The Shaving Cadre

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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

I know a lot of you have posted weights in the other thread and have expressed either here or in the other one that you went in the wrong direction or you are not completely happy with how things went. The fact that you are still here after three months means that you are committed and that should make you happy. In the three months you might have shifted focus on health and wellness. You might have built some good habits. But even if you haven't, or if you kind of fell off the rails a bit...there is one thing I want you all to know. Today is another day! No matter what you have done, you can always start again. None of this has to be overwhelming. You can begin again and start small. I know it's kind of cliché, but it is said that big changes start with small habits. It's true. I recently read a study where people were told to do just one exercise a day...just one. And basically the study concluded that even just that one exercise produced gains. I don't suggest you do that...but the moral of the story is that of you just start out changing one really does help. It's a mindset. That one change will grow and you will build a healthy habit and the later start adding another change.

I am proud of what all of you are doing. It isn't easy for any of us to get up and say "today I am going to build a healthy habit." But that is exactly what all of you are doing. Congratulations! You are doing more than 85% of the population! Seriously...most people don't care about their health enough to start with even just one change.

You guys and gals are awesome...keep up the good work!
Oh, I know this is where my equilibrium is and I am pretty comfortable in my skin.. I'm just living normal minus any junk food (does the occasional handful of chocolate covered almonds count as nuts or junk food? :unsure: ) and watching my fat intake (don't want to be on cholesterol tablets).
I won't get in the cholesterol argument...especially since what you are doing is working pretty well. Seriously though Sam, I think a lot of people wish they were as healthy as you! I mean it when I say I think you are an inspiration!

And if they are dark chocolate covered almonds...then I would say they are a healthy snack!
All I know is my cholesterol was borderline for needing medication and in 6-7 months, I managed to get it down to borderline healthy by removing junk food (BIG potato chip eater!) from my diet. I was exercising before, so that was not a factor.

Different people's bodies process things in different ways, aka..... YMMV 😜
As you've said before, it's important to find what works for YOU. (y)
BMI is Bull. Hip to waist ratio is a much better indicator of health.

"Using a tape measure, take a reading from your natural waist line and the widest part of your hips. Now divide the circumference of your waist by your hip circumference measurement."

Anything under 1 and you are good to go. Anything over should be aware. The farther you are away from 1 isn't so good.
Turmeric, Ginger, Cranberry juice, and Apple Cider drink is my morning go to for arthritis pain relief.

4oz Cranberry Juice
8 oz Water
1/4 tsp Tumeric
1/4 tsp Ginger
1/4 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

I mix together with ice in my Stanley thermos, shake, and drink.

Any thoughts on this.
Turmeric, Ginger, Cranberry juice, and Apple Cider drink is my morning go to for arthritis pain relief.

4oz Cranberry Juice
8 oz Water
1/4 tsp Tumeric
1/4 tsp Ginger
1/4 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

I mix together with ice in my Stanley thermos, shake, and drink.

Any thoughts on this.
There might be something to it. Probably mostly from the turmeric/ginger side of things. The Apple Cider Vinegar has a acetic acid in it which has glucose lowering properties which in turn helps with inflammation. There are also some probiotic material in ACV that might help with inflammation as well. I actually try to drink a couple of tablespoons of ACV a day much in the way you are a "refresher" of sorts. It is more of an experiment for me than anything else. I have been doing it for about a month or so. I feel pretty good doing it, but can't tell you for sure if it is doing anything.

If you want something that is more evidence based and is homeopathic, try tart cherry. My wife had a lot of shoulder pain a while back and went to the Ortho. Her Orthopedic Doctor (an MD) prescribed her Tart Cherry. No joke. I looked it up and there are a ton of studies (legit studies) about tart cherry. And a lot of positive results as well. It turns out that tart cherry is highly effective in treating inflammation. Doctors use it for a whole host of inflammatory issues, including gout and arthritis. You can get Tart Cherry capsules or you can get the Tart Cherry juice. I think you can even get dried Tart Cherry. My wife took the capsules and drank the juice. said both were effective but thought the capsules worked better. By the way...Tart Cherry isn't really that tart.

As an added bonus, Tart Cherry has melatonin and I think tryptophan in it naturally, so some people take it as a sleep aid as well.

Hope this helps.
There might be something to it. Probably mostly from the turmeric/ginger side of things. The Apple Cider Vinegar has a acetic acid in it which has glucose lowering properties which in turn helps with inflammation. There are also some probiotic material in ACV that might help with inflammation as well. I actually try to drink a couple of tablespoons of ACV a day much in the way you are a "refresher" of sorts. It is more of an experiment for me than anything else. I have been doing it for about a month or so. I feel pretty good doing it, but can't tell you for sure if it is doing anything.

If you want something that is more evidence based and is homeopathic, try tart cherry. My wife had a lot of shoulder pain a while back and went to the Ortho. Her Orthopedic Doctor (an MD) prescribed her Tart Cherry. No joke. I looked it up and there are a ton of studies (legit studies) about tart cherry. And a lot of positive results as well. It turns out that tart cherry is highly effective in treating inflammation. Doctors use it for a whole host of inflammatory issues, including gout and arthritis. You can get Tart Cherry capsules or you can get the Tart Cherry juice. I think you can even get dried Tart Cherry. My wife took the capsules and drank the juice. said both were effective but thought the capsules worked better. By the way...Tart Cherry isn't really that tart.

As an added bonus, Tart Cherry has melatonin and I think tryptophan in it naturally, so some people take it as a sleep aid as well.

Hope this helps.
Can I use canned cherry pie filling instead?
I'm happy to report, I survived our first family gathering of the month. I didn't have any trouble eating what I wanted instead of what most others were eating. I took some stuff with me (roasted chicken breasts and some cheese slices) and was able to avoid eating the baked potatoes (which I do love, don't get me wrong) and the various desserts offered. The nice thing was.. no one cared one way or the other. They had pizza one of the days and I just have some sliced chicken breast inside a folded swiss cheese slice.

I didn't make a big deal or even a small deal about it.... just ate what I felt comfortable eating. As a result, I got home with no weight gain this morning and might even drop a bit since the cheese backed me up slightly..... I'll spare you any details. ;)
I'm happy to report, I survived our first family gathering of the month. I didn't have any trouble eating what I wanted instead of what most others were eating. I took some stuff with me (roasted chicken breasts and some cheese slices) and was able to avoid eating the baked potatoes (which I do love, don't get me wrong) and the various desserts offered. The nice thing was.. no one cared one way or the other. They had pizza one of the days and I just have some sliced chicken breast inside a folded swiss cheese slice.

I didn't make a big deal or even a small deal about it.... just ate what I felt comfortable eating. As a result, I got home with no weight gain this morning and might even drop a bit since the cheese backed me up slightly..... I'll spare you any details. ;)
That sounds like a huge win! And is likely what I would have done. When I go to parties or gatherings...I always opt for the meat and cheese options. Almost everyone has at least cheese cubes or slices. Good for you man! should feel really good about yourself!
Huge fail, been busy this weekend and early this week and I’ve neglected my duties!

Without a doubt, @Spider won the weight loss challenge this month with a total of 31lbs~ Lost!!! Wow! This is around 14% of his total body weight from 03.01.22 - 04.01.22!

He has secured a fantastic prize from &
@Dragonsbeard, an Ethos soap and aftershave set! Thanks for sponsoring us!

April’s challenge is sponsored by the following:
April – Shave Soap & Post Shave Elixir from Lisa’s Natural Herbal Creations - @LNHC

Please take a moment to thank all our sponsors!!