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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Straight razor shave #470

Pre-shave: none
Brush: Rudy Vey Egg
Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard
Soap: Stirling Iced Pineapple
Aftershave: Fine Platinum

The weather has been downright brutal the last few days. You know it’s bad when It’s so hot that you don’t need any prep to soften your facial hair. Something with menthol was a requirement, and iced pineapple is always a good choice.

I let the brush soak while I went and emptied the dehumidifier in the basement, then whipped up a fantastic lather and get going with the Feather.

No prep at all, and the Feather slid through stubble like it wasn’t there. Three passes left me with a fantastic BBS, and a very hefty splash of Platinum added to the wonderful chill that the soap had provided. I had planned on a couple Vassily’s of the Platinum EDT, but ended up forgetting. Ran out the door into the sauna that is our current weather and headed to work.

I’m pulling out the mentholated soaps and creams exclusively until the weather cools down a bit. More Iced Pineapple, Adagio, I Coloniali, and others like them will be all I use for a while.

Thanks for reading and have a great evening!
Iced Pineapple - YES!!!
I only have tried Piacenza and Bay Rum from Stirling. It is a good soap but there are so many for me that I want to try that I just never think about buying it when I’m shopping. Nice shave my friend.
Oh yes, I forgot about dehumidifying a house. Move slowly and think cool thoughts.
Great shaves. I understand about the heat, our heat index was well into the triple digits today. Vacation looked like a blast.
I have some relatives in Michigan and they are all saying that this is one of the hottest summers they have experienced so far. Living in Louisiana all of our summers are hot. But this one is much hotter...earlier than we are used to. Heat index is also well above 100. Stay cool! Looking through my soap stash, I am not sure I have anything mentholated...I have things with mint and tea tree in it, but no menthol. that is a different story!
Iced Pineapple - YES!!!
I used it two days in a row, it was so good lol.

I only have tried Piacenza and Bay Rum from Stirling. It is a good soap but there are so many for me that I want to try that I just never think about buying it when I’m shopping. Nice shave my friend.
Thanks TJ! Stirling is great stuff, and Iced Pineapple is definitely one of my favorites from them.

Great read and shave Eric!

Pretty warm here today Heat Index of 101°
That's around what ours was, and it hasn't cooled down much since.

Great read and shave Eric! Stay cool
Thanks Dave!

Oh yes, I forgot about dehumidifying a house. Move slowly and think cool thoughts. excellent advice. I've been moving slowly or not at all the last few days lol.

Great shaves. I understand about the heat, our heat index was well into the triple digits today. Vacation looked like a blast.
Thanks Don! The vacation was indeed fantastic.

I have some relatives in Michigan and they are all saying that this is one of the hottest summers they have experienced so far. Living in Louisiana all of our summers are hot. But this one is much hotter...earlier than we are used to. Heat index is also well above 100. Stay cool! Looking through my soap stash, I am not sure I have anything mentholated...I have things with mint and tea tree in it, but no menthol. that is a different story!

My parents were in a few hours north of me for a wedding last weekend. It was 95 or so, and the wedding was in a big open field. They were not thrilled with the weather that day lol. A good portion of my aftershaves are mentholated as well, but there is nothing like having that nice chill on your face during the entire shave. It makes the cold water rinse at the end feel like an ice bath on your face.
Straight razor shave #471

Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard
Brush: Shubbyu
Soap: Stirling Iced Pineapple
Aftershave: Fine Platinum
EDT: Fine Platinum

This was Monday's shave. Pretty much the same set up as Sunday, except I remembered the EDT at the end. That Iced Pineapple was a fantastic way to get going on another warm morning. Three pass BBS, with the Platinum topping it off nicely.

Straight razor shave #472

Razor: Feather SS
Blade: ProGuard
Brush: Rudy Vey Egg w/Shavemac knot
Soap: I Coloniali
Aftershave: Speick

Another fantastic soap that is sadly unobtanium. I really wish I Coloniali would bring this back, but if they don't I can console myself with two things. One, This soap is like a stone, and will likely last about 500 shaves. Two, Their shaving cream in the same scent is almost, if not just as, good as the soap.

The soap and razor worked beautifully together, and three passes yielded a lovely BBS. A heavy splash of Speick brought it all home, and I headed out a happy camper.

I haven't had a lot of time to spend in The Dungeon the last several days, but I'm hoping to get a couple good sessions in before/during the weekend.

No shave this morning. I had trouble getting to sleep last night, and couldn't bring myself to get up until the last minute, even with Adagio calling my name. At work now, doing the final prep for our BBQ. Have a wonderful Independence Day everyone, and God bless.
Great shaves Eric! It's funny how some of our favorites can no longer be purchased! Don't work so hard and take some time for yourself!
Great pair of shaves Eric!

I slept in late like a rock myself this morning. Don’t know what had me so tired. Enjoy your 4th!
Great couple of shave Eric!

I'm afraid that this is going to be a long hot summer.
Hope you’ve got some good A/C down in the basement!
The heat is crazy here too! The central air is definitely being pushed to the limits this year.
Iced Pineapple again - yes! And I Coloniali was definitely a good puck of soap. Their rhubarb shaving cream sample you sent me a while back was also an excellent performer!