The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Today's workout was:
- 35 mins on the elliptical .... on her last day as an 83-year young lady, my mom joined in for 35 mins as well. 💃

No weights today as I had to take a couple of ibuprofen this morning. My wife gave me a solid 5am elbow *thump* right between the shoulder blades when she rolled over. :rolleyes:
Today's workout was:
- 35 mins on the elliptical .... on her last day as an 83-year young lady, my mom joined in for 35 mins as well. 💃

No weights today as I had to take a couple of ibuprofen this morning. My wife gave me a solid 5am elbow *thump* right between the shoulder blades when she rolled over. :rolleyes:
I've been the recipient of a sneak attack like that too(always an "accident")..... I wonder what you did 6 weeks ago to provoke this??? Watch yourself, there may be more "Nocturnal," attacks to come!
This morning:
60 Minute walk(still pretty sore from leg day) Stretching and used the foam roller to work out some tension.

This evening:
80 Day Obsession, Day 8: Total Body Core ≅ 60 minutes & likely 10-20 min of stretching.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

My back is feeling much better this morning, so I returned to my normal workout routine, as you can tell. Mom joined in as per usual and clocked in 35 mins on her treadmill as we Facetimed like we always do each and every morning. Today's mom-son time was extra special as she turned 84 years young. Happy birthday, young lady! 💃 🎂 :love:
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

My back is feeling much better this morning, so I returned to my normal workout routine, as you can tell. Mom joined in as per usual and clocked in 35 mins on her treadmill as we Facetimed like we always do each and every morning. Today's mom-son time was extra special as she turned 84 years young. Happy birthday, young lady! 💃 🎂 :love:
That's so cool that you facetime with her every morning! I think I talk with my mom every day, but I think we may only facetime once a week or so. Happy birthday MOM!

Glad you got that knife out of your back! I don't have the flexibility to pull one out from between my shoulder blades yet! Glad to hear you're back to your old self!
My post-jab shoulder is a little stiff this morning if I raise it above 130 degrees or so... or try to plug in the kettle. Other than that, there are no issues so far and I was able to run through my normal routine.

Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical ... the now-84 years young lady joined me for 35 mins on her treadmill. You go, girl!
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

No mommy today, so I spent the time with someone almost just as wonderful, @Majorrich . But it must be said, he didn't join me on a treadmill or stairs, but he did walk the length of his house to flop down on the couch. That's gotta count for something, right? :unsure:
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

No mommy today, so I spent the time with someone almost just as wonderful, @Majorrich . But it must be said, he didn't join me on a treadmill or stairs, but he did walk the length of his house to flop down on the couch. That's gotta count for something, right? :unsure:
Don was thinking about the Majorrich workout, but realized his back might get sweaty on the couch.
He's now Goggling breathable couches.
All done with Pfizer jab-1! Apparently my morning workouts are noticeable, as the nurse asked me to relax my arm three times before finally saying "You have a lot of muscle." True story!! 💪
My nurse just looked at me with pity in her eyes when I rolled up my sleeve.
You must be doing something right.
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Yesterday's workout:
Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes

Evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession. Day 10 Cardio Core

Awesome workout, really sweating by the end and had my heart rate up in the zone for about half of it. I think I need to hit it a bit harder though!


Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 11 AAA(Arms, Abs, and A$$)