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The Reading Lounge

I read tons of books each year and some of them are re-reads that are annual traditions. I have 8 books I'm saving for when I'm laid up with surgery in a couple of months. Over Christmas I read:

The Dictionary of Body Language, by Navarro
Gray Man by Dermody
Hidden In Plain Sight by Dermody

I'm working currently on a re-read of The Gift of Fear by DeBecker. This is a must read for all females you care about as it shows how each one of us have a built in detection of when things are not right. It also teaches you about predators and many of their techniques / tactics. If you have daughters, this is a great book to buy them so they can be wiser when they are out and about. It also is applicable to men and sons and even enlisted folks deploying to regions unknown.
I'm working currently on a re-read of The Gift of Fear by DeBecker. This is a must read for all females you care about as it shows how each one of us have a built in detection of when things are not right. It also teaches you about predators and many of their techniques / tactics. If you have daughters, this is a great book to buy them so they can be wiser when they are out and about. It also is applicable to men and sons and even enlisted folks deploying to regions unknown.

This book has been recommend a few times to me. I think I am going to look into picking up a copy.
I am in season 4 on the show. I do not subscribe to HBO so takes me a little longer to watch them. I am hoping to find a deal on the blu rays or possibly get a deal on the digital copies. This would speed up the viewing process. Because currently I rely on my local library. Which sadly the wait list is pretty long.

You could subscribe to HBO now on your smart TV/fire stick/fire TV/Roku for a month or so and binge watch the season until you are caught up...then cancel the HBO Now. It is probably cheaper than buying the Blu Ray set.
This book has been recommend a few times to me. I think I am going to look into picking up a copy.

It's excellent, I can't say enough about it. What's different about it is that it's not fear mongering but just tuning into what your eyes see and your mind already has identified subconsciously as a possible threat. Once you turn that area of your brain on, it never goes off. Eons ago I used to catch shoplifters for a living and that job really tuned me into danger and threats. I remember once being outside the store (I'd go out and get my jacket wet or snowy just to blend in with everyone else) and I saw a woman get out of a car and I knew she was going to steal something. My mind picked up on something, probably a bunch of somethings, that clued me in subconsciously. Yup, she stole a bunch of kids Tommy Hilfiger clothing and I grabbed her at the door.

The body language stuff would be great for you as an official. Many of the body language expressions are expressed on the field or on the court when someone feins outrage at being called out for a penalty or a foul but their body language tells the truth. Great stuff for parents to know too. Spy The Lie, by Houston, Flyod & Carnicero is a must have for parents and those who interrogate people for a living. All great stuff for life as well.
Sounds like an interesting book... I’ve added it to my “Want to Read” list! Thanks for the recommendation.

I’m still chugging away on Alexander Hamilton. Definitely enjoying it so far.
The body language stuff would be great for you as an official. Many of the body language expressions are expressed on the field or on the court when someone feins outrage at being called out for a penalty or a foul but their body language tells the truth. Great stuff for parents to know too. Spy The Lie, by Houston, Flyod & Carnicero is a must have for parents and those who interrogate people for a living. All great stuff for life as well.

Quite a while ago when I went through my intel school with the military...I was taught a unit on facial expressions...specifically on eye movement. It was pretty basic and I think I have forgotten more than I have retained. I interview people quite often and put them under oath. It's sort of like a deposition that a lawyer conducts. I think this book would be VERY beneficial to me. Sticking it on my Kindle list!
Quite a while ago when I went through my intel school with the military...I was taught a unit on facial expressions...specifically on eye movement. It was pretty basic and I think I have forgotten more than I have retained. I interview people quite often and put them under oath. It's sort of like a deposition that a lawyer conducts. I think this book would be VERY beneficial to me. Sticking it on my Kindle list!

I definitely need to keep this book away from my wife!

“Did you order more shaving stuff?”
”I read the book, I can tell you’re full of crap!”
Quite a while ago when I went through my intel school with the military...I was taught a unit on facial expressions...specifically on eye movement. It was pretty basic and I think I have forgotten more than I have retained. I interview people quite often and put them under oath. It's sort of like a deposition that a lawyer conducts. I think this book would be VERY beneficial to me. Sticking it on my Kindle list!

Don, Spy The Lie and Navarro's books on Body Language are excellent. They help you detect when people are uncomfortable. Take for instance today I was serving a subpoena for work and the lady I served had closed body language and then we got to talking and come to find out we grew up in the same area knowing the same people. Well instantly her hand went to twirling her hair which is a sign of comfort. The other day a tech was at my house talking about my heating system and I asked him a question so the guy itched his ear when he gave the answer. Hmmmm, all other answers were straight forward with no signs of anything so later on I asked the question again in a different way and dang if he didn't itch his ear again. A little later I asked again and he did it again. It was a sign he was unsure of his answer. He wasn't lying to me, but he wasn't exactly confident in his answer - good to know so that I can do further research on my own. When I'm handling initial appearances for the agency I work for, I often write down the comfort behaviors of those on the opposite side so our attorneys can have a heads up during the upcoming hearing. We do these nervous ticks to give ourselves comfort when we are uncomfortable - dang interesting stuff to me and dang useful in everyday life. One I use a lot is when I'm talking to someone and their feet are pointed toward the door I know that they really don't care to talk to me and need to get going or if you stop them while they are walking and they keep their feet in the direction they were walking before you stop them, yeah they just want to get going so I know to be brief. Handy stuff.
Just finished Dune. Moving on to another behemoth of a book in Fire and Blood, the latest In the Game Of Thrones universe from George R. R. Martin.
Let me know how it stacks up to the other books. I really like the Song of Ice and Fire Series...but I just want that dude to complete his series! There were talks of HBO doing a limited series of something in the Game of Thrones Universe but not the same story line. If I had to guess...GRRM may have wrote this book specifically to get material for this television work. Just a guess.
Let me know how it stacks up to the other books. I really like the Song of Ice and Fire Series...but I just want that dude to complete his series! There were talks of HBO doing a limited series of something in the Game of Thrones Universe but not the same story line. If I had to guess...GRRM may have wrote this book specifically to get material for this television work. Just a guess.

I’m with you Don. When I heard this book on the Targaryen history was coming out, I was a little put off at first. He really needs to finish the Fire and Ice series! ???

I also heard the same thing about another HBO series. It’s supposed to be a prequel of some sort and apparently they’re in pre production and have already cast the main characters. I’m thinking you hit the nail on the head and it’s probably going to pertain to this Targaryen book, which takes place 300 years before the Fire and Ice series.
I have been sticking with my reading challenge and still reading the first book of Game of Thrones. Have about 250 pages left.
I have really been enjoying the book which is nice because we are behind on so many of our TV shows. GOT is down on the list, as it is not my wife's favorite but she is interested to see how it progresses. I love how the book has really filled in a lot of gaps, and GRRM is actually a very good story teller.

In other book news in an effort to cut off some of the distractions in the world and be more relaxed I have also been listening to audiobooks while commuting whether to work, around town, or to basketball games etc. So far I have listened to:

Protecting the Gift by Gavin DeBecker, This was an awesome listen and I made my wife listen as well. I see myself going back to this in the future as well.

Spy the Lie by Philip Houston, Another great listen. My wife couldn't get into this one sadly. But I really enjoyed it.

And now listening to Eragon. I never got into this when I tried reading it years ago. But listening to it has actually been quite enjoyable.

The problem with audiobooks is definitely cost. I need to find a good resource to get these books for sure.
Well I’m 4 chapters in to Fire & Blood and it is nothing like any of the other GOT books. This is a history of the Targaryen bloodline, and is in fact written like a history book. There is no dialogue and it is basically just a recounting of important events in chronological order.

It’s not bad because it’s well written, but might not be everyone’s cup of tea.
I have about 100 pages left and I must admit I am really impressed with Martin's writing. He does have tendencies to over explain some things but overall a very good storyteller. It will probably take all year or most of it to get through the 5 books, but it makes me tempted to look into some of his other works.

With the driving around I do I have been listening to the book Eragon. A very fun story but not as well written, but enjoyable enough.
I have about 100 pages left and I must admit I am really impressed with Martin's writing. He does have tendencies to over explain some things but overall a very good storyteller. It will probably take all year or most of it to get through the 5 books, but it makes me tempted to look into some of his other works.

With the driving around I do I have been listening to the book Eragon. A very fun story but not as well written, but enjoyable enough.

I agree that Martin is an excellent storyteller, but it’s not always necessary to list every item of food available to the guests of a royal feast ???.

I always wanted to read Eragon but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
I agree that Martin is an excellent storyteller, but it’s not always necessary to list every item of food available to the guests of a royal feast

I always wanted to read Eragon but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

If you have a decent commute get the audiobook and listen in your car. The chapters are only 10-15 min on average. It's a fun story