The Shaving Cadre

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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

I'm starting a 30 day reset with another group tomorrow. This lines up very well with this challenge. We focus on more than just weight loss, but on overall health. The four aspects (pillars) of the 30 day reset are food, movement, sleep, and community. There is a lot to unpack but I am excited to start it. Other than my weight, I have some other things I want to focus on concerning my health. I'll try to keep you all up to date in my health journal.

I hope you all are progressing well. Or at least learning something about your selves. The health threads have been quiet. Wishing you all the best of luck!
My wife has been trying to get me to eat the (second) box of turtles we bought for Christmas. I am resisting as, outside of a few cans of pop last year, I have not eaten any junk food (bars, candy, chips...) since the start of 2021.
Kudos to you Sam! I know that you are trying to gain weight. But I suspect that you are actually healthier than 99% of the population out there. Being healthy is everything. As long as you have muscle (which I know you do) you can stave off a lot of illnesses. It may be that your body just prefers to be in that 150 - 155ish range.
have not eaten any junk food (bars, candy, chips...) since the start of 2021.
Thats awesome. While i dont eat much traditional junk food, my diet is clearly not optimal for health/weight loss and perhaps not even anything other than base stress or enjoyment.
Started up an actual plan today. Might take a little counting of macros for a bit, but it's better than flying by the seat of my pants. Worked out first thing this morning and have actually felt good all day long. Weighed myself over the weekend and took some measurements. But I am not looking at the scale again for a week.

Hope everyone else is doing well on their respective goals.
Gents, mind if I ride along? I lost focus in the latter half of '21, but I got back on track at the beginning of this year. My goal is lose a half lb or so per week and be at my target weight of 198 (lbs, not kilos @woodpusher :LOL:) sometime this spring. Depending on how I'm doing/feeling, I may shoot for a little lower.

I try to eat a mostly balanced diet and get regular exercise, but I don't beat myself up when I fall off the wagon. I use the LoseIt! app to log my food intake and exercise. I don't follow a particular diet, but I have cut back dramatically on breads, dairy, sweets, and soft drinks. I've replaced those items with more lean meats, boiled eggs, beans, oatmeal, low-sugar cereals, Greek yogurt, fruits, veggies, and almond milk. This has served me well overall for the last few years.

I need the accountability, and it will be motivational to see everyone's progress. Thanks for letting me join...

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So who's doing Keto?? I'm back in ketosis and feeling great!
Ish… that’s the goal, but my work/vacation isn’t helping. Trying to stay low carb. I normally step on the scale every morning. Tells me if what I did the last day helped or hurt. Haven’t stepped on the scale in about a week, so I’m kinda scared about this months weigh in. I was doing great at the start of the month. Now? I’m not so sure…..
So who's doing Keto?? I'm back in ketosis and feeling great!
Not doing keto, but doing high protein low carb. Registered a 0.5 mmol/L in ketones tonight so technically I am in ketosis. With this diet I will likely be in and out of ketosis a lot...but I should be producing some ketones almost all the time. I'm not looking at the scale until Sunday at the earliest. After that I will check for our monthly weigh in and then put it away until I am done with the reset I am doing.
I hate to break it to you all, but its already nearly the end of January!

How can that be??? I'll be posting the February 1st weigh in thread, in the private section soon.

What's been working for you guys?

Are you focusing on your diet or activity?
I hate to break it to you all, but its already nearly the end of January!

How can that be??? I'll be posting the February 1st weigh in thread, in the private section soon.

What's been working for you guys?

Are you focusing on your diet or activity?
Break it to me?


I'll let you know on weigh in if what I am doing so far is working. Right now I am feeling pretty we will see!