The Shaving Cadre

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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

For the record, I have no business interest in this company, but if you haven't tried them, take a look at Wild Fork They have kept their beef prices steady and the quality has never disappointed us. I buy their boneless/skinless chicken breasts and their ground prime rib is out of this world. We've also ordered their center cut filet mignon and the meals were fantastic. We do better locally for our seafood but everything else we've purchased from them has been top notch.

For the record, I have no business interest in this company, but if you haven't tried them, take a look at Wild Fork They have kept their beef prices steady and the quality has never disappointed us. I buy their boneless/skinless chicken breasts and their ground prime rib is out of this world. We've also ordered their center cut filet mignon and the meals were fantastic. We do better locally for our seafood but everything else we've purchased from them has been top notch.

I’ve heard of them before, but never checked them out. Thanks
This makes me very happy! Someone who takes a reasonable and personalized approach! It's the way it should be. Now...let's work on getting those beef prices down so we can all eat ribeyes! As an aside...ground beef will do the same thing...but ribeyes are so tastey!
I just bought half a steer from a local rancher, it’s at the butcher getting turned into RibEyes and all sorts of other delicious cuts (even ground beef). I paid $4/hanging pound to the rancher and I’ll be paying another $1/per cut pound plus a few bucks to have everything vacuum packed in individual steaks. I’ll have plenty of soup/dog bones AND I’ll have a BUNCH of fat to render…hello Fresh tallow for soap.
I thought I would share an interesting conversation I had last week with my nutritionist.

A little background: As I alluded to some time ago, my insurance plan covers the cost of a number of health related App based service so I chose to enroll in one of the services. The service I enrolled in is intended to "pre-vent or delay type 2 diabetes" and includes an assigned coach. In my case, the coach is an actual (professional) nutritionist who operates her own business outside the parameters of the program. The program itself is very much focused on attempting to help change habits and develop a new long term eating style and their recommended diet is essential the "my-plate" guidelines authored by and pushed the U.S. Government.

For more than a month I had attempted to follow the guidelines but, as expected, I found the amount of non-starch vegetables a problem. My weight had fallen some but at the rate of loss I was experiencing I would die an old man before reaching my goal weight. Finally, I decided to do something I knew had worked well for me in the past...Very Low Carb (not keto). My wife was gone for a week so I bought 5 large ribeyes and some peppered bacon. After consuming nothing but coffee (usually with some milk) in the morning, I ate as much RibEye as I could stuff down my throat at night. On a few occasions I added spinach or roasted broccoli to my meal (man needs a little roughage right?) As expected, my hunger was more controlled, my body began to feel better (after a couple days) and I started loosing weight again.

The phone call: I noticed my "coach" was calling me from a different number, when I asked about it she told me she was calling from her personal cell # because the computer system she would normally make the calls through was down. After a few minutes of casual conversation we began talking about what I had been eating and how I was feeling. I told her about my week of RibEye and how I had begun to loose weight again , had less hunger and even felt better. That is when she opened up. She told me that since she was calling from her personal cell not the programs phone lines, she could tell me what she REALLY thinks. She went on to tell me how the "my-plate" guidelines pushed by the program aren't necessarily what she would recommend in her own practice. She even said MOST people experience discomfort, bloat and inflammation as a result of consuming so much veg and she often advises eating less green and more proteins AND fat. She suggested my general fatigue and pain was likely a result of too much oxalate being consumed via the vegetables in my diet (more so than the sugar and starch I might have been consuming).

Long story short, she recommended I eat vegetables with low/lower amounts of oxalates, avoid starches/sugar, avoid "crop" based oils (corn, soybean etc) in favor of "healthy fats" such as olive oil, avocado oil, butter and ghee. She told me she wasn't recommending the bun-less cheeseburger and bacon approach of the old style Atkins diet but that a focus on low carb, more healthy fats and lean protein was a better approach for me.

I found it interesting that had I not decided to go on a ribeye binge AND she had not made the call from her personal phone line this conversation, and her ultimate recommendations, might not have occurred.
Augustus Owsley Stanley III only consumed beef steak and milk.
I just bought half a steer from a local rancher, it’s at the butcher getting turned into RibEyes and all sorts of other delicious cuts (even ground beef). I paid $4/hanging pound to the rancher and I’ll be paying another $1/per cut pound plus a few bucks to have everything vacuum packed in individual steaks. I’ll have plenty of soup/dog bones AND I’ll have a BUNCH of fat to render…hello Fresh tallow for soap.
My family buys our beef from a local slaughter house. While we haven't (but are considering) buying a whole or half steer/cow, we find that the prices for our beef are at least competitive, if not cheaper, than local grocery stores. Plus it tastes so much better than what you find in grocery stores.
Make a little progress, not much, but better than nothing. Considering just how much I'm cutting back it is a little frustrating. Probably doesn't help that our idea of a normal sized meal is a LOT more than we need.
Half the the month has passed already!!! o_O

I checked my weight this morning and I was already at 191.2 LBS. I was at a plateau at the end of last month and it looks like the bottom fell out!

Personally, I've been busy packing and moving a truck or two of boxes and other stuff every day for the last week. I'm eating mostly clean keto and drinking loads more water than I was last month.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Making progress, but not quite where I want to be at this point. I've done well avoiding junk food though, which I'm pretty proud of. Hopefully I can break bad habits.
Also need to lower my cholesterol, so I'm keeping that in mind.
Weight is steadily going down. It's not a plunge like it might if I was doing straight up Keto, but it is progressing in the right direction and as always. I am learning a lot about myself. I had to lay off the weights for the last week and a half though. I broke my cardinal rule about exercising..."Don't get hurt." On one of my non lifting days I was getting ready to do some kettlebell swings. I had been using the 20 pound kettlebell for a while and decided to move up to the 30 pounder. Two swings into the exercise and I felt a little pop in my back between the shoulder blades. It wasn't a serious pain...but it was definitely aggravating. Enough so that it prevented me from doing most of my other strength exercises. Seems like that muscle strain has healed up well and starting on Monday I will get back on it.

In addition to my strength routine, I am going to start adding some functional movement exercises. I am finding that when doing straight up weights (Barbell, dumbbell, machines, etc) you tend to kind of lock up joints (not really the technically way of saying it...but the joints get stiff). The obvious answer is to stretch. But stretching only solves the tightness of the muscle aspect. So...for the next couple of months (probably longer) I am going to slowly introduce CARS, PAILS. and RAILS to my workouts. I won't bog down this post with a bunch of stuff you all don't care about...but I will make a post in a few in my health journal "Don's Healthy Community" what exactly these are.

Hope to see you there.

I weighed in this morning and I'm down 4 pounds for the month so far. I should be able to hit my target of 5 pounds a month. Next month is going to be more difficult. We're traveling quite a bit in April. I know how to stay on track when traveling..... but man, the temptations are all around you.