The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Whew, ok. I’m not usually one to come on and unload
about difficulties or trying moments, but it has been that kind of night so I hope you’ll all bear with me. There is no humor in this post, and it’s pretty disturbing, but it’s the only outlet I have for a little while longer so I’m taking advantage of it.
Let me preface by saying that I don’t live in the best area, even for Flint, but I know most of my neighbors and they are good people.
I spent the weekend in Indiana for work, pulling a couple long days and driving home tonight(last night now) afterwards. I got home at about 1:00am and was desperately looking forward to a quick meal, a long shower, and my bed.
I wasn’t home 5 minutes when a car screeched to a halt outside and someone shot up my house.
I got to the basement and called 911, and was able to go up and take a look around when the police got there a little later. The bullets almost all went through at least two walls, and the front window was shattered. I was more than a little freaked out when I found a bullet hole about two inches above where I was standing when the shooting started. The police left a little while ago, and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get to sleep any time soon, so I decided to put this down.
I didn’t know it was possible to be pissed off, frightened, and grateful to be alive all at once, but that’s where I am right now. I can only assume that whoever it was got the wrong house.
And ok, this is not the worst part by a long shot, but they hit my cologne shelf. At first I thought that they had only gotten a few of the inexpensive bottles based on the fragments I found, but I discovered that my bottle of Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa took a direct hit. There were no bottle fragments left, just the cap and atomizer on the floor. No, not a big deal comparatively, but I think I’m probably focusing on that to keep from dealing with everything else all at once.
I’ve been up for over 24 hours now, and it’s way past time to at least attempt to get some sleep. My apologies for posting something this heavy in a shaving journal. Signing off and grateful to be alive.
Woah, Eric 1st - NO APOLOGIES man and I'm glad you're safe. I too would assume it was a wrong house deal and hopefully the police are able to give you some info to put you at ease as much as possible. Sorry to hear about the casualties but glad it was just things. The string of emotions felt would be a real trauma to sort through. Sorry, this happened and please keep us posted as to what you in out and how you're doing !
Man Eric, that is heavy. I cannot imagine the range of emotions you’re dealing with on top of the fatigue. Even if this is just a shaving forum, no need to apologize. We all need an outlet. I would imagine they targeted the wrong house and thankfully you were not hurt. Sorry to hear about the collateral damage, but those things can be replaced. Please keep us posted.
Dang Man! I’m so glad you weren’t injured! Bottles of smell good can be replaced, but you are a singularity. Feel free to unload those feelings! We are here for you and obviously now hitting the prayer chain.
First of all...don't ever feel like you need to apologize for unloading! We are here for you no matter what.

Next, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling. And you will likely have a bunch of emotions pumping through you for a few days at the least...but likely a lot longer. The important thing is that you are try to focus on that. It doesn't matter what part of town you live in...we all should have an expectation of safety in our own homes. I feel for you man...and there is not a lot I, or anyone else for that matter, can say to make you feel better. Just know that this will pass. But in the meantime...we are all here for you and if you need to talk...please let us know! Saying SEVERAL prayers for you Eric!
Thanks so much, guys! Your thoughts and prayers mean more than you know. I managed a couple hours of sleep, but today is my day off so I can spend it trying to relax and get caught up on sleep.
As it turns out, someone put a few bullets through the front door the night before, while I was out of town. The police think we are being targeted for some reason, and have recommended that we move out for at least a month. I’m honestly not sure if I can move back into that house after what happened, but I’m in no shape to make a decision like that right now.
There were a couple rooms available at the center where I work, so we’ve moved in temporarily, and I’m grateful to have a place to stay.
Right now there is only a sheet of plastic where the front window used to be at the house, and hopefully we can get that boarded up before someone takes liberties with our possessions.
Sorrentino brushes will be shut down for the foreseeable future, but if and when I’m able to get back to it I’ll let you all know.
My emotions are still all over the place, and I’m looking forward to that settling down a little. Fortunately petting kittens is therapeutic, and I have Izzy here.
Thank you all again, guys. I’ll keep you updated if anything new comes up.
I got to bed a bit late last night, but slept like a baby, which helped a lot on its own.
Working in addiction recovery has some perks, and we have friends in local law enforcement. They sent someone to the house as a deterrent while we went through and removed the more valuable items that we own. Heading over there tomorrow morning to put boards over the shot out windows.
Thanks so much for the support and kind words. You guys are great and I’m grateful to be a part of this community.
I got to bed a bit late last night, but slept like a baby, which helped a lot on its own.
Working in addiction recovery has some perks, and we have friends in local law enforcement. They sent someone to the house as a deterrent while we went through and removed the more valuable items that we own. Heading over there tomorrow morning to put boards over the shot out windows.
Thanks so much for the support and kind words. You guys are great and I’m grateful to be a part of this community.
Sleep is good! It's when your body resets and recharges. This is such a horrible thing that happened to you...but things will get better. It probably doesn't seem like it now...but it will. Just keep your head up...and remember the Cadre is here if you need to vent a little!
Hey guys, just checking in to say hi and that there is little new to report. My computer has died and I've been using my phone's browser for all internet related things, which I am not terribly fond of, so hopefully I can find a decent replacement soon. Work is as busy as usual, and it has been mostly really good to get back to it. I'm still dealing with the aftershocks of last Sunday, but I know that it is a process and there is no easy fix. Time and learning how to process something that was up until now completely outside my realm of experience will get me centered again. Happily, my vacation starts tomorrow. A week of hanging out with family is just what I need right now.

I've brought Izzy into the office a couple times, and put her to work.

Part of the bottle of AdP Colonia Intensa was found by my roommate. Best smelling piece of debris ever.

I'll be around next week to hopefully catch up a bit on everyone's journals and other TSC news. I hope everyone is doing well, and God bless.
Hey guys, just checking in to say hi and that there is little new to report. My computer has died and I've been using my phone's browser for all internet related things, which I am not terribly fond of, so hopefully I can find a decent replacement soon. Work is as busy as usual, and it has been mostly really good to get back to it. I'm still dealing with the aftershocks of last Sunday, but I know that it is a process and there is no easy fix. Time and learning how to process something that was up until now completely outside my realm of experience will get me centered again. Happily, my vacation starts tomorrow. A week of hanging out with family is just what I need right now.

I've brought Izzy into the office a couple times, and put her to work.

Part of the bottle of AdP Colonia Intensa was found by my roommate. Best smelling piece of debris ever.

I'll be around next week to hopefully catch up a bit on everyone's journals and other TSC news. I hope everyone is doing well, and God bless.
Finding the new normal...that’s what gets us moving! Glad all is getting better. Thanks for checking in Eric!