The Shaving Cadre

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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

That is awesome news! You literally added years on to your life. Keep up the great work. Try to get you HbA1c down a couple more tenths of a point! But seriously this is fantastic news and you should be proud!
Thanks Don, yeah, I was pretty excited with the news. It has been all diet changes so far. If I can get in gear and start regular exercise, I should be able to see more improvements.
Super happy!!! I had a doctor appointment on Thursday. In addition to the weight loss (40+ pounds down) since my last visit, my A1c numbers went from 10.4 down to 5.9!!!!!!!! My doctor called me herself just to tell me. That was great news. Have a good weekend all, keep on losing!
Fantastic news my friend - I am so very happy for you!
Thanks Don, yeah, I was pretty excited with the news. It has been all diet changes so far. If I can get in gear and start regular exercise, I should be able to see more improvements.
Diet is key, but exercise can definitely be a huge help in blood sugar regulation. You don't have to do crazy cardio either. In 2018 when I was a metabolic mess, I lost my 70 pounds through diet and walking alone. I have learned a great deal more since then and if I had the knowledge then that I have now...I might have been a little scary! :) Seriously, if you start some kind of exercise routine, try to incorporate squats and deadlifts into it. These work some of the biggest and most muscles you have, using glycogen in a big way. Plus, building muscle is a great way to improve your metabolic health. You don't have to move huge amounts of weights with the exercises also. Body weight squats do a lot more than what people think. You don't need a barbell either for deadlifts, dumbbells, kettlebells, weighted bars, and things around the house all can work too. I knew a guy who took a 2 inch PVC pipe and filled it with water and capped the ends to do some of his work outs. Keep doing what you are doing man! I happy you are taking control of your own health. Remember, no one else can do the work for you.
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1. Luecke3262
2. Spider
3. dangerousdon
4. woodpusher
5. Scuttlesoap
6. Milkcrate
7. global_dev
8. Mvargo
9. Uacowboy
10. DeepSea
11. Fenster
12. Shavin’ Yeti
13. CBLindsay
14. CVargo
15. Ambalance
16. Sunnysanity
17. NurseDave
18. novicewetshaver
19. Smattayu
20. b1hart
21. Quijote
22. wristwatchb
23. The Monkey
24. @PaulTU
Copy this list and add your name to sign up:

1. Luecke3262
2. Spider
3. dangerousdon
4. woodpusher
5. Scuttlesoap
6. Milkcrate
7. global_dev
8. Mvargo
9. Uacowboy
10. DeepSea
11. Fenster
12. Shavin’ Yeti
13. CBLindsay
14. CVargo
15. Ambalance
16. Sunnysanity
17. NurseDave
18. novicewetshaver
19. Smattayu
20. b1hart
21. Quijote
22. wristwatchb
23. The Monkey
24. @PaulTU
Don thank you so much. The gym I'd been going to for 15 years was bought out a year ago. I loved it there. Been struggling to find another one. I do mild workouts in my apt. 3rd floor, with no elevator, so that keeps me going. When it gets warm again, I'll walk around the large driveway in the complex. Diet's OK, but need to get that excercise going.
Had a follow-up with the doctor (some of you may remember I was in the ER with chest pain a month and a half ago). Everything with the heart looks good but the doctor is a little concerned that my blood pressure rises when I exercise. She put me on a low level water pill and will do a follow up in 6 weeks. She also told me to remove stress from my life. Let's see how this all plays out while trying to lose some weight.
Had a follow-up with the doctor (some of you may remember I was in the ER with chest pain a month and a half ago). Everything with the heart looks good but the doctor is a little concerned that my blood pressure rises when I exercise. She put me on a low level water pill and will do a follow up in 6 weeks. She also told me to remove stress from my life. Let's see how this all plays out while trying to lose some weight.
Best wishes, hope they figure it out for you. Good luck with the stress reduction, that can be tough, but achievable.
Had a follow-up with the doctor (some of you may remember I was in the ER with chest pain a month and a half ago). Everything with the heart looks good but the doctor is a little concerned that my blood pressure rises when I exercise. She put me on a low level water pill and will do a follow up in 6 weeks. She also told me to remove stress from my life. Let's see how this all plays out while trying to lose some weight.
John...not to discount what your doctor said...but was she more specific about your BP? Is it rising too much during exercise? The thing is...BP is supposed to rise during exercise. Exercise is stress on the system, but it is a good stress. It improves our BP in the future.

On the stress part...I can attest that stress is a really thing when it comes to elevated BP. I saw my cardiologist about a month ago and my BP was higher than normal. Something like 145/90. Not good. She wanted me to go back and get a BP check a few weeks later. In the meantime, I did some things to improve my stress...breathing exercises (about five minutes a day), turned off the TV an hour before bed, some walks everyday, hot bath soaks with Epsom salt (hot bath soaks mimic exercise and a 20 minute soak can do wonders in the BP department). About a week of doing these things, I went to my primary and my BP was 114/71. Yesterday I went back to the cardiologist, in the afternoon, and my BP was 120/80.

Anyway...maybe add a couple of things that help reduce stress and hopefully they will help. We only have one ticker...we have to do what it takes to keep it healthy. Unfortunately, I don't think doctors always have the answer.
John...not to discount what your doctor said...but was she more specific about your BP? Is it rising too much during exercise? The thing is...BP is supposed to rise during exercise. Exercise is stress on the system, but it is a good stress. It improves our BP in the future.

On the stress part...I can attest that stress is a really thing when it comes to elevated BP. I saw my cardiologist about a month ago and my BP was higher than normal. Something like 145/90. Not good. She wanted me to go back and get a BP check a few weeks later. In the meantime, I did some things to improve my stress...breathing exercises (about five minutes a day), turned off the TV an hour before bed, some walks everyday, hot bath soaks with Epsom salt (hot bath soaks mimic exercise and a 20 minute soak can do wonders in the BP department). About a week of doing these things, I went to my primary and my BP was 114/71. Yesterday I went back to the cardiologist, in the afternoon, and my BP was 120/80.

Anyway...maybe add a couple of things that help reduce stress and hopefully they will help. We only have one ticker...we have to do what it takes to keep it healthy. Unfortunately, I don't think doctors always have the answer.
The doctor wasn't really clear about the BP issue. I have always run high, ever since I was a kid. She wanted to but me on some BP mess and I refused. I asked about natural ways to do it and once again she was not interested anything but the meds. I asked about a low level water pill and she agreed (my mother has the same issue and has been a a water pill for years). Will see what happens. I bought a BP cuff so I can track things at home.
Not sure what’s been going on this month, but I leveled off after last month and gained a few back. Don’t think I’ve changed anything either.
Avg YTD weight loss of 1.6 lb/mo. So far, so good. "Blips" due to an occasional day gone off the rails. Not a big deal as long as I get refocused.

When my weight reaches the 198-lb. target, I haven't decided if I will celebrate with fruit cake, Rocky Road ice cream, or both. Oh well, I still have time to decide. :unsure:
