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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

I know man, it was really tough here in STL..... We paid more than we wanted, but still stayed within our original budget. Its crazy to see some homes in our area going for $75-125K over asking...
In CASH. People moving here from out of state is driving up the prices making it even worse.

Someone told me their "friend" said it will crash within the next year. People have being saying that for a couple of years now.
In CASH. People moving here from out of state is driving up the prices making it even worse.

Someone told me their "friend" said it will crash within the next year. People have being saying that for a couple of years now.
Yep, the same issue here... Our agent thought the market will continue trending up for at least the next 2-3 years, but then again she wanted to make money, so.....
In CASH. People moving here from out of state is driving up the prices making it even worse.

Someone told me their "friend" said it will crash within the next year. People have being saying that for a couple of years now.

Yep, the same issue here... Our agent thought the market will continue trending up for at least the next 2-3 years, but then again she wanted to make money, so.....
According data released today, 20% or more of the home sales today are all cash deals. This would seem to imply 20% of the market are investors looking to buy, whether they intend to renovate and flip or rent is yet to be seen. Rising interest rates will definitely work against the home sales, both as a result of home buyers not being able to afford higher prices at higher rates AND as a result of investors being drawn to more attractive bond alternatives. An investor buying a home and renting it is a lot like buying a bond and clipping coupons. ...and once you figure in taxation of the "passive income" and any potential tax changes in the pipeline, bond income starts to be pretty attractive once rates hit a certain level.
I was listening to Mike Rowe's podcast yesterday. He was chatting with a gent named Vinnie Tortorich, a health and fitness guru of sorts. The conversation was quite informative, he gave a good amount of background on how/why our diets have changed over time (hint, its ALL based on lies). He espouses a no sugar no grain (and no engineered foods), this guy was keto before keto was cool. He has a free pdf describing the basics on his website (a very entertaining guy). I'll let you google his website (hint its his first and last name).
The only reason I share this, is because SO much of what he was saying (And promotes on his website and books) is exactly what my nutritionist was telling me a month ago.
The conversation was quite informative, he gave a good amount of background on how/why our diets have changed over time (hint, its ALL based on lies).
It’s really enlightening to learn the truth about modern nutrition wisdom and how it originated.

Two great documentaries to watch are The Magic Pill and Fathead, The Director's Cut.

Both opened up my eyes when I started keto, and made me mad about everything I was told my whole life.
I was listening to Mike Rowe's podcast yesterday. He was chatting with a gent named Vinnie Tortorich, a health and fitness guru of sorts. The conversation was quite informative, he gave a good amount of background on how/why our diets have changed over time (hint, its ALL based on lies). He espouses a no sugar no grain (and no engineered foods), this guy was keto before keto was cool. He has a free pdf describing the basics on his website (a very entertaining guy). I'll let you google his website (hint its his first and last name).
The only reason I share this, is because SO much of what he was saying (And promotes on his website and books) is exactly what my nutritionist was telling me a month ago.
Vinnie Tortorich is kind of pioneer in the low carb, ancestral health space. A lot of the people you hear today that espouse a certain dietary philosophy may have been influenced by him. Western society has this mentality that we can create foods that are better than the ones we have been eating for hundreds of thousands of years. Yet we were told 40-50 years ago that fat is bad, eggs are bad, animals are bad. But things like Crisco, Corn Flakes, Impossible Burger are what is best for you. Taking a step all doesn't make sense. I know in the past I have been a little preachy or dogmatic about certain aspects of my diet. I was really just excited because finally...something that made sense and worked. I no longer think that one way is the best way. It really all just depends on what people can adhere to. I will say that I believe that vast majority of the population today could seriously benefit from eating some sort of low carb, whole food diet. These last couple of months have been huge for me diet wise. Not that I am dropping weight like Will Smith wished he would have dropped Chris Rock. But I have all sort of changes in body composition. And most of all...I am feeling really damn good about myself. All my bio markers are significantly improving. I am building muscle. And my waist is getting smaller. All from diet and exercise that a lot of people would say that it isn't healthy. I started my journey in 2018 and lost 70 pounds in six months...all eating foods that I loved to eat and just a little bit of exercise. I have evolved the way I think right now a bit on diet and exercise, but it is an evolution. What I did previously wasn't wrong at all...and in fact I still use that diet as a tool. But it is all learning. I heard someone say the other day to "Eat veggies, a lot of them, and meat sometimes." Screw that...I got healthy eating meat, cheese, and eggs. I say, eat a lot of meat (mostly beef and fish) and if you feel like a veggie, that's good. And have some fruit here and there.

It’s really enlightening to learn the truth about modern nutrition wisdom and how it originated.

Two great documentaries to watch are The Magic Pill and Fathead, The Director's Cut.

Both opened up my eyes when I started keto, and made me mad about everything I was told my whole life.
I will echo these movies. Good places to start.

I would also recommend the book "The Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teicholz. It's a really good documented and sourced history of the demonization of fat and cholesterol.

I have been following the works of Robb Wolf lately and have even conversed with him on line. I highly recommend his book called "Wired to Eat: Turn Off Cravings, Rewire Your Appetite for Weight Loss, and Determine the Foods That Work for You." I think it is like $5 if you have a kindle. Robb takes more of an ancestral approach to diet and is credited with being on of the fathers of the Paleo diet.

I also recommend his book that he co-authored with Diana Rogers called "Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat: Why Well-Raised Meat Is Good for You and Good for the Planet." They also have a companion movie called Sacred Cow that you can find on Amazon. It's even narrated by Nick know...Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation.

Also Robb Wolf and Diana Rogers were recently on Joe Rogan.

Sorry for the rant. No matter what path you take to get healthy, always remember to take control of your own health.
The house next door to ours sold about 6 months ago. Reportedly, it was a wreck inside.. and the pool outside looked like a stagnant holding pond. They've been working on it off and on... just had the tree guys come in yesterday... and the carpenters repaired the wood frame around the chimney pipe. The roof had already been replaced. Lots of appliances outside yesterday, including the water heater... The owner is showing up in a new Mercedes.... so I'm guessing they are going to flip it soon.. This isn't exactly a new Mercedes neighborhood.

On a happy note: I did post my weigh-in at the official page. I'm a bit disappointed.... as you'll see when you see my post. Still I did lose a few pounds in March so at least the trend is in the right direction. I'm off to the doctor for my monthly infusion (nothing serious, just the psoriatic arthritis med Orencia), so that is my extra official weigh-in.
Haven't lost anything this week, which is weird. I was planning on fasting the last 12 days of this month, but last Sunday I was feeling in a fog and dizzy. I'm sure it was from not drinking enough water and electrolytes the day prior, but I figured the best way to come around was to just break my fast early and eat. So I ate on Sunday. I've been fasting ever since, but weighed the same this morning as I did Sunday morning. So I'm hoping to drop at least a pound or two by tomorrow to meet my goal for this month, but I totally expected to go past that goal by the 1st. Weigh-in will be posted tomorrow.
I work in insurance and it is frustrating seeing how many rental properties some people own. They have every right to buy them, but I l know it is making it harder for people to buy a home to live in.

I think one study showed health benefits of moderate carb diets. Healthiest people I know have rice 2-3 times a day. I don't know. Keto made me sick and gave me nosebleeds so I'm not a fan, even though I definitely like the idea of eating more fats/meat. I'm usually drinking more milk/protein powder and eating less bread/noodles so I have reduced carbs some. I'm still eating rice regularly though. It is a staple food in my house.
Keto has worked out great for me, but I might be an outlier. I lost 50lbs last year and kept off about 24 of those lbs, but I got sloppy... So far for the year, I'm only a little off my previous low from last year and I fully expect to get my weight below 180 in the next month. I would like to add in some strength training at some point in the next month as well as some more activity, once we get unpacked completely that is.

I don't know if I set a goal weight this year and I'm not certain that it is needed, but I was thinking it would be cool to be around 175lbs and active. That's my GOAL! I'm getting closer with the weight and the active part will come. Glad my joints are feelin better and my foot injury from wrestling season is mostly healed.
I have a Jan 1st target.... 5 pounds a month until then.... but the holidays can always be problematic. But at the start of next year, I'm hoping to within 10 to 15 pounds of my final body weight. The problem is... at my age, I'm not exactly certain what that should be. I used to be 6'3"... but I'm around 6'1 1/2" or so now... my ideal weight used to be 180 to 185... I think at my age, I'll need to be 170 to 175... but I won't really know until I get there.
I have a Jan 1st target.... 5 pounds a month until then.... but the holidays can always be problematic. But at the start of next year, I'm hoping to within 10 to 15 pounds of my final body weight. The problem is... at my age, I'm not exactly certain what that should be. I used to be 6'3"... but I'm around 6'1 1/2" or so now... my ideal weight used to be 180 to 185... I think at my age, I'll need to be 170 to 175... but I won't really know until I get there.
I'll need to be strict about which holidays I can actually be more lenient on. Easy to use every birthday, wedding, and special occasion as an excuse to overeat. 😅
I'll need to be strict about which holidays I can actually be more lenient on. Easy to use every birthday, wedding, and special occasion as an excuse to overeat. 😅
At the beginning of March, my wife and I took a one day break... went out for Mexican food and margaritas... brought home the left overs for the next day.... I gained two pounds. I decided it just isn't worth it. So, I plan to stay on the straight and narrow until January, at least. This month is going to be rough. We are headed to a gathering over the weekend... and at the end of the month, we are driving from Florida to PA for a concert. My father in law would have been 100 at the end of April... so two of my brother's in law are putting together this concert to celebrate the music he composed. I don't like to be surrounded by all that temptation but I'll manage. If I know I can't deviate from the things I know I can eat safely, it'll be fine. "Abstinence is much easier than moderation. Moderation requires self control: abstinence only requires the tyranny of will."
Weekly check-in sees me down to 152.0 lbs :cry:

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Sam...I think that you just need to resign to the fact that unless you change some things up significantly...this is where your body wants to settle at. You are a healthy dude! I would be supper happy with that. Keep doing what you are doing to stay healthy. I for one am proud that you are committed this. You are inspiring actually!
Oh, I know this is where my equilibrium is and I am pretty comfortable in my skin.. I'm just living normal minus any junk food (does the occasional handful of chocolate covered almonds count as nuts or junk food? :unsure: ) and watching my fat intake (don't want to be on cholesterol tablets).