I'm speechless!!

On a serious note, I hope your back gets better soon. That is definitely no fun.
Spinal discomfort is miserable and there’s no escape. Hope it resolves quickly
Iced Pineapple is a MUST for summer months!
OH...don't get me wrong. I have a Stirling sample of it...but I need to buy a full tub of it here shortly. I'm waiting to see if they re-release the glacial version of it this year.
I dunno about frozen pineapples...but some Proraso Green regimen is my current “beat the heat” shave!
Great read. I am hoping your back gets better soon.

Thanks guys! My back is fully functioning again, and I've had Stirling Iced Pineapple in the cart for almost three days. The trigger finger is getting itchy, and I have no idea what's holding me back.
It's been a rough couple of days for other reasons, but things are slowly getting back to normal. In other news, a friend of mine is vacationing in Arizona so I steered him over the The Gentlemen's Chamber for a straight shave. He got to meet Dave and hang out there for bit. He called me a little while ago and told me(big shock) that it was the best shave he's ever gotten.

I'll admit to being a little jealous, and hope I can get out there for a visit and shave at some point.