The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Razor: Hayashi Diamond
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: CBL The Shaving Cadre
Aftershave: Speick
EDP: Dunhill Icon

Finally got to the Hayashi that I honed on the lapping film the other day. CBL gives consistently great results, no matter which formula, so I'll likely keep using it to test my edges. The shave went pretty well. The usual two passes and some clean up left me with a DFS+, though there was some sting from the aftershave and some irritation after. The lapping film can provide a crazy keen edge(though this was not the best example of that), but it was a bit harsh. I could have given it a hundred laps on the SB arkie or extra stropping, maybe both. So far, out of the Welsh Slate, Jnat, and lapping film, the Jnat has been the best so far. @CBLindsay has loaned me a Coti, so that's next up, and I've got a Torrey that has been sitting in my drawer for ages, waiting to have an edge put on it.

A few sprays of Icon took care of my morning olfactory needs, and the day was started right. Have a great day all!
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The thing I found with lapping film was it was sharp, but harsh. If I followed up with the balsa to .1u, it was smooth and wicked sharp. Like the JNat edge. My goal is to get close to that with the SB.
Good reading, Eric. I don't use straights, so I have no experience with making the perfect edge. I enjoy reading about it though; it seems to be a skill and art.
Sounds like you're enjoying your journey through a rock garden. I'm not so adventurous. The synth stone keep 'em sharp enough for me, with fewer variables to deal with. Doing stuff like honing razors isn't my kind of thing. Whatever makes it simple and gets the job done is my thing.
The thing I found with lapping film was it was sharp, but harsh. If I followed up with the balsa to .1u, it was smooth and wicked sharp. Like the JNat edge. My goal is to get close to that with the SB.
I've found the same, though the SB always toned down the edge nicely while retaining keenness.
Good reading, Eric. I don't use straights, so I have no experience with making the perfect edge. I enjoy reading about it though; it seems to be a skill and art.
Thanks! It does seem to be both a skill and art, and hopefully I'll graduate from novice sometime in the next decade or so lol.
I know nothing about honing...but I enjoy reading what you have to say about it!
Thanks Don! It's enjoyable, and fills a niche that was left empty when the woodshop went into storage.
Sounds like you're enjoying your journey through a rock garden. I'm not so adventurous. The synth stone keep 'em sharp enough for me, with fewer variables to deal with. Doing stuff like honing razors isn't my kind of thing. Whatever makes it simple and gets the job done is my thing.
I hear that. I keep lapping film on hand for when I just want to get a sharp, consistent edge on a razor. The natural stones are for when I want to get lost in the process.
Razor: JR Torrey 999
Brush: Black Walnut synthetic
Soap: CBL The Shaving Cadre
Aftershave: Speick

Another evening shave, this time with a Torrey that I got on the bay months ago. I wasn't using traditional straights at the time, and was on the auction site looking at them on a whim. I'd bid on a razor just like this one many times and had always missed out, but it worked out this time. Then I forgot about it until I went through my project drawer the other day lol. @CBLindsay sent me a coti to try out. I'd already set the bevel on this razor and taken it up to the 4k Norton, so it was ready for this particular stone. It is an older coti, so the bottom is a Belgian Blue instead of useless slate base that they use nowadays, but I used the lighter side this time. Chris sent a slurry stone with it, and I started with a fairly heavy slurry then honed for a bit, added some water, honed some more, rinse and repeat. Once the slurry was pretty clear I put it under running water and kept going until it started sticking to the stone, one of the standard signs of a finished edge on a coti. Lots of laps on the Bison strop and it was ready to go.

First off, this razor is L.O.U.D.. The feedback was heavy, and it sounded like every hair cut with a clear ping. The shave brought back memories of using coti edges a couple times in the past. Just like those previous shaves the edge seemed to lack a bit in sharpness, but was so smooth it felt impossible to get a nick with it. There is something about a coti edge that seems to almost defy logic. I felt like it was tugging a bit, yet managed to cut through stubble cleanly. Two passes and some clean up left me with a DFS+ that was closer to BBS than I've gotten with any traditional straights since I started using them again. No blood or irritation at all, and no sting from the Speick.

Keep in mind that these are razors that I honed myself, and someone who knows what they are doing on any of these stones would certainly be able to coax much better edges from them. Having said that, so far the coti beats out the others in terms of the final result. It loses a few points since the shave wasn't as enjoyable, as it felt like there would be some irritation from the way it felt while shaving. I'm going to keep trying with this stone to see if I can refine the edges I get from it, and probably use the Blue side as well.

Another evening shave, so no frag, but I've got a favorite lined up for tomorrow.


Thanks for reading and have a great night!
Good looking Torrey! I have the same type of spine work on mine.
Thanks Tim! I really like the look of this one, and had probably bid on at least half a dozen of them over the last few years. It’s a good shaver, too.
Nice read, shave and cool looking razor (y)
Thanks Dave!
I knew someone was going to do that! I’m a little disappointed at the lack of a gif though.
The Return of Facethulhu

Razor: Facethulhu(modified ZY 430)
Brush: TSC Legacy
Soap: CBL Iron Throne
Aftershave: Bootlegger's Bay Rum
EDT: L'Occitane Eau des Baux

I was going through my straight razor project drawer yesterday and found this little guy. My first attempt a a straight razor mod from a few years ago. I learned a lot about what not to do with this project, and ended up with something a lot smaller than I had planned, but it took an edge and didn't look too bad. The scales are made of purple heart, and were created during my tung oil phase. I posted progress pics and the final product on that other site when I did it, and it was affectionately dubbed "Facethulhu" by @Majorrich(I think). One look and I decided it was a good time to put a better edge on it, so I pulled out the Chosera, Norton 4k/8k, then a full progression of nagura on the Jnat and lots and lots of laps on the Bison strop. It was topping leg hair like a champ, so I put it on deck for today's shave and called it a night.

Any soap from CBL is guaranteed to be a winner and Iron Throne is no different. I believe this is his hemp formula, which always ends up a little more foamy than I usually prefer, but is every bit as good a performer as his other offerings. The cooling effect is marvelous, and provides a nice counterpoint to the warm bay rum-ish scent.

This little razor is like a slightly unwieldy sports car. I kept thinking to add some jimps to the thumbnotch, but never got around to it, and the gripping area is a little too narrow and shiny to be truly comfortable. Nevertheless, two passes and some clean up left me with a DFS+ that was so close to BBS that it was all I could do to not chase the baby. No blood, and a tiny bit of sting from the aftershave. I'm very happy with this edge, and still pretty proud to have produced this razor when I really had no idea what I was doing at the time lol.

A hefty splash of Bootlegger's capped of the shave beautifully. This was an evening shave, but I love Eau des Baux so much that I decided that a couple sprays would be perfectly appropriate for a night in with just me and the cat to smell it. This frag fits right up there with Robert Graham Valour(which was my go-to scent last winter) among my favorite cool weather scents, and I just can't get enough of it.


Thanks for reading and have a great night!
That's one prettyful razor you got there. I was never part of the evil empire. Would you mind giving a brief synopsis on what mods you did?
Man you did a great job on the mods.
Nice job on the mod! French points are so cool.
Well it’s photogenic if nothing else!
Gorgeous looking razor Eric. Nice job !
That's one prettyful razor you got there. I was never part of the evil empire. Would you mind giving a brief synopsis on what mods you did?
Thanks guys!

Ben, this started out as a ZY, which is basically a Gold Dollar. The steel is good, but the geometry is lousy. I did all of the rough work with a belt sander and a dremel. I used the dremel to remove the shoulder and reprofile the point, then thinned the spine and reground the hollow with the belt sander. I made enough mistakes along the way that I had to shorten it quite a bit, and it went from a 6/8 to slightly less than a 5/8, resulting in its overall tinyness lol.

I used the dremel to add the thumb notch, though there are inconsistencies from one side to the other. I still may add jimps one day.

After all that it was time for the wet/dry sandpaper. Started with 400 and worked my way up to 2k, then switched to micromesh sanding pads up to around 10k iirc. There are still several imperfections in the surface, but I’m still happy with how it turned out. I’ve only modded a few razors, and they all end up similar to a wacker chevalier.