I Know where that may be going, LOL
Something seems missing...
It's been a while since I got a new boar. I'm looking forward to giving it a trial run.I think you are going to totally dig that knot!
I Know where that may be going, LOL
Great gear shot Eric! Solid shave.
Nice shave Eric
Good stuff Eric!
Nice shave and pic Eric
Great sounding shave. The after feel of soap is important. That set-up looks pretty classy too.
Nice shave and pic!
Thanks Chris! It's amazing how the basics get away from you sometimes, but rebuilding the foundation of a fine shave is a great way to bring the magic back.Lather, the oil that makes the shave machine go!
Good stuff Eric. I’ve also come to appreciate taking proper time to build a good lather.
Thanks Chris! It is a good cream. I'd recommend it as a basically scentless base that you could layer any AS/fragrance over.I seem to recall the Bio Palmyra being a pretty good shaving cream.
Nice photos!
Lol thanks Dave!Great photo, Read and Shave ERREEK
Nice shave and pic !
Great reading, Eric. You have some classy gear. I enjoy the SOTD photos.