The Shaving Cadre

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The Blackland Vector SE US Tour......

I'm just glad it'll get him shaving again 😎

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Okay guys. The Vector arrived on my doorstep yesterday and I was excited to shave with it today! Here is what I posted about it in my Journal...

Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Captain Titan Mild Protouch MG (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Roasted Oatmeal Stout (Made with Real Guinness Stout)
Brush: Asylum Brush Works - TSC 1st Anniversary Brush by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Figaro Monsieur


It came! And I was super exited to try it out! I am on the Blackland Vector Tour and it's my turn to try it out! From those who have posted about it, I really had no idea what to think. It is generally accepted as a really good razor though, and I had slightly high expectations. This is only my second AC style razor, unless you count an Injector, then this is my third. And like other that have posted here about it...the weight and balance kind of threw me off. I had concerns that it would be too small, too light, too wide, etc. But to be honest, this razor was a perfect weight and fit for me. It was just really comfortable to shave with. I know @bobmsp said he used more pressure than he should have at first. This was not the case at all. I am one to almost always use more pressure than I should. But I had to admit that I think the Vector actually forces me to use less pressure. I whipped up a moisturizing lather with CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout and three passes and a cleanup...I am clean shaven! I ended up with DFS+...maybe even better. A few splashes of the Figaro Monsieur Dopobara and man I am feeling good! That Figaro...boy does it smell good and it feels good too!

A couple quick notes...the blade. I think the Captain Titan Mild was okay. Maybe it was my angle...maybe it was the blade. But for some reason I keep feeling I could have got a better shave. I'll use this one again tomorrow to see if it gets better. But come Monday I think I will try a different blade.
Wow, Don's sleeping on the shaving couch. Where did you go wrong buddy? Not home early enough to intercept packages? Orders made too close together? Didn't use another cadre member as an excuse?
You guys are too funny! It's more of a priority thing right now. Though believe me...there will be a purchase...or...two...or three...very soon.
Going to get another shave in this weekend. Either today or Sunday. Probably today. I do want to see how this thing performs on two days growth so I likely won't shave tomorrow and go at it with a new blade on Monday. I am thinking of trying the Feather for that day. But suggestions are welcome.