The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Nice. Is the Eau Sauvage the EdP or the EdT? Hopefully it's the EdP. The latter is quite fleeting. And I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Invasion of the Barbers.
It is the EDT. The sample I had was EDT and it didn't seem too bad in the longevity department. We'll see soon enough.
Every time I break out the razor to line up the beard I get closer and closer to full whisker removal. The beard is starting to annoy me even more now that the heat and humidity are on the upswing, and it's only a matter of time before I decide to be done with it. But that is not what I'm here to talk about today. This will probably be a long post and will involve more rambling than anything. So if you have anything at all better to do, gentle reader, I urge you to pass on and forget that you even got this far.

I will preface this by saying that I love what I do and I am continually grateful to be a part of the ministry where I work. Hopefully no one will take anything I say as a knock on it or a complaint about certain work conditions. It is more of a quest to find either a solution or a workaround to a particular issue.

One of the downsides of working for a non-profit that does not receive any government funding is the lack of certain luxuries at work, such as air conditioning. The office that I work out of is directly above the room in the basement that is the plumbing hub of the building. It houses(among other things) the heat exchangers where the water pipes from the wood burner come in. That water hits the heat exchangers at about 185°. The room is set a couple feet below the rest of the basement. The floor is always wet and it feels like a swamp as soon as you walk in the door. That means that the office above it is blessedly warmer than the rest of the building in the dead of winter, but also is warmer than most of the building in summer.

Sometimes my duties require me to spend most of the day in the office, and on those days things become less than comfortable in the southern hemisphere. I've splurged on several brands of underwear made of various different materials, and have come to the inescapable conclusion that "moisture-wicking properties" do nothing when your backside is planted directly on a chair in a 90°+ office for a couple hours at a time. So the quest continued to find some relief from not only the discomfort, but also the inevitable side effects that go along with it. I've had a container of Clubman talc for a while, and found it to be marginally successful, at least for a time. It's better than nothing, but it's effectiveness is gone within a couple hours at most. Gold Bond medicated powder was next on the list. It lasted longer than the talc, but in the end it was not up to the challenge either.

After some looking around online, I discovered that several of the places I checked talked about Chassis body powder. I almost immediately dismissed it when I saw the price. It costs over twice as much as Gold Bond for less than half the product. Still, on the chance that it would work I ordered it and have been using it for the last few days. I'm not going to call it a miracle cure or anything, but it has been more effective than either talc or Gold Bond, and a little goes a surprisingly long way. Still not enough to eliminate the problem completely, but until I get an office chair that takes R22 it's probably about the best I'll get. I have yet to test it in an active situation, but I'll be cutting up some trees to haul back to the center for the wood burner at least one day next week, so we'll see how it does.

Still reading? Masochist. Have a great day, all!
yes i did indeed read the whole thing. i was on a similar search until the office i work in switched us to chairs with a mesh seat. I have found a product similar to chassis called Fromunda that helped but also just making an effort to try and stand more helped as well
May I suggest a 50 gallon drum of Osage Rub hooked up to a pump and some misters strung about the room?

That's...not a bad idea...
Glad you got at least some relief
Thanks Dave. It definitely helps.
yes i did indeed read the whole thing. i was on a similar search until the office i work in switched us to chairs with a mesh seat. I have found a product similar to chassis called Fromunda that helped but also just making an effort to try and stand more helped as well
"Fromunda". Brilliant name lol. I'm up and about a fair amount, but the times that I get caught up in what I'm doing and realize an hour or more have gone by are the worst.
I am guessing something like a window unit A/C is probably not an option? Even a really small one can make the world of difference. A plug in dehumidifier might help a little. These might cost a bit more than you want to pay though. Also, probably not what you are looking for, but maybe a standing desk to keep your derriere from being smothered in the seat.

Sorry about the situation...I know working in the heat inside is really not optimal.
That's the funniest thing I've read in a while. Of course, not a laughing matter.
I am guessing something like a window unit A/C is probably not an option? Even a really small one can make the world of difference. A plug in dehumidifier might help a little. These might cost a bit more than you want to pay though. Also, probably not what you are looking for, but maybe a standing desk to keep your derriere from being smothered in the seat.

Sorry about the situation...I know working in the heat inside is really not optimal.
It could definitely be worse lol. A window unit or dehumidifier isn't really practical. People are in and out all day long, and we have to keep the door open to be accessible to the guys, so neither one would be very effective. It's only for a couple months out of the year.
That's the funniest thing I've read in a while. Of course, not a laughing matter.
Maybe a little bit of a laughing matter. :D
Straight razor shave #528, Beard Assassination Day

Razor: Feather SS
Blade: Kai Titan Mild(1)
Brush: TSC Legacy
Soap: CBL Ghost Lime
Aftershave: Captain's Choice Lime
EDT: Guerlain L'Homme Ideal Cologne

Today was the day. It has been past time for the beard to go for a while now, so I picked out my set up last night after work and had a nice leisurely hot towel prep this morning. I recently ordered both Feather Pro and Kai Titan Mild blades for the SS. I've heard good things about both, and put a fresh Titan blade in for this shave.

I've been using CBL soaps almost exclusively for months now, and they are about as good as it gets for me. Ghost Lime was the perfect choice considering the weather, and the Legacy brush whipped up some fantastic lather in no time. Man, it's almost worth growing a beard just to shave it off like this. Feeling the Feather shear through everything in it's path with almost no resistance, and seeing the beard be almost literally wiped away, was glorious. Three passes and a little clean up left me with a most excellent BBS. There were two small weepers on my upper lip and a nick on my chin, which is unsurprising since I haven't shaved those areas since last October. There was a little sting when I splashed on a hefty dose of CC Lime, but it felt amazing on my finally clean-shaven cheeks.

Several sprays of Guerlain Ideal capped of the shave nicely. This is my favorite Summer frag right now. It's wonderfully light and fresh. As with most freshies the longevity isn't great, but that doesn't detract from my enjoyment of it.


Thanks for reading and have a great night!
Straight razor shave #529

Razor: Feather SS
Blade: Kai Titan Mild(2)
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: B&M Adagio
Aftershave: B&M Adagio

Cologne: Royall Lyme

Had a Scent-sational shave today. Adagio remains my favorite Summer shaving soap scent for about 3 years running now, and the menthol kick in it was just what I needed. It's funny how far the shaving soaps have come. I remember when this soap would have been in my top 10(possibly even top 5) in terms of performance. It's still very good, but I'd put it in solid Tier 2 now.

Three passes and some clean up left me with a solid BBS, though I did manage a couple weepers on the upper lip again. They required me to break out the styptic this time. I'll get the technique back eventually, and blood is an excellent motivator. A glug of the Adagio aftershave made me remember just how much menthol is in this stuff. There was a bit of burn, both on my skin and in my eyes, but it faded quickly and left a fantastic cooling feeling.

Royall Lyme is outstanding juice, and remains one of my favorite frags. There is something about it that just makes me happy. As with pretty much every citrus heavy frag the longevity isn't great, but it smells so darn good! A hefty splash put me firmly in my happy place and I was out the door.


Have a great night!