The Shaving Cadre

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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

I watched a video about a guy that tried it for a month and different techniques to make it easier. Spoiler alert, it didn't get easier.
It’s all about breathing. Honestly this morning it wasn’t that bad. The initial working up the courage was worse than the shower itself. And it was 28 degrees this morning. So the water was definitely cold.
It’s all about breathing. Honestly this morning it wasn’t that bad. The initial working up the courage was worse than the shower itself. And it was 28 degrees this morning. So the water was definitely cold.
I’m curious now. Time for don to start a new thread!
Copy this list and add your name to sign up:

1. Luecke3262
2. Spider
3. dangerousdon
4. woodpusher
5. Scuttlesoap
6. Milkcrate
7. global_dev
8. Mvargo
9. Uacowboy
10. DeepSea
11. Fenster
12. Shavin’ Yeti
13. CBLindsay
14. CVargo
15. Ambalance
16. Sunnysanity
17. NurseDave
19. Smattayu
Copy this list and add your name to sign up:

1. Luecke3262
2. Spider
3. dangerousdon
4. woodpusher
5. Scuttlesoap
6. Milkcrate
7. global_dev
8. Mvargo
9. Uacowboy
10. DeepSea
11. Fenster
12. Shavin’ Yeti
13. CBLindsay
14. CVargo
15. Ambalance
16. Sunnysanity
17. NurseDave
19. Smattayu
Nice! We only need one more! @CVargo you know what to do, thanks
Does everyone have a goal weight in mind over the next 5 months??

I’d like to reduce my weight by 30-35 lbs to 175-180 lbs. That would be lower than I managed during the last challenge, but I’m also starting 23 lbs lower than last year.

I’m eating Keto with intermittent fasting of 18/6 with two meals one at noon and one between 5-6pm. I’m considering OMAD once i fully transition to keto and don’t feel hungry approaching lunch.

I’m currently working out with the wrestling team, running for about 30 min and drilling with the heavier kids when needed.

I’m not going to be drinking any alcohol, except during the Vegas trip in April.
Does everyone have a goal weight in mind over the next 5 months??

I’d like to reduce my weight by 30-35 lbs to 175-180 lbs. That would be lower than I managed during the last challenge, but I’m also starting 23 lbs lower than last year.

I’m eating Keto with intermittent fasting of 18/6 with two meals one at noon and one between 5-6pm. I’m considering OMAD once i fully transition to keto and don’t feel hungry approaching lunch.

I’m currently working out with the wrestling team, running for about 30 min and drilling with the heavier kids when needed.

I’m not going to be drinking any alcohol, except during the Vegas trip in April.

I'm shooting for a goal weight of 180 lbs, so a 25-30 lb loss.

As for diet, I'm starting out with a drastic reduction of sweets and taking more time to prepare meals and batch cooking for a few days at a time. I will be doing the Whole30 for one of the months, but that will require some preparation, so probably the 2nd or 3rd. My biggest downfall has been sacrificing healthy foods for convenient ones, and going for a quick fill up rather than a solid meal. It seems like every time I get into good eating habits something changes to throw me off. Being a new homeowner with all the time-sinks that entails, moving to third shift, etc.

Time is still a factor, so I'll be doing HIIT 3-4 times a week. If I'm able(and my chiropractor gives me the go-ahead) I'd like to get back into the gym, since it has been about 7 years since I lifted and I miss it.

I know this is the Weight Loss Challenge, but the actual weight loss is secondary for me. That is to say that I hope to build some muscle during this time as well, and since muscle is more dense than fat I may not show as much in that department as others. This is more about fitness, overall energy, and quality of life. I'll be taking measurements at the start and finish, with some possibly in between.
I gained back almost all the weight I lost last year. Lost my focus, got lazy, then had surgery. I hope to lose it all again, and keep it off!

Goal Weight: 170
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Does everyone have a goal weight in mind over the next 5 months??

I’d like to reduce my weight by 30-35 lbs to 175-180 lbs. That would be lower than I managed during the last challenge, but I’m also starting 23 lbs lower than last year.

I’m eating Keto with intermittent fasting of 18/6 with two meals one at noon and one between 5-6pm. I’m considering OMAD once i fully transition to keto and don’t feel hungry approaching lunch.

I’m currently working out with the wrestling team, running for about 30 min and drilling with the heavier kids when needed.

I’m not going to be drinking any alcohol, except during the Vegas trip in April.
So yeah, I have a number in mind when we are talking about losing weight. But like Eric @Smattayu it isn't so much about the number of pounds I lose but more about being healthy and building muscle. Interestingly enough, being healthy, building muscle, and losing weight are not mutually exclusive of each other. Building muscle helps increase your metabolic rate which in turns helps burn fat.

That being said...these last three months on me were rough in the health department. I gained a ton of weight. I was heavier at weigh in than I was last year at the start of this challenge. In a dream world...I would LOVE to get to 240. I mean that would be amazing! I don't even know if that is possible for me. 250 is realistically where I want to be. I can fairly easily get to 260 I think, but that other 10 pounds might prove more difficult.

So I guess getting to 250 would be 40 pounds. I know in 2018 I dropped 40 pounds in four months. But I was a lot heavier back then. I think 40 pounds should realistically be my 10 - 12 month goal. So for the five month goal? I am guessing getting to 260 (30 pounds) is more realistic.
My biggest downfall has been sacrificing healthy foods for convenient ones, and going for a quick fill up rather than a solid meal. It seems like every time I get into good eating habits something changes to throw me off. Being a new homeowner with all the time-sinks that entails, moving to third shift, etc.
Changes can be tough. Always throwing us a curveball. It is so much easier to hit up that McDonald's Drive Thru and get you a supersized portion of those greasy fries... @CVargo knows what I am talking about!

So there are a couple of things you can do. If you are going to hit up the fast food or snack's not optimal for whatever diet you choose, but you can make a better decision. Instead of full sugar coke, go with diet. Instead of a burger and fries...skip the fries and toss the bun on the burger. Get creative if you want.

The other thing that I HIGHLY recommend, is that if your life is full of surprises, have something you can grab on the go readily available. Boiled eggs are great for this. Not only are they nutritious, but they are really filling. Have some yogurt and berries ready to go. If you are doing something a little on the beefy side of diets, have some hamburger patties ready to go. Beef sticks. Jerky. Etc. I am not sure of your likes, dislikes, dietary needs, etc., but there is almost always something you can do.
Changes can be tough. Always throwing us a curveball. It is so much easier to hit up that McDonald's Drive Thru and get you a supersized portion of those greasy fries... @CVargo knows what I am talking about!

So there are a couple of things you can do. If you are going to hit up the fast food or snack's not optimal for whatever diet you choose, but you can make a better decision. Instead of full sugar coke, go with diet. Instead of a burger and fries...skip the fries and toss the bun on the burger. Get creative if you want.

The other thing that I HIGHLY recommend, is that if your life is full of surprises, have something you can grab on the go readily available. Boiled eggs are great for this. Not only are they nutritious, but they are really filling. Have some yogurt and berries ready to go. If you are doing something a little on the beefy side of diets, have some hamburger patties ready to go. Beef sticks. Jerky. Etc. I am not sure of your likes, dislikes, dietary needs, etc., but there is almost always something you can do.

All excellent points, and well received. Fast food hasn't been a thing for me the last few years, but desserts are where I go hog wild lol. I've already planned ahead for most of that. Yogurt is my go-to, and I will be keeping plenty of cottage cheese and veggies(the kind that I actually like) on hand for snacking if I feel the need.

Mostly it's a matter of removing the junk food, getting into the habit of reaching for something healthy that is still convenient, and NOT GROCERY SHOPPING WHEN I'M HUNGRY! That is when I go crazy with the unhealthy carbs. Then once it's there of course I have to eat it. I've been through enough lean times, and have run the kitchen for a non-profit that doesn't take state or federal funding, so throwing away food is anathema to me lol.
and veggies(the kind that I actually like)
This is a great point! I have learned that the best diet for me is one that I am going to stick to. By eating a bunch of stuff that I don't like I am ensuring that I drop off the diet.

Diet stuff for me is a lot of meats and cheeses. I am just not a big veggie eater.
Copy this list and add your name to sign up:

1. Luecke3262
2. Spider
3. dangerousdon
4. woodpusher
5. Scuttlesoap
6. Milkcrate
7. global_dev
8. Mvargo
9. Uacowboy
10. DeepSea
11. Fenster
12. Shavin’ Yeti
13. CBLindsay
14. CVargo
15. Ambalance
16. Sunnysanity
17. NurseDave
19. Smattayu

1st TSC post….invited by @primotenore

Look forward to the challenge.