The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Great stuff Eric!

Glad your back is better and I hope things return to normal soon!
Glad to hear the back is feeling back to normal! Awesome that a buddy was able to meet Dave and get a great shave at the shop!
That is awesome that your friend was able to make a visit. Great picture too. Glad to hear that you are on the mend!
Dave looks so happy in this pic!
Great stuff Eric!

Glad your back is better and I hope things return to normal soon!
Glad to hear the back is feeling back to normal! Awesome that a buddy was able to meet Dave and get a great shave at the shop!
That is awesome that your friend was able to make a visit. Great picture too. Glad to hear that you are on the mend!

Thanks guys! The back is at 100%, which is good since there is always plenty of work to be done.
That's really cool about your friend meeting Dave. We need a thread under Dave's Place for these pics. Close Encounters of a Dave Kind.
Glad that your back is back to normal. And very cool that your buddy got to link up with Dave.
Dave is like "keep them coming Eric." and your friend is like "best shave ever!"
That's really cool about your friend meeting Dave. We need a thread under Dave's Place for these pics. Close Encounters of a Dave Kind.
Very cool shop! Hope you get to make it out there some time!
Glad that your back is back to normal. And very cool that your buddy got to link up with Dave.
Dave is like "keep them coming Eric." and your friend is like "best shave ever!"
Good Stuff Eric

Many thanks guys. Dave did look happy in that pic lol.

Straight razor shave #443

Pre-shave: Hot towel
Brush: Sorrentino Barzini
Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard(2)
Cream: Body Shop Maca Root
Aftershave: Asylum Shave Works Royal Fougere
EDT: Penhaligons English Fern

It's been a while since the Maca Root was broken out, and I was in a cream mood this morning. If you haven't tried this stuff, you are missing out. Three passes left me with an HCBBSG, and I forwent the matching aftershave in favor of some Royal Fougere, which smells amazing and layers beautifully with Pens English Fern.

The last several days have been pretty rough. A friend passed last Thursday morning. My friend and I found him, and we're both still coming to grips with it. The funeral was today, and it was amazing to see how many people showed up to honor his life and support his family. He had a big heart, he loved people, and he will be missed.
That's really cool about your friend meeting Dave. We need a thread under Dave's Place for these pics. Close Encounters of a Dave Kind.
Very cool shop! Hope you get to make it out there some time!
Glad that your back is back to normal. And very cool that your buddy got to link up with Dave.
Dave is like "keep them coming Eric." and your friend is like "best shave ever!"
Good Stuff Eric

Many thanks guys. Dave did look happy in that pic lol.

Straight razor shave #443

Pre-shave: Hot towel
Brush: Sorrentino Barzini
Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard(2)
Cream: Body Shop Maca Root
Aftershave: Asylum Shave Works Royal Fougere
EDT: Penhaligons English Fern

It's been a while since the Maca Root was broken out, and I was in a cream mood this morning. If you haven't tried this stuff, you are missing out. Three passes left me with an HCBBSG, and I forwent the matching aftershave in favor of some Royal Fougere, which smells amazing and layers beautifully with Pens English Fern.

The last several days have been pretty rough. A friend passed last Thursday morning. My friend and I found him, and we're both still coming to grips with it. The funeral was today, and it was amazing to see how many people showed up to honor his life and support his family. He had a big heart, he loved people, and he will be missed.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend, that must still be quite a shock. How wonderful to witness the impact he had on others though in their celebration of his life.

I’m glad you had a good shave. I’ve never tried the Body Shop soaps, but I did try their shave brush...stay faaaaar away from it. Worst synth ever!
My condolences on your loss. That is terrible.

The shave sounds very nice. The Maca Root is good stuff and should be in every shaver's den.
Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend, Eric. Thoughts and prayers going out. On the bright side, it was a good shave.
Eric, I am very sorry for your loss, and I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you. Sending strong and happy thoughts your way, my friend.
Eric...I am very sorry for your loss. My wife and I will say a prayer for you and your friends family. But it sounds like there were a lot of people who remembered your friend and wanted to celebrate who he was in life. Losing a friend is hard. And while they were not as close as your friend was to you...I have recently lost a friend who I served's always hard. If you need anything, do not hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else you feel comfortable to talk to. Praying for you buddy!
I am so sorry to hear about your friend, that must still be quite a shock. How wonderful to witness the impact he had on others though in their celebration of his life.

I’m glad you had a good shave. I’ve never tried the Body Shop soaps, but I did try their shave brush...stay faaaaar away from it. Worst synth ever!
Thanks Chris. As much as I almost cringe to say is was a great funeral, there isn't another way to describe it. There were plenty of tears, but everyone focused on his life and the kind of person he was.

The Body Shop shave brush came in the kit I ordered with the cream and aftershave. As soon as I picked it up I knew it wasn't worth using for it's intended purpose, but it does make a fantastic dust brush in the workshop.

My condolences on your loss. That is terrible.

The shave sounds very nice. The Maca Root is good stuff and should be in every shaver's den.
Thanks Doug. I definitely agree on the Maca Root. It's often on sale, and is more than worth checking out.

I feel for you, Eric. That's a tough one.
Thanks Chris.

Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend, Eric. Thoughts and prayers going out. On the bright side, it was a good shave.
Thanks Josh. It was a good shave, and it's amazing how that helps ease you into the day.

I am so very sorry for your loss Eric.
Thanks Walt.

Eric, I am very sorry for your loss, and I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you. Sending strong and happy thoughts your way, my friend.
Thanks Jim.

Hey, Eric -

Very happy to be able to follow your journal again!

I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. Sincere condolences.
Thanks Brad. It's good to see you on TSC.

Eric...I am very sorry for your loss. My wife and I will say a prayer for you and your friends family. But it sounds like there were a lot of people who remembered your friend and wanted to celebrate who he was in life. Losing a friend is hard. And while they were not as close as your friend was to you...I have recently lost a friend who I served's always hard. If you need anything, do not hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else you feel comfortable to talk to. Praying for you buddy!
Thanks Don, and I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Your offer is appreciated and reciprocated. If you need anything, don't hesitate.

Thanks so much to all of you for your prayers and comments. The spirit of the Cadre from the other forum is alive and well here. It's been said often, but I'm still amazed at how close I can feel to a group of men that I've(mostly) never met. This is a great place to share our common hobbies, but it's also a place where we can share our triumphs and tragedies, and I'm grateful for it and for all of you.

No shave today. I got the best nights sleep I've gotten in a while, but was up early and down in The Dungeon for a few hours. Taking a short break to do some reading in the other journals, and to try to find out if the motor on the lathe is crapping out. It's only a few months old, and I'll be bummed if it is, though I am sadly lacking in knowledge about these things.
1st of all sorry to about the loss of your friend! Praying for you and his family and friends!

Great shave and read!

Glad you got a good night sleep!