The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

Great job to the February winner, @Quijote for loosing 11.9lbs which is 6.59% of his body weight! As a reminder, @Quijote will be receiving a Shave Soap & Aftershave Tonic from CBL Soap - as his winnings!

Also, Wonderful job, @The Monkey as the runner up with who lost10lbs!



It was a bit of a tough month for some of us, so lets take this first week of March to reset and see what is working and what isn't. If you know you need to get some exercise in(outside of the kitchen) push yourself to get out there and try to do something! Great job guys, we still have a long way to go, keep it up!

The March prize will be a Shave Soap & Skin Food Splash from ETHOS Grooming Essentials - @Dragonsbeard

Please be sure to thank our sponsors and check out their new products!
Okay. Been pretty good, but I need to make a few changes. To keep myself accountable I thought I would share a few things.

Need to start doing some sort of exercise at home. Haven't been active.
Avoided sweets, but I was snacking on pretzels/crackers this week some days instead of fruit. So, I need to cut those out as well until I lose some more weight.

I've been pretty good about watching my portions, but I need to be a little stricter. I would like to lose at least 5lb this month.

How are you guys doing?? Any specifics holding you back? Found something that works well for you?
Found something that works well for you?
Yep. Fasting!

The desire for food is great, but the need for food isn’t. It’s a mental game. Watching the scale go down every single day is a huge motivator.

And, as messed up as it seems…. I have more energy, and a clearer mind while I’m fasting, than when I was eating.

On day 6, and no hunger at all. Our bodies were designed to allow for times of fasting. That’s why our bodies store fat. Same as all mammals.

It sounds crazy, but it works, and it is healthy. It’s science.
Okay. Been pretty good, but I need to make a few changes. To keep myself accountable I thought I would share a few things.

Need to start doing some sort of exercise at home. Haven't been active.
Avoided sweets, but I was snacking on pretzels/crackers this week some days instead of fruit. So, I need to cut those out as well until I lose some more weight.

I've been pretty good about watching my portions, but I need to be a little stricter. I would like to lose at least 5lb this month.

How are you guys doing?? Any specifics holding you back? Found something that works well for you?
It’s good that you’re bein cognizant of those little items that are holding you back. Cut those snacks out and you’ll be way better off and maybe look at tracking foods and quantities in a diary. This really helped me.

Setting a goal is the first step toward hitting it!

Personally I’m doing good. I’ve transitioned to one meal a day and feel pretty good. My calories are averaging around 1200 and I’m not getting any cravings during the day. Packing and cleaning out the garage has been my only exercise this week.
I've tried, unsuccessfull, to track what I eat. I should probably give that a try again, even if it isn't a super organized highly detailed record.
I am trying to be more aware of the little things and hopefully use that to my advantage.

@Spider I tried to do a day fast a few weeks ago and didn't finish it. I need to try again.
tried to do a day fast a few weeks ago and didn't finish it. I need to try again.
If you want to try fasting, and be successful, it’s best to do a slow and deliberate process.

First, start out by going low carb or keto for a week or two. You want your body to be fat adapted. That is, you want to train your body to seek out fat as an energy source, rather than carbs.

Then, ease into fasting. Skip breakfast for a week. Drink only black coffee, water, or black/green tea during your fasting window.

After that, shrink your eating window to 6 hours. So start lunch at noon and finish dinner by 6, or shift to the right however you need. Do this for one week. This it a very common 18/6 fast. Many people do this every day and sustain or lose weight doing this alone.

A week is general. It’s just enough time to get your body used to it. If you find one phase easy, you can shorten it.

If you want to go further, gradually shrink your eating window to just one hour a day. A 23/1 fast, also called OMAD or One Meal A Day. I try to do this most days.

The true benefits of fasting come from fasts beyond 24 hours. Initially try 36 hours, then 48, and beyond.

Hunger pangs will come, and when they do, fill your gut with water. It’s a mental game, you have to want to do it.

Electrolytes are important too. You need to be taking in potassium, sodium, and magnesium for fasts beyond 24-48 hours.

If anyone decides to try this, ask me for more info. There are way more benefits to fasting than just weight loss. Research Autophagy!
Last month, I was fasting until lunch, then watching what I ate for the rest of the day. I logged what I ate and limited my calories to 1500/day. My wife and daughter are training for a half marathon, so I joined them on their runs 3-4 times a week. I made sure not to eat many simple carbs before the runs in an effort to make myself more metabolically flexible. Also threw in some body weight exercises and yoga.

I spoke to a sports nutritionist the other day though, and she suggested that doing all that, I was risking lowering my overall metabolism. Instead, she suggested for me to get around 2000-2500 calories on run days depending on how far I am running. Also for me to eat early in the morning to "prime" my metabolism. Sticking with limiting simple carbs. I may not lose weight as fast, but it will be better for me in the long run.

Granted, this is just me and my situation. May not be for everyone.
If you want to try fasting, and be successful, it’s best to do a slow and deliberate process.

First, start out by going low carb or keto for a week or two. You want your body to be fat adapted. That is, you want to train your body to seek out fat as an energy source, rather than carbs.

Then, ease into fasting. Skip breakfast for a week. Drink only black coffee, water, or black/green tea during your fasting window.

After that, shrink your eating window to 6 hours. So start lunch at noon and finish dinner by 6, or shift to the right however you need. Do this for one week. This it a very common 18/6 fast. Many people do this every day and sustain or lose weight doing this alone.

A week is general. It’s just enough time to get your body used to it. If you find one phase easy, you can shorten it.

If you want to go further, gradually shrink your eating window to just one hour a day. A 23/1 fast, also called OMAD or One Meal A Day. I try to do this most days.

The true benefits of fasting come from fasts beyond 24 hours. Initially try 36 hours, then 48, and beyond.

Hunger pangs will come, and when they do, fill your gut with water. It’s a mental game, you have to want to do it.

Electrolytes are important too. You need to be taking in potassium, sodium, and magnesium for fasts beyond 24-48 hours.

If anyone decides to try this, ask me for more info. There are way more benefits to fasting than just weight loss. Research Autophagy!
Thanks for the advice. I was thinking of working my way up as you suggested.

I'm avoiding low carb for now though. Tried keto, felt horrible, and quit after the third nosebleed.
Checked my weight this morning and 10 days into the month, I'm down 5lbs. The exercise is starting to pay dividends.

I hope you guys are having your own successes this month!