The Shaving Cadre

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The TSC Movie Thread

I meant to post this some time last week. I just never got around to it. Last weekend the wife and I rented Shazam! off On-Demand. So, I was actually reluctant to watch this movie because I thought that it got some really bad reviews. Evidently the reviews...both critic and audience...were wildly all over the place! Some loved it...some hated it...and there was plenty in between. So where do I fall? I LOVED it! I mean...I'm not going to say that it is going to win any Academy Awards...but all in all I thought this was a pretty darn good movie. Okay, when I say it is a darn good movie...maybe I should say that it's a really fun movie! But it was a solid movie. I had a decent story line, some good character development, pretty good acting, a good plot. Maybe some of the elements were rushed a little...but yeah...actually I think this was a great movie! Up until now...of the DC live action films that are intertwined...I thought that Wonder Woman and the Christopher Nolan Batman movies were the best. But Shazam! is something a little different. Think of what Deadpool did for Marvel. I think Shazam! is very much in that same mold...just a little...err...a lot more family friendly. That isn't to say that Shazam! doesn't have some adult themes to it...after all it is rated PG-13. But if I accidentally brought my 10-12 year old (does that even happen? Accidently bringing a kid to a movie? Yes it does...when I saw Deadpool in the theater...about 10 minutes into it I saw several parents drag their kids out of the theater...I mean come on...if you don't want your kid to see an adult movie...don't take him or her to one that is R Rated)...wait...what was the point I was trying to make? Oh yeah...If I accidentally brought my 10-12 year old to the theater to see Shazam!...I probably wouldn't mind all that much. sum it all up...Shazam! was a super fun movie that actually held my attention and had me enjoying it for two hours plus!
So we went to see the Lion King yesterday. Just a few things from me,

  • Casting was all good, except I did not like the rendition of Scar or the voice
  • The movie is literally scene for scene of the cartoon
  • I wish they expanded on a few parts of the story and made it longer
  • Visually AMAZING!
They did, it's about 30 minutes longer than the original.

Might have been longer but it was scenes just to show off the CGI not to add to the story. For instance watching little simba then adult simba run in the desert. I would much rather them expand and add substance to the story.

This one:

Overall the hyenas were not as funny
Venessa and I just finished watching "Ma" on Vudu. I liked it quite a bit and so did Venessa. It's quite the thriller, although it is a little predictable in my eyes.
Ok...I watched The Joker with Joaquin Phoenix. I was prepared for a flop, but was pleasantly surprised.

I don’t know what it is about the Joker character, but the role seems to really have given a couple actors their possible magnum opus. It was obviously for Ledger, and I must say, if he never made another film, it could be for Phoenix too.

Release controversy aside and film criticism aside, I think DC has a good film here. Their dark, gritty, torturous style may not fit most of their films, but it works perfectly for this one. I think Phoenix rivals Ledger’s Joker in his own unique way.
3 From Hell. Third in a Trilogy by Rob Zombie. Pretty good, if you’re a fan. A little slow at times, but then end sequence was pretty good. It was nice to see Sid Haig’s final performance.
Watched Nightmare Before Christmas because of all the decorations at Disney related to that. Ended up just tuning out about 30min in and waited for it to be over.
Watched Annabelle Comes Home the other night with the wife. I'm not much of a horror person...that's more my wife's thing. But I don't mind some especially the ones from the Conjuring Universe. This one was "okay." Not bad...but definitely not their best work either. I feel like it was a complete setup for a whole mess of other movies in these lines. Not necessarily the Annabelle movies...but all the other things they introduced.
Heard some history about that ordeal. Might be good in a documentary but I'd be afraid of them trying to Hollywood it up in a movie.
Heard some history about that ordeal. Might be good in a documentary but I'd be afraid of them trying to Hollywood it up in a movie.
My brother built a Factory Five Cobra kit and then the Daytona Coupe. Was going to do the GT40 next. He works on the real ones all the time at the dealership he's at. Hence my interest
Wife and I watched a movie called "Little Monsters" last night on Hulu. It's an Aussie movie and the only actor/actress I recognized was Lupita Nyong'o. She has been in some Star Wars movies, but most notably she has stared in Black Panther, Us, and 12 Years a Slave.

Anyway...Little Monsters was a yearly fun and funny movie. Not one for the kiddies, but I couldn't stop laughing through the entire thing. If you are looking for a Halloween laugh...this is a good one!