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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Last time I dieted I did the Atkins thing. I got so constipated it wasn't even funny.
How is keto different than Atkins?
Keto is not much different from Phase 1 Atkins. Keep net carbs below 20-25g per day.
Atkins proscribes many things whereas keto is more of a "eat it if it fits your macros of fat/protein/carbs"

Also, Atkins bars are horrible. Stay away from maltitol.

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Yesterday I posted some advice. I again will be happy to help everyone.
I have a before and current picture.
I think about how my life would be like today if I would have continued to not care about my weight?
I wish everyone the best.
View attachment 43912View attachment 43914
That is definitely a serious transformation!

Where would you have been? Not doing well I presume. Sir, like someone told me not all that long literally added years on to your life!
That is definitely a serious transformation!

Where would you have been? Not doing well I presume. Sir, like someone told me not all that long literally added years on to your life!
Yes more years is correct!! More years to see my Buckeyes win more National Champions Whoot Whoot ha ha !!

It is alarming when I look at it!!

Last time I dieted I did the Atkins thing. I got so constipated it wasn't even funny.
How is keto different than Atkins?

You can eat vegetables with high fiber

Yum! Broccoli farts and asparagus bathroom visits!

Keto is not much different from Phase 1 Atkins. Keep net carbs below 20-25g per day.
Atkins proscribes many things whereas keto is more of a "eat it if it fits your macros of fat/protein/carbs"

Also, Atkins bars are horrible. Stay away from maltitol.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Well, that depends on how you’re doing keto. There’s lots that fit within macros, that if you’re strict keto, you still shouldn’t eat. Ingredients matter.
I know several people who benefitted greatly from the Atkins Diet. Not all the Atkins products that are out @haggises said...there is some junk in that stuff that isn't all that great. From what I understand the "Induction Phase" of Atkins is similar if not pretty much the Ketogenic Diet. The other steps starts phasing in certain foods that otherwise wouldn't be Keto...but are still healthy foods.

John @The Monkey a lot of people that go on the Ketogenic Diet complain about constipation. But I it really constipation or is it just that they are not pooping. The two are different. A couple things from my experiences. For a while I wasn't pooping much...but I wasn't constipated...I just wasn't pooping. There were a couple spans that I did feel a little constipated, but once I added a little more coconut oil to my diet...that all went away. Also, I have learned to add psyllium husk powder to my diets, and man...that was amazing. Again...not to be gross...but it definitely gets things moving in a good and satisfying way. Also...Flax seeds and/or Chia seeds are a really good way to not only add some good fiber...but it also adds some Omega 3 fatty acids as well as some protein to the diet. I usually put a tablepsoon of flax seed meal and two tablespoons or chia seeds to my one cup of homemade yogurt. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes and devour.

Hey...evidently the stinky pee from asparagus isn't everyone's thing. Only some people have that gene. Mine...yeah the moment I even think about eating pee stinks.

Some people do the whole "if it fits your macros" approach. But I am in the same boat as KJ. I believe that quality of food matters. So there are some things that I just won't ingest. Even if I am not on any specific diet or plan...I refuse to consume (as much as I can control at least) soybean oil, vegetable oil, or canola oil. These oils have proven to be inflammatory as well as other issues. But more to the point...if it has become a food in the last 100 years...I probably shouldn't eat it.
22. Shavin’ Yeti
Already had you signed up! You said you were in during my gauging interest thread, so I included you.

Updating list.

Copy this list and add your name to sign up:
1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
14. Joe Hackett
15. woodpusher (Doing the weight gain version of the game!)
16. Ambalance
17. Majorrich
18. BadgerFiend
19. The Monkey
20. DeepSea
21. Haggises
22. sunnysanity
Already had you signed up! You said you were in during my gauging interest thread, so I included you.

Updating list.

Copy this list and add your name to sign up:
1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
14. Joe Hackett
15. woodpusher (Doing the weight gain version of the game!)
16. Ambalance
17. Majorrich
18. BadgerFiend
19. The Monkey
20. DeepSea
21. Haggises
22. sunnysanity
Thanks, I didn’t even notice that I was #5.
What do you Keto guys like to eat for breakfast and snack on? I hate eggs and love chips 🤦🏼‍♂️ Suggestions? I usually skip or eat a sugary breakfast, eat lunch by 10:30 because I’m really hungry, and snack on chips / flavored pretzels through the day 👎recently rediscovered pork rinds and digging the hot and spicy variety.
What do you Keto guys like to eat for breakfast
My favorite breakfast is eggs, avocado, and bacon!

and snack on?
Pork rinds, cheese crisps, keto crackers, almonds, macadamia nuts

eat lunch by 10:30 because I’m really hungry
The upside to keto is you get fuller and stay fuller longer. I never even got hungry enough to snack while on keto. Our lunchtime is 11, and I'd rarely get hungry until at least noon. Your body burns through sugary cereals fast and demands more, which is why you can't make it till lunch without a snack.

recently rediscovered pork rinds and digging the hot and spicy variety.
Just be sure to check the ingredients. Some have maltodextrin which your body treats just like a sugar. The BBQ flavor ones definitely have it.
What do you Keto guys like to eat for breakfast and snack on? I hate eggs and love chips 🤦🏼‍♂️ Suggestions? I usually skip or eat a sugary breakfast, eat lunch by 10:30 because I’m really hungry, and snack on chips / flavored pretzels through the day 👎recently rediscovered pork rinds and digging the hot and spicy variety.
View attachment 43957

When I first began Keto I would snack on cheese and meat sticks/beef jerky and the such. I like eggs to...but that's not your jam...I understand. Anyway...I quickly discovered that after a couple of weeks (yeah...I had to learn the hard way) that you can't snack on keto like you would a regular diet. I was getting sick to my stomach because of the amount of fat and protein I was eating.

Here is the thing...items that are made of highly refined carbohydrates (chips, pretzles, and such) do not satiate your hunger. Actually, there is evidence to suggest the opposite, that processed foods actually make you want to eat more food. One of the reasons the Ketogenic Diet works really well, is that it works with your hunger signals. I guarantee it...three ounces of beef or chicken or cheese will much more satisfying than three ounces of lays potato chips or Dorritos...AND it will hold you over longer. Okay...I'm not just eating a three ounce steak...but you get the idea.

Keto really made me assess how I ate and my relationship with food. I really discovered when I was hungry and when I thought I was hungry. It got to the point that I just didn't snack. If I was hungry...I ate. Plain and simple. You will find that this approach will keep you from snacking. Now...there are some that say that you need to eat six small meals a day in order to...blah, blah, blah. Sure...I am certain that there are some people that need to do this. When my wife was pregnant...yeah...she needed to eat more often I get that. But an otherwise healthy person should be able to go six, eight, ten, twelve, or even 24 - 36 hours without having to cram a ho ho down his throat.

To answer your question...I ate a lot of cheese...I mean A LOT! That is if I felt that I absolutely needed something and couldn't eat a meal. Most of the time...and ounce of cheese will do the trick. But I just didn't snack. And I got to the point that IF I ate was just coffee with cream, collagen powder and some coconut or MCT oil. That was more filling than any bowl of cereal can be.

I am sure it will get discussed on this thread later...but dieting to get healthy and lose weight is more than just calories in and calories out. There is a lot more at work in your body. Insulin, glucose levels, cortisol, fat cells, proteins, types of fats, etc, etc, etc.

I hope this helps at least a little.
I miss a nice high carb breakfast *cough* @Majorrich *cough*. At work I have a routine of plain yogurt with grain less granola. Ya, if you don’t like eggs your choices seem to be limited. One of my bummers after losing 45lbs on low carb because of type 2 diabetes is being tired of always being hungry and finding lower carb ways of feeling full. Which of course still adds on the calories. My weakness is a nightly bowl of pistachios.
When I first began Keto I would snack on cheese and meat sticks/beef jerky and the such. I like eggs to...but that's not your jam...I understand. Anyway...I quickly discovered that after a couple of weeks (yeah...I had to learn the hard way) that you can't snack on keto like you would a regular diet. I was getting sick to my stomach because of the amount of fat and protein I was eating.

Here is the thing...items that are made of highly refined carbohydrates (chips, pretzles, and such) do not satiate your hunger. Actually, there is evidence to suggest the opposite, that processed foods actually make you want to eat more food. One of the reasons the Ketogenic Diet works really well, is that it works with your hunger signals. I guarantee it...three ounces of beef or chicken or cheese will much more satisfying than three ounces of lays potato chips or Dorritos...AND it will hold you over longer. Okay...I'm not just eating a three ounce steak...but you get the idea.

Keto really made me assess how I ate and my relationship with food. I really discovered when I was hungry and when I thought I was hungry. It got to the point that I just didn't snack. If I was hungry...I ate. Plain and simple. You will find that this approach will keep you from snacking. Now...there are some that say that you need to eat six small meals a day in order to...blah, blah, blah. Sure...I am certain that there are some people that need to do this. When my wife was pregnant...yeah...she needed to eat more often I get that. But an otherwise healthy person should be able to go six, eight, ten, twelve, or even 24 - 36 hours without having to cram a ho ho down his throat.

To answer your question...I ate a lot of cheese...I mean A LOT! That is if I felt that I absolutely needed something and couldn't eat a meal. Most of the time...and ounce of cheese will do the trick. But I just didn't snack. And I got to the point that IF I ate was just coffee with cream, collagen powder and some coconut or MCT oil. That was more filling than any bowl of cereal can be.

I am sure it will get discussed on this thread later...but dieting to get healthy and lose weight is more than just calories in and calories out. There is a lot more at work in your body. Insulin, glucose levels, cortisol, fat cells, proteins, types of fats, etc, etc, etc.

I hope this helps at least a little.
Cheese is good! I had several handfuls of shredded Parm waiting for dinner tonight 🤦🏼‍♂️Jokes aside, I love cheese, meat, and nuts. I used to eat about 2 oz shelled pistachios daily for snack for about a year ... didn’t tide me over though. I enjoy jerky a lot, but that adds up. Ugh, it’s frustrating trying to eat well but also not spend a fortune on groceries.
I like the coconut oil idea, my wife has that stuff around in globs. Anything to help get me from 06:00-11:30ish without going down to the snack bar for chips/pretzels/junk food. ThAnk you all for the ideas.
I miss a nice high carb breakfast *cough* @Majorrich *cough*. At work I have a routine of plain yogurt with grain less granola. Ya, if you don’t like eggs your choices seem to be limited. One of my bummers after losing 45lbs on low carb because of type 2 diabetes is being tired of always being hungry and finding lower carb ways of feeling full. Which of course still adds on the calories. My weakness is a nightly bowl of pistachios.
I too miss my Froot Loops and Life cereals! They sit there on the shelf, mocking me...
Cheese is good! I had several handfuls of shredded Parm waiting for dinner tonight 🤦🏼‍♂️Jokes aside, I love cheese, meat, and nuts. I used to eat about 2 oz shelled pistachios daily for snack for about a year ... didn’t tide me over though. I enjoy jerky a lot, but that adds up. Ugh, it’s frustrating trying to eat well but also not spend a fortune on groceries.
I like the coconut oil idea, my wife has that stuff around in globs. Anything to help get me from 06:00-11:30ish without going down to the snack bar for chips/pretzels/junk food. ThAnk you all for the ideas.
There is definitely no one way to do it if that is your thing. Everything is trial an error. If something doesn't work, then adjust fire and try something else.

A lot of people who do Keto love avocados. I get sick if I eat them. To be honest...and I think some will disagree with me...but I think it is less about what you eat and more about eliminating refined carbs.

If you are hell-bent on trying snacks. Search for keto snack recipes on the internet and just start trying things.

I personally think one is better off keeping things simple. But I know that gets boring.

Another avenue you could go down is more of a Paleo diet. It's like keto's better looking sister. Less restrictive and still low carb, just not ketogenic...that's not to say you can't get there. Just takes a little vwork.