The Shaving Cadre

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The Blackland Vector SE US Tour......

List of participants. Remember, copy the list to your post, add your name and carry on. Or, just pm me and I will get you listed. First come order is how it will be set. No rock, paper, scissors here..... 😜

1. Dave in KY (completed)
2. Uacowboy (completed)
3. NurseDave (in hand testing)
4. LBKINDY (on deck)
5. Bobmsp (in the hole)
6. Dangerousdon
7. Dmshaver
List of participants. Remember, copy the list to your post, add your name and carry on. Or, just pm me and I will get you listed. First come order is how it will be set. No rock, paper, scissors here..... 😜

1. Dave in KY (completed)
2. Uacowboy (completed)
3. NurseDave (completed)
4. LBKINDY (waiting)
5. Bobmsp (on deck)
6. Dangerousdon (in the hole)
7. Dmshaver
Thanks for the opportunity Gus. My comments are mostly in my videos. I will likely end up with one at some point. Likely in a spur of the moment need to purchase something when it's full price and I need to pay for shipping. It certainly does provide consistently great shaves, it just ain't sexy about it.
List of participants. Remember, copy the list to your post, add your name and carry on. Or, just pm me and I will get you listed. First come order is how it will be set. No rock, paper, scissors here..... 😜

1. Dave in KY (completed)
2. Uacowboy (completed)
3. NurseDave (completed)
4. LBKINDY (in hand testing)
5. Bobmsp (on deck)
6. Dangerousdon (in the hole)
7. Dmshaver
First shave with the Vector this morning. I used the Schick Proline and the shave started out with a great deal of tugging and pulling on the first pass but that subsided for the most part with the second pass as I dialed in the angle. BBS at the end without the irritation on my lower neck that I experience with my Supply SE.

I'm curious to see if the blade shows improvement on subsequent shaves as some of my DE blades often do. Also looking forward to trying the Feathers.
I'm curious to see if the blade shows improvement on subsequent shaves as some of my DE blades often do. Also looking forward to trying the Feathers.

The Proline blades are arguably one of the smoother blades right out of the pack. Could have been a clunker or just getting your angle of attack on those first few strokes. The Vector can be a bit different for some in that the light weight can throw one off a bit. I think subsequent shaves will get better once you get that angle down which will be fairly quick. I think it's the easiest AC SE style razor to get acquainted with by quite a margin over others.

This darn thing just can’t give a bad shave no matter how it feels

Agreed. Do I hear perhaps someone warming up a bit to the Vector here?? 😜
That’s cool to have your soaps labeled like that so you know which one to use.