The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Does the Kennedy have a tobacco scent to it. He smoked cigars (even enjoyed some illegal Cubans, according to one of his staff).
Yay shave science! Enjoy that pass box!
I am enjoying it quite a bit.
Does the Kennedy have a tobacco scent to it. He smoked cigars (even enjoyed some illegal Cubans, according to one of his staff).
I don't think I got tobacco notes from any of them, but I've got two left to shave with so I'll find out soon.
He famously bought a ton of Cuban cigars before signing the ban that included them.
How political of him.
Straight razor shave #534

Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard
Brush: Rudy Vey badger
Soap: Strike Gold Shave Nixon
Aftershave: CF Trade Winds
EDP: Boucheron Pour Homme

Third shave with the Strike Gold soaps. I used Nixon this time, and from the second I popped the lid until the end of the shave all I smelled was lemon. It was a good mix of tart and sweet, and my mouth actually started watering a little at the first sniff lol. This soap seemed a bit more suited to the badger, and the lather I ended up with was a step above what I've been able to coax from the synthetic. I brought my A-game with the Feather, and three passes left me with a stellar BBS. A hefty glug of Trade Winds gave me a nice face freeze for a few minutes, and a couple sprays of Boucheron brought me home with a smile. This was one of my first full bottle frag purchases, and it is great juice.

I got a call from HR at my possible future employer this morning. Just a quick update to let me know that the background check only has a couple more items to go through, everything checks out great so far, and I will probably be getting the final news early next week.

On a much more serious note, a friend passed earlier this week from a heroin overdose. The viewing is this evening and we'll be taking several guys from the center that knew him. I have a mental list of people I know that have died due to an addiction, mostly heroin, and, while I know that it is part of working in recovery, I am heartily sick of names being added to it. I heard a radio commercial a while back about a(likely successful) attempt to change the public name from Opiate Addiction to Opiate Use Disorder because of the stigma attached to the word addiction. Newsflash to the watered down feelgood wannabe who is behind that particular campaign; the stigma comes from the actions of someone who is willing to break trust, destroy relationships, and do far worse things in order to get their next fix, and putting a prettier label on it is not going to change anything. People who feel any particular way about someone who struggles with addiction will do so whether it is called addiction, use disorder, or whatever other polished name that is slapped on it when the current label has the same "stigma" attached to it as the last one. Whew, ok, end rant. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but I always get the feeling that whoever comes up with that nonsense is sitting in an ivory tower and looking for a way to feel good about themselves by applying the emotional equivalent of painting a rotting fence to a particular situation. It might make it look a little better for a time, but it doesn't fix the underlying issue.
Your rant was spot on Eric. The PC police are a bunch of asshats. When they change names on something. They get everyone to change from debating solutions. To debating the new name.
Then start talking about feelings and other nonsense.
Disagree with them and you are labeled any one of the tired tags. Racist, homophobe, Right wing extremist etc. Even when whatever you are talking about has nothing to do with the tag.
Thus debate is ended. By you defending yourself from the personal attack.
Things like this always make me say. "What would John Wayne Do?"
Or what would my grandfather say? He lived through the depression on a farm. Served in the Army during WWII. His generation would never even dream of all this crap. Being so
Hang in there Eric and stay true to yourself. Sorry about your friend.
I understand your frustration and offer my condolences for the loss Eric
Rough news, sorry man :(
Brain chemistry is a crappy thing
Sorry to hear about your friend, Eric. I totally agree with what you said. Call it what you want, addiction is a nasty thing.
Your rant was spot on Eric. The PC police are a bunch of asshats. When they change names on something. They get everyone to change from debating solutions. To debating the new name.
Then start talking about feelings and other nonsense.
Disagree with them and you are labeled any one of the tired tags. Racist, homophobe, Right wing extremist etc. Even when whatever you are talking about has nothing to do with the tag.
Thus debate is ended. By you defending yourself from the personal attack.
Things like this always make me say. "What would John Wayne Do?"
Or what would my grandfather say? He lived through the depression on a farm. Served in the Army during WWII. His generation would never even dream of all this crap. Being so
Hang in there Eric and stay true to yourself. Sorry about your friend.

Thanks guys. Last night was tough. This is obviously something I feel very strongly about. I'm big on personal responsibility, and a lot of the terms that are used to describe addiction detract from the fact that, with few exceptions, it comes down to choice. In the last 6 years I've seen so many hundreds of people face down their own personal demons that I can't think any other way. If people can be genetically predisposed to struggle with addiction then I am very likely one of them, and I know what it's like to put that above everything else. I had to make a lot of amends once I made some headway into my recovery, and most of the people I'd hurt were so happy to see that I was living my life instead of spending my time in a stupor waiting to die that they let me off more easily than I deserved.

As for people that may judge or label me based on my past actions or current beliefs, let them. I'll be the first to say that there is no defense for the person I used to be. Everyone has a worst version of themselves, and I've seen mine. I'm more interested in seeing others effect real and lasting change in their lives than in spending time trying to defend my position. A woman who has been married for less than a year is a widow because her husband made a bad choice, and that is a reality that no words can change. It is because of things like this that this that I will will continue to support my current employer in any way I can no matter where I go from here.

Whew, ok. I'll get off the soapbox. Next week in Smattayu's shaving journal, we tackle environmentalism, euthanasia, and gun control! :p
No soapbox brother. Just real life experience. Put to good use.
You have made choices in your life that were not good. (Tough for most to admit) And now you use the results of those to make good ones. That is what everyone should do.
I have many friends that are "ex" this or that addiction. And they tend to be the ones you can count on the most.
If you can make it through the struggle of things like that. It usually gives you a perspective on what is important. Different than those who have not.
I tend to enjoy the company of "tough minded" individuals. Even if I don't agree with them. We can still be good friends and respect each other.
Very well said. Those demons are difficult to overcome.

I am tuning in next for gun control. Shot placement is so critical.
No soapbox brother. Just real life experience. Put to good use.
You have made choices in your life that were not good. (Tough for most to admit) And now you use the results of those to make good ones. That is what everyone should do.
I have many friends that are "ex" this or that addiction. And they tend to be the ones you can count on the most.
If you can make it through the struggle of things like that. It usually gives you a perspective on what is important. Different than those who have not.
I tend to enjoy the company of "tough minded" individuals. Even if I don't agree with them. We can still be good friends and respect each other.
Thanks Fluffy. I agree completely. I enjoy a healthy argument between friend at times, and am long past the point of taking personal offense just because someone doesn't see things my way.

Very well said. Those demons are difficult to overcome.

I am tuning in next for gun control. Shot placement is so critical.

Darn it Tim, you stole my thunder with the shot placement comment! Sorry guys, gun control is off the schedule now.
I'm sorry for your loss, Eric. It doesn't matter what pretty color of paint they throw in it, it's ugly and life shattering. Just a couple of weeks ago I got slapped in the face with that harsh reality when I ran on a person who admitted to using. The person's child was visibly upset about the event and my heart sank when I realized that the child knew exactly what was going on. Keep doing what you're doing on your end to help them in the long run. It's hard, but it's necessary.
I'm sorry for your loss, Eric. It doesn't matter what pretty color of paint they throw in it, it's ugly and life shattering. Just a couple of weeks ago I got slapped in the face with that harsh reality when I ran on a person who admitted to using. The person's child was visibly upset about the event and my heart sank when I realized that the child knew exactly what was going on. Keep doing what you're doing on your end to help them in the long run. It's hard, but it's necessary.
Thanks Ben. The truth always comes out sooner or later, and one of the worst parts of addiction is seeing how much it hurts loved ones.
Straight razor shave #535

Razor: Feather SS
Blade: Proline
Brush: Rudy Vey w/Shavemac badger
Soap: Strike Gold Shave Teddy
Aftershave: Speick
EDP: Amouage Sunshine Man

Shave #4 with Strike Gold soaps, and I used Teddy this time. I get lavender right up front, and some spice and floral in the background. It's a nice scent, though my least favorite of the four I've used so far.

The results I got with the badger last time were good enough for a repeat, though at the rate this brush is shedding it'll just be a handle with a couple tufts in it if I start using it consistently. It lost 6 hairs this shave, and I've had the brush long enough that if it was going to ever stop shedding it would have already. Either way, the lather came out just as great as the last shave, and I'm getting more impressed with this soap. This was the 4th or 5th shave with the Proline. It's a good blade, but I definitely prefer the ProGuard. In my experience it is just as sharp as the Proline and considerably smoother. Three passes left me with a BBS, but there was a price paid in irritation and a few weepers. I'm going to use it until I can't anymore, but I'll probably hang onto the other one for a while until I feel like giving it an honest try again. A hefty splash of Speick burned a bit at the start, but soothed everything nicely and all was well with the world. A few sprays of Sunshine Man had me in my happy place and it was out the door to work.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!
I've had my bottle of Azarro Pour Homme put away for a while, and don't think I've used it since the move. When I put it in the back of the shelf it was full. I started putting all my frags in their boxes and packing them today for the upcoming move, and it looked like this.


You can see the crack from the front, and here is what it looks like on the back of the bottle


It appears to have been hit with shrapnel from the bottles that took direct hits in the drive by, and has been leaking from the crack and the pitted areas ever since. I've caught whiffs from time to time over the last few months, but wasn't sure what frag it was and didn't think much of it. Good thing it's easy to replace lol.