The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Rich...a lot of people think you have to do strenuous running or high intensity exercises. My first go around with serious weight loss I only walked. Most of the time for only 20-30 minutes and was never anything I (or anyone else) would consider intense. Just getting out and walking around the block a time or two can do more than what a lot of people realize.
100% agree with Don on this. I lost about the first 70 lbs with eating clean and walking. More strenuous excersize came later.
Since @dangerousdon took the leap, so can I for accountability. I too am not much on photos nor airing failures, but here is my history, as my ideal fighting weight and when I was in the best shape of my life in the Air Force was 155-165

2017 - my heaviest the year Rich @Majorrich came to visit 280-285 lbs. Kept it there with small fluctuations till July 2019, Also when @CVargo came to visit that year as well

DGE 09.2017 280.JPGdge 9.2017 285lbs.JPG

I was able to maintain that weight til July of 2019 when I went on a strict KETO diet, with both (OMAD-One meal a day) and (OMEAD-One Meal every other day) following Dr. Eric Bergs KETO plan, and then In October of 2019 riding my road bike 30-80 miles 3 days a week

Below is at lowest weight in March 2020 at 180 just before they closed us down for COVID and were on a stay at home order till May

DGE 03.2020 180.jpg

From March to May I kept riding but started to cheat a bit on the diet, as I was roaming around the house grazing and looking for food
Below in May Back up to 195-200 as I tanked the KETO for the most part , and had almost completely stopped riding. Probably I bit of "Covid Depression" maybe or just

DGE 5.2020 195.JPEG

Purchased my Barbershop in July 2020 and by this point was back to terrible habits, eating most anything and making excuses.
This has continued up to now, and the weight came back slowly

This pic is today 12.2020 and 250-255 current weight

DGE 12.2020 255.jpg

So very ready to get back to where I was almost at and disgusted in myself for being so close to my High School, Military shape all to
tank in 2020

Looking forward to the challenge and thanks @Spider for putting this together. The prizes will be nice, but getting to 155 and being in good health at 57 is my ultimate prize
Good Luck everyone!
Umm snarky is my primary language mode.

Lol the tip toes, 1 foot on the scale (1 off?), etc. Also I'm pretty suspicious of any one who claims 10lbs in the first month. 😛

Also way to go on your weight loss! I'm sure @avacadoqueen is happy to keep you around a bit longer. 🙂
Oh, I forgot after I know you are planning @uacowboy 's demise LOL and 10lbs a month is very doable under KETO
Also I'm pretty suspicious of any one who claims 10lbs in the first month. 😛

Oh, I forgot after I know you are planning @uacowboy 's demise LOL and 10lbs a month is very doable under KETO
A lot of it depends on your size also. I was 330 when I started my Ketogenic journey. If you do it lose a lot of water weight and flush your muscles of glycogen. Also, the diet really regulates how much you eat. I found it really difficult to over-eat when you are consuming a lot of fat and protein. I was pretty much only consuming 1800-2000 calories a day. January 2018 alone I lost about 25 pounds. I know it sounds crazy...but it happened. If you are someone that has about 20 pounds to lose...then are probably not going to lose 10-20 pounds in 30 days (though under the right circumstances I still think it could happen). But like I said. I was 330 pounds (I'm 6'3" with a large frame). I probably had at least 100 pounds that I could have lost. So in those first stages 10-20 pounds is pretty easy to lose.

If you are just doing calorie restriction and still eating whatever it is that you want...then 10 pounds a month would be difficult.
I don't know Keto did not like me at all. I was not simply sick a week it was weeks and got worse and worse. Maybe you died and that's how you lost that much... died and came back to life after a few carbs... 😆
It's not for everyone and some women need to incorporate more carbs with it. It's just a matter of what kind of carbs.

But I do think everyone can benefit from a real food diet. Eliminating refined grains, sugar, processed seed oils. Is a good start.
When I did keto before, it really worked wonders for me. 10 lbs lost in the first week (water weight), then nearly a pound every day or two after that. Ended up losing about 30-35 lbs. Then I had my thyroid removed and could no longer lose any weight and started gaining some back. OMAD/ADF is what it took to break that. I’m hoping to use a combo of the two to have success this time.

Having @Ambalance onboard in the competition will help to, as we work together to stay on track!
Last time I dieted I did the Atkins thing. I got so constipated it wasn't even funny.
How is keto different than Atkins?