The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

cmh737 said:
Good reviews, Eric. And gotta dig the classics; Brut and Old Spice particularly. BTW, Mamma Bear makes a very nice Brut scented soap - the shaving stick, as well as the bath bar soap.
I've yet to try her Brut shave stick, but the bar of Mamma Bear Brut bath soap you sent me was outstanding.

clyde72 said:
Great stuff Eric!

I have yet to use the What The Puck soaps. Agree that the Paladin soap and ASB are top shelf!
Hmmm smokey Swiss Pitralon... very interesting.
Thanks Craig! The What The Puck soaps are a very nice performers for a fantastic price. I'm thinking about ordering a couple more sets of three to PIF to people I'm trying to convert lol. I think I prefer the Swiss Pitralon to this version, but it will still get plenty of use.

dkeester said:
Great shave and excellent mail call!

IMNSHO, "Old Man Scents" are some of the best ones out there. Tabac, Clubman, Old Spice, AV Ice Blue, British Sterling, etc. They are all great scents.
Thanks Doug, I totally agree. The classics are classics for a reason, and have stood the test of time. Been a while since I broke out the British Sterling....

MilkCrate said:
Nice mail call.
Thanks Tim!

Dagwoodz said:
Great shaves, mail calls and reviews, Eric! Too bad the guy at work can't smell your tribute shAves.
Thanks Josh. His nose cleared up, and tomorrow is Old Spice day. Going to mix some Avon Spicy with Paladin balm, then layer it with vintage OS cologne. It will crawl up his nose and beat his clearly defective brain into submission.

Quijote said:
Great reviews Eric.
Thanks Don!

Cvargo said:
Nice read Eric. I really enjoy the What the Puck soaps. Glad you like them also.
Thanks Chad, they are one of those soaps that I think everyone should have. And they will likely last darn near forever.

Xenostr8shaver said:
Catching up Very nice stuff Eric
Thanks Dave.

I am often humbled by the generosity of the people in my life. I was talking to a gentleman who helps out at the center, and the subject of woodworking came up(as it often does when I talk to just about anyone lol). He mentioned that he had a couple tools that he never used, and that I was welcome to them if I could get out to his shop to pick them up. I managed to get out there Thursday evening, and came home with the following:

He also gave me a drill press, but I couldn't fit that in the car and will have to go back for it. In addition there is a bench grinder and a jointer, both of which will need a little work to get them up and running. The blade on the band saw is a bit rusty, and I don't want to mess with it until it can be replaced, but that thing is going to get a workout. I'm still pretty floored by this blessing, and may need to expand The Dungeon to make room for all of it lol.
Awesome stuff Eric, an amazing gift! Those will definitely come in handy in the den for sure!
My goodness Eric, there is nothing you can't make now. Planer, Jointer, table saw, band saw, drill press, plus the other tools you already own. All you have to do now is source rough cut hardwoods.
HOLY CRAP, that is a bunch of very nice stuff. Amazing that doing God's Work , as you bring rewards at the funniest times and when you need them most. Good Stuff brother
clyde72 said:
WOW what a great gift!

Nice Eric!
Thanks Craig! I'm looking forward to putting them all through their paces.

dkeester said:
That is an amazingly generous gift.
It was, and the guy that gave them to me shrugged it off like it was no big deal lol.

Dagwoodz said:
Awesome stuff Eric, an amazing gift! Those will definitely come in handy in the den for sure!
Indeed they will

McVeyMac said:
My goodness Eric, there is nothing you can't make now. Planer, Jointer, table saw, band saw, drill press, plus the other tools you already own. All you have to do now is source rough cut hardwoods.
It's amazing how easy it is to come across tons of cut trees in this area. All I need now is a chainsaw...

Xenostr8shaver said:
HOLY CRAP, that is a bunch of very nice stuff. Amazing that doing God's Work , as you bring rewards at the funniest times and when you need them most. Good Stuff brother

It is pretty awesome, and I'm grateful for it, as well as the people I run across in this line of work.
It's been a while since I posted a shave in this shave journal lol. I have kept count though, so:

Straight razor shave #438

Pre-shave: Hot towel
Brush: Sorrentino Barzini
Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard(#?)
Soap: Stirling Spice
Aftershave: Paladin balm infused with Vintage Avon Spicy
Cologne: Vintage Old Spice

Another day of "Old Man" scents, and this one is a favorite. Scent memory really is powerful, and I can remember my 5th grade teacher smelling strongly of Old Spice. He was a well dressed gentleman with a (I think)German accent and a name I can pronounce but not spell, but that's about all I can remember about him. Had to be up pretty early this morning, so the Feather SS was called up.

What an outstanding shave! I really don't use Stirling as often as I should, and really need to pull the trigger on some Iced Pineapple(among others). After the usual pre-shave prep the Barzini was brought into play, and I loaded it like it insulted my mother. Plenty of hydration later a perfect lather coated my face and neck(as well as some of the mirror, the faucet, and my shirt). I haven't counted the shaves on this ProGuard blade, but it's in the teens by now, and I was planning on binning it before this shave. I decided to hold off for one more, and that turned out to be a good choice. It slid right through two days of stubble with ease, and three passes left me with a fantastic HCBBSG. No need for balm, but I am really liking this stuff from Paladin and it does extend the longevity of scent, so one shot of it and a splash of Spicy topped off the shave in a cloud of olfactory delight. A liberal splash of vintage OS increased the strength and coverage of that cloud, and it was off to work. 9 hours later and I'm still BBS. Love it when that happens.

A couple months ago my boss asked me to take his place in a meeting for an event that was held yesterday and today. Kind of an outdoor Spring cleaning community outreach that was being put together by a group of churches in a neighboring city. After the first meeting he handed the responsibility for our contribution to the event over to me, which was something I wasn't really looking forward to lol. The last two days started early, and have been pretty exhausting, but everything worked out well. The guys I took with me brought their A-game, and the folks that organized the whole thing were very appreciative. I generally prefer to work in the background, and have never been crazy about the extra stress that comes with the success or failure of an endeavor being solely my responsibility, but when it all comes together like it did this weekend it ends up being completely worth it.

As my reward, I'm going to binge-watch One Piece until I see Japanese subtitles streaming across the back of my eyelids every time I blink. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Nice shave Eric...Iced Pineapple is one I have to pull the trigger on as well. That's great news that the event came together and ended up running smoothly!
Nice shave Eric, and yes you both need to get the iced Pineapple it is wonderful
Great read and shave Eric!

Congratulations on a successful event!

I had to Google "One Piece" to see what that was.
I'm glad the event went so well.

That was an awesome gift. Those are some great tools. I have that same planer. I can't wait to see what you do with them all.
Very nice stuff Eric!
Nice shave Eric, and yes you both need to get the iced Pineapple it is wonderful
Catching up. Pretty sweet score on those new tools!
Great read and shave Eric!

Congratulations on a successful event!

I had to Google "One Piece" to see what that was.
Great shave. Congrats on a successful event.
Good stuff Eric!

Thanks guys!
Nice shave Eric...Iced Pineapple is one I have to pull the trigger on as well. That's great news that the event came together and ended up running smoothly!

Thanks Josh! One of the many reasons that I hate posting on my phone. I always miss a quote lol.