The Shaving Cadre

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The Blackland Vector SE US Tour......

Today's shave was basically a mirror image of yesterdays:

Preshave: Grooming Dept Lavender Preshave
Soap: Barrister & Mann Barrister's Reserve Lavender
Brush: Paladin Cleo
Razor/Blade (left): Blackland Vector with Schick Proline P-30 (2)
Razor/Blade (right): Colonial General with Schick Proline P-30 (2)
AS: Nancy Boy Replenishing AS Gel

I worked hard to minimize the pressure that I used on both sides. I moved my hand down on the Vector handle so that I was only using the lower half of the handle and tried very hard to not press in to my face. With the General, I didn't have to do much as the weight of the razor and head just naturally pull the blade down.

The results were better - particularly with the Vector as far as comfort. But I would rate the razors as I did yesterday. The General was smoother and a little more comfortable than the Vector, while the Vector gave me a little closer shave. As I was shaving this morning, I thought that I'd probably grab the General more often given the choice, but that could change tomorrow.
Bumped it up a notch today with a 3 pass shave using a Feather Pro Super blade.

Preshave: Grooming Dept Lavender Preshave
Soap: L&L/Chatillon Lux Champs de Lavande
Brush: Paladin Cleo
Razor/Blade (left): Blackland Vector with Feather Pro Super (1)
AS: Nancy Boy Replenishing AS Gel

Worked at a low pressure (I don't have the skill yet for no pressure) shave with the Vector. Final result was amazing - perfectly smooth with almost zero irritation. It's been a long time since I used this soap and now I'm looking forward to it coming up in rotation. Such an easy lather to use and feels great.

I may not need to shave tomorrow, so I will pick the Vector up for a final shave on Monday. I'll either get the razor out on Monday or Tuesday.

List of participants. Remember, copy the list to your post, add your name and carry on. Or, just pm me and I will get you listed. First come order is how it will be set. No rock, paper, scissors here..... 😜

1. Dave in KY (completed)
2. Uacowboy (completed)
3. NurseDave (completed)
4. LBKINDY (completed)
5. Bobmsp (in hand testing)
6. Dangerousdon (on deck)
7. Dmshaver (in the hole)
Last shave with this Vector

Preshave: Crown Shaving Preshave Gel
Soap: La Savonnerie Bourbonnaise - Cedar Lemongrass
Brush: Paladin Cleo
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather Pro Super (2)
AS: Proraso Green

Kept the Feather Pro for my last shave. It definitely requires some attention. And that was especially true with this morning's soap. (For those of you who aren't familiar with La Savonnerie Bourbonnaise - and I wasn't until I tried this sample - it is like lathering with bath soap. The lather disappears on one side of my face by the time I finish the other. However, it is extremely slick.) I felt a good amount of blade exposure and there was definite aural feedback from the razor as I used it.

Results were very good. A small amount of irritation from the shave. I can feel where the irritation was 3 hours later although it's not painful. Just a little warm.

I like the Vector a lot and imagine that I might end up with one sometime. I had high hopes that the Vector would be the one SE that I would want to buy. However, it wasn't complete love at first sight for me. I enjoyed the experience, but it's not the perfect shave that I was hoping for - especially when I compare it to the General. So it's on my list of possible purchases at the end of the year and I will think about it again then. A lot will depend on whether I can get a used General in SS or brass and/or whether the General 2.0 is available.

Nevertheless, it was an eye-opening experience and I now have a really good idea about how well AC razors work for me. (They do!) Thanks so much @GlazedBoker for your continued generosity in sharing your stash of fine razors.

I'll mail the box out to @dangerousdon tomorrow morning.

For those of you who aren't familiar with La Savonnerie Bourbonnaise - and I wasn't until I tried this sample - it is like lathering with bath soap. The lather disappears on one side of my face by the time I finish the other.
That's awesome! Good to keep a soap around for when you're looking for a really terrible lather ;)

Looks like the wave of instant buys on first use of the Vector is over.
That's awesome! Good to keep a soap around for when you're looking for a really terrible lather ;)
I imagine it's a great soap for straights. It's quite slick and I know there are those who love it. I bought a sample without knowing exactly what I was getting into. I've got a few more shaves with it, but don't know if I like it or not. I'm not likely to buy again.