The Shaving Cadre

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The Reading Lounge

Picked up Lord of Chaos from Jordan's Wheel of Time series, which has been sitting partially read now for a year. Making good progress now that I've decided not to work 60+ hr workweeks in an attempt to not burn out.
As some of you know, my quarantine reading project has been Moby Dick. It is one of my grail reads and before starting it, I was really looking forward to reading it. Quarantine being what it is, I’ve had a hard time reading anything right now. Nevertheless, I still have managed to make it about 2/3 of the way through. I won’t’s been a tough read.

Until today! Our cat threw up on it! This must be some sort of sign. I refuse to read a vomited-on book, so I pitched it and ordered a new one, but it’s going to be at least a week before I’m at it again.
Queequeg eats cats.
I honestly am not sure how I plan to vote this year... But I figured I'd see if this persuades me one way or the other.
