The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Glad you’re in good spirits after the op.

You know, about hamburgers...once I had a friend that broke his jaw and had to wire it shut while it healed. He blended up hamburger some times and drank it...just saying.

That just ain't right

Eric, Glad it went well. Rest up
Just numbed you up for the extractions? No IV drip? No "good" stuff??
Glad you’re in good spirits after the op.

You know, about hamburgers...once I had a friend that broke his jaw and had to wire it shut while it healed. He blended up hamburger some times and drank it...just saying.
I am not that desperate. I prefer my burgers to look like burgers lol.

Glad you are a few teeth lighter now.
Thanks Chad.

That just ain't right

Eric, Glad it went well. Rest up
Thanks Dave. Plenty of rest on the menu through tomorrow. Very appropriate GIF lol.

Good to hear that the extractions went well Eric! Heal up quick!
I'm planning to. No time for a long healing process lol.

Just numbed you up for the extractions? No IV drip? No "good" stuff??
Glad to hear things went well. Though I'm disappointed you didn't ask for gas!
Lol No good stuff or gas. I drove there, so no loopy juice for me.

Kind of wishing I had used the Tangerine Creeper this morning. It has sat on my dresser, mocking me, all day.
Well I'm glad the extraction went well! Praying you are feeling better already!

I had 6 yes 6 wisdom teeth, two extra molars on the upper jaw. Xrays showed the were very near the sinus cavities so I was put in the hospital for mine. My advice to anyone having wisdom teeth removed. Keep the ice on as long as they recommend. That keeps the swelling down and therefore reduces the pain. I was out of it the entire day after the surgery and my grandmother keep the ice pack on me the whole time. I was eating Quarter Pounders the next day. I had been wearing braces for about a year so I had learned to eat and avoid any sensitive area of my mouth. That being said everyone I have suggested this to and they did it, reported similar results.
Well I'm glad the extraction went well! Praying you are feeling better already!

I had 6 yes 6 wisdom teeth, two extra molars on the upper jaw. Xrays showed the were very near the sinus cavities so I was put in the hospital for mine. My advice to anyone having wisdom teeth removed. Keep the ice on as long as they recommend. That keeps the swelling down and therefore reduces the pain. I was out of it the entire day after the surgery and my grandmother keep the ice pack on me the whole time. I was eating Quarter Pounders the next day. I had been wearing braces for about a year so I had learned to eat and avoid any sensitive area of my mouth. That being said everyone I have suggested this to and they did it, reported similar results.

I cringed a little when I saw the number 6 lol.

The upper wisdom teeth and the molar came out with no trouble. The lower left wisdom tooth took a little time, and he had to drill and inject right into the tooth before pulling it. The lower right was a beast. looong roots on that one, and he had to drill and inject 3 more times, then crank on the thing for a few minutes before it finally came out. That's the only side that has been causing me any real pain beyond the first day, and it's still bleeding just a bit. I did keep the ice on it, and there has been pretty minimal swelling so far. Went into work today, though I'm still taking it easy physically. The body heals a lot slower than it did 20 years ago, and I'm not taking any chances.

Many thanks for the thoughts and prayers, guys. It wasn't much as far as operations go, but I've never been a fan of going to the dentist, and was a little nervous about getting them all done at once.
I think we are all just glad everything went well...

(AHEM...) Now if you are not too busy writhing in pain...I think you have a brush to attend!
I'm still amazed that you went to a dentist and not an oral surgeon! I was cringing just reading your post about the "cranking".
I'm still amazed that you went to a dentist and not an oral surgeon! I was cringing just reading your post about the "cranking".
Anyone else picture the dentist with his foot up on the chair trying to get more leverage to pull?
Anyone else picture the dentist with his foot up on the chair trying to get more leverage to pull?

Yep, exactly. Some dentists won't give up when should they should, at least for me. Had first 2 done at separate times when they got impacted and for 1 of mine he latched on to it and kept pulling and my whole head was being pulled that direction while he's trying to hold it still. He finally says, I'll have to split it and took a drill to it and cut it into pieces to remove in pieces. Problem is he didn't get them all and they would work their way out over the next month or so surfacing in the gum in that area. Went to an oral surgeon for last 2.
I'm still amazed that you went to a dentist and not an oral surgeon! I was cringing just reading your post about the "cranking".
Anyone else picture the dentist with his foot up on the chair trying to get more leverage to pull?
It probably sounds a lot worse than it was lol. About 5 years ago one of my teeth broke, and I went to the oral surgeon to have it taken out. He drilled it, then took what looked like a tapping bit on a t-bar and screwed it into the hole. Once it stopped moving easily, he kept going until we all heard, and I felt, an oddly satisfying pop. Then he removed the pieces, threw in a stitch, and it was done. This time wasn't much different than that. It just took a little longer on the stubborn tooth.

Yep, exactly. Some dentists won't give up when should they should, at least for me. Had first 2 done at separate times when they got impacted and for 1 of mine he latched on to it and kept pulling and my whole head was being pulled that direction while he's trying to hold it still. He finally says, I'll have to split it and took a drill to it and cut it into pieces to remove in pieces. Problem is he didn't get them all and they would work their way out over the next month or so surfacing in the gum in that area. Went to an oral surgeon for last 2.
Ouch! That sounds like it could have gone better.

Well glad you hear that is over with! Praying for a speedy recovery!

Thanks Craig! It's going pretty well. Still eating softer foods, but I could probably graduate to something else if I wanted too.
Straight razor shave #480

Pre-shave: hot towel
Brush: Rudy Vey Egg w/Shavemac badger
Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard
Soap: SV Mana di Sicilia
Aftershave: SV Mana di Sicilia
EDT: Fendi Fan di Fendi

Almost grabbed the Tangerine Creeper this morning, but it was nice and cool and I didn't want to waste the chill, so the new formulation of MdS was chosen instead.

I was not all that impressed with the knot in this brush when I first got it, but now that it's seen some use I understand why people love Shavemac knots. It's a soft-but-not-too-soft lather machine, and doesn't hog the suds at all. It whipped up a mountain of yogurty, delightful smelling goodness, and the SS did it's thing. Three passes of shaving nirvana led to a top 10 HCBBSG, and a few drops of the aftershave smoothed everything out beautifully. Three Vassily's of Fan di Fendi and I was practically skipping out the door. This juice checks all the boxes for me, and I really enjoy it. The scent is a little rough around the edges, but that appeals to me. and the longevity is great. I can still catch little whiffs of it now and then, and it was applied over 13 hours ago.

The healing is going nicely, though I'm still not up to tackling that steak. I finally made it down to The Dungeon for a little while today, and was able to make small progress on a couple of the orders that have been in stasis. It's been frustrating not being able to be down there the last several days, and I can't wait until I can spend a full uninterrupted day getting caught up.

Time to head down and apply CA coat #568,371 to some scales. Thanks for reading, and have a great night!
Great shave Eric! Glad you’re continuing to mend well.

I’ll be interested to experience the mighty Shavemac when Dave’s brushes come in. It’ll be my first high end shaving experience.

And what’s this about scales? You have my attention!

Nice catch up Eric. Glad you are slowly getting back to normal. I'm sure you have very understanding customers. No rush here ?
Nice catch up Eric. Glad you are slowly getting back to normal. I'm sure you have very understanding customers. No rush here
Nope, nope, nope! I've been bugging him every day. Lets get a move on! I gots soap to lather!