The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I think that what you're saying, KJ, is that I need to eat a full pack/bar of ExLax the day before weigh-in at the end of January? :unsure:
1st being a man we have a advantage!! Our body reacts right away to a diet! Females are not as lucky. They will not see results for a few weeks.
or months. This drives me bonkers cause I gain weight when trying to lose! Really it’s muscle but that doesn’t encourage me much with the scale.
or months. This drives me bonkers cause I gain weight when trying to lose! Really it’s muscle but that doesn’t encourage me much with the scale.
This brings up an interesting point. Not all of us are the same and our bodily processes work differently. I remember at one point during my weight loss adventure in 2018 that for about two months, my weight didn't budge other than the normal daily fluctuations that you get. half a pound this way, a pound that way...but an average of it all...the weight wasn't moving. But during that waist decreased by three inches. Not my pants size (though that went down also), but right around the belly part of the waist where the really bad abdominal fat is stored.

So...when embarking on this journey of ours...if the scale isn't going in the direction you would like...other things might be happening.

In other words...keep on track...fight the good fight...and do not be dismayed.
I guess I will let you all know...if you don't already. IN 2017, I discovered (more like came to the realization) that I was in poor wise. And some of the things that I learned about myself really scared me. So I set out to take a course of action. I did a LOT of research toward the end of 2017 om exercise, health, and nutrition. I determined a course of action that I wanted to take. I went to the doc, did labs, talked to the doc about what I was about to do...and then on January 8, 2018...I did it! I began what was a life changing plan of action that I not only considered a diet, but was a way of life for me. Along the way I adjusted what I needed to to fit what I was experiencing and what I was learning. By July of 2018 I went from 330 pounds to 258. Throughout, 2018 and 2019 I was able to maintain what I accomplished and implemented new and different routines. It wasn't really until 2020 that things really went off the tracks. I'll chalk it up to 'Rona, the wife's pregnancy, and the birth of Danger Baby!

I say all of this to say that I have some experiences of my I am sure many of us do. A good support system is really VITAL to getting healthy.
I guess I will let you all know...if you don't already. IN 2017, I discovered (more like came to the realization) that I was in poor wise. And some of the things that I learned about myself really scared me. So I set out to take a course of action. I did a LOT of research toward the end of 2017 om exercise, health, and nutrition. I determined a course of action that I wanted to take. I went to the doc, did labs, talked to the doc about what I was about to do...and then on January 8, 2018...I did it! I began what was a life changing plan of action that I not only considered a diet, but was a way of life for me. Along the way I adjusted what I needed to to fit what I was experiencing and what I was learning. By July of 2018 I went from 330 pounds to 258. Throughout, 2018 and 2019 I was able to maintain what I accomplished and implemented new and different routines. It wasn't really until 2020 that things really went off the tracks. I'll chalk it up to 'Rona, the wife's pregnancy, and the birth of Danger Baby!

I say all of this to say that I have some experiences of my I am sure many of us do. A good support system is really VITAL to getting healthy.
Don, I know how you feel... I had been on the same track and then fell off the wagon due to a foot injury(turf toe) and then a subsequent twisted ankle.... As I was healing from those injuries, I continued to do more stupid stuff, including causing a partial tear to my left bicep.... SO, basically since Rona started, I had been healing from injuries... Thankfully physical therapy and rest has helped, but now being overweight is in itself discouraging to getting back to it... I'm excited to push myself to get back on track and look forward to working with you guys to get there. I was planning on doing progress photos and weekly weigh ins.
I was planning on doing progress photos and weekly weigh ins.
I am really big on photos. Even if it is just for yourself. You don't realize how much a difference that a few months can make. I'll spare you all the full body shots...but here are a couple of my photos from 2018.

I'll admit...I lost probably the bulk of my weight (I'll have to go back and look at the journal I kept) in those 3/4 months. But I had some wonderful stuff happen afterward also.

I highly suggest taking head shots and full body shots (front on and profile...and if you are really daring the back side too...I had a LOT of fat on my back) before or on the day of when you start. And then periodically (three months, six months, year) take the same shots. In the same or similar clothes if you can. Pictures show a lot that the scale won't
A couple years ago I was at my heaviest at 250 with an H1AC in the low 7s and a diagnosis of veering from pre-diabetes into diabetes.
Shocked by myself and my results (I don't know why, the evidence was there!) I went keto for a few months, dropped 30 lbs, 2 points in H1ac and dropped a blood pressure med.
I went off that wagon after my first smell of fish and chips, but managed to keep weight in the 225-235 range.
As soon as I finish my chocolate presents I will be back on that keto wagon. I warn you now, if I stick to it, I will lose 10 lbs plus in the first month, at least 75% of it water. :)
On past experience, that's a pretty darn big if. I'm even less strong willed about losing carbs (chocolate, bread, British chips) than I was about giving up nicotine. Especially when I've done the latter and use the carbs as a crutch.
Still, once more unto the breach!

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A couple years ago I was at my heaviest at 250 with an H1AC in the low 7s and a diagnosis of veering from pre-diabetes into diabetes.
Shocked by myself and my results (I don't know why, the evidence was there!) I went keto for a few months, dropped 30 lbs, 2 points in H1ac and dropped a blood pressure med.
I went off that wagon after my first smell of fish and chips, but managed to keep weight in the 225-235 range.
As soon as I finish my chocolate presents I will be back on that keto wagon. I warn you now, if I stick to it, I will lose 10 lbs plus in the first month, at least 75% of it water. :)
On past experience, that's a pretty darn big if. I'm even less strong willed about losing carbs (chocolate, bread, British chips) than I was about giving up nicotine. Especially when I've done the latter and use the carbs as a crutch.
Still, once more unto the breach!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Yeah...that first month on Keto...if you do it can lose a lot. I think in my first month...I lost 25 pounds. I know it sounds crazy...but when you are a big guy like's possible.

That being said...everyone needs to find their own way.
I need to order (and eat!) 4 party sized pizzas on New Year's Eve to have any hope of hitting the January weight loss numbers you folks are looking at.
Four Party Sized pizzas might put you in the Cardiac ward of the hospital. Since you live in will take you six months to get seen though... 🤪
Kinda looking forward to starting a program again. Walking and diet at first. Aerobic exercise is off the menu for ... reasons. I have some small dumbbells for arms and stuff. The big dumbbell went and got married a couple years ago. 😜 I have a really nice gymnasium but it’s closed due to an unwanted Chinese import. So while mama is at work I’ll try to figure something out. She will be tagging along with me as SafetySpouse.
Kinda looking forward to starting a program again. Walking and diet at first. Aerobic exercise is off the menu for ... reasons. I have some small dumbbells for arms and stuff. The big dumbbell went and got married a couple years ago. 😜 I have a really nice gymnasium but it’s closed due to an unwanted Chinese import. So while mama is at work I’ll try to figure something out. She will be tagging along with me as SafetySpouse.
Rich...a lot of people think you have to do strenuous running or high intensity exercises. My first go around with serious weight loss I only walked. Most of the time for only 20-30 minutes and was never anything I (or anyone else) would consider intense. Just getting out and walking around the block a time or two can do more than what a lot of people realize.