The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Today's workout was:
- 33 mins on the elliptical

I switched over from the time-programmable GLUT program to the 33-min preset Interval one (Precor calls it Weightloss) and busted a good sweat. No mommy today as she had a standard Dr appointment this morning and a visit to her hairdresser this afternoon.

Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes.
Chilly out again this morning, only 29F. Really enjoying the Joe Rogan Podcast for the walking portion.

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 17 Cardio Core.

Iryna should be back to working out with me tonight, she had to take a week off due to a crazy work schedule.

I'm seeing some AWESOME NSV's. I fit into a pair of work khakis that I haven't fit into for at least 5 years and a shirt that I bought back in 2015 when on vacation to Belarus. Feeling good and looking good today!
I think I need to join the club.
Working from home hasn't been too hard on my weight journey, as I have held steady.
When most people have been talking about the "quarantine fifteen" I have only fluctuated up or down by about 5 pounds.
That said, my body knows I need more activity.
I need to get b
ack to regular walks like I used to do at the office. Maybe this can help hold me accountable!
Today's workout was:
- 33 mins on the elliptical

No mommy today once again; she's fine, just going to a different Dr to get the results of some routine blood work she had done a few weeks ago.

Later this afternoon, I'll be transplanting our seven Rose of Sharon bushes from the backyard to the front. Should break a good sweat with that workout as well.

Afternoon Walk/Run: 60 minutes.

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 18 AAA(Abs, Arms, & A$$)

Yesterday evening was one of the toughest times I've had with 80 day obsession.... I'm thinking it was just an off day for me. We had a late dinner and I forgot to take my supplements until about 20 minutes before our work out. In addition to falling asleep on the couch for an hour before I forced myself to go downstairs and get to work. I felt sick to my stomach for most of the workout and a little weak, I'm thinking I may have needed more carbs before a HIIT Cardio exercise. I'm going to skip my supplements if I'm taking them right before a workout.

I'm seriously considering moving my diet to low carb with intermittent fasting as opposed to Clean Keto with IF. I feel like I may be able to make more exercise gains if I have a bit more energy during my workouts. I could definitely feel a bit rundown before and during my workout last night. It's just a thought for now, but we will see. I'm nearing my weight loss goal as is and would be entering maintenance mode anyway, but I still have 8 more pounds to go.

Take it easy guys.

I need to get back to regular walks like I used to do at the office. Maybe this can help hold me accountable!
I'm no good at journals, but this thread has been great! A lot of us have had a lot of great motivation from this and the weight loss challenge thread. The more the merrier!

Later this afternoon, I'll be transplanting our seven Rose of Sharon bushes from the backyard to the front. Should break a good sweat with that workout as well.
That's no joke! Definitely a workout on its own.
Transplanted our Rose of Sharon plants (some over 7' tall) to the front yard yesterday. I am pooped and happy not to have to do weights today.

Today's workout was:
- 33 mins on the elliptical ... Mom joined in for 37 mins on her treadmill and life is "normal" once again!
Transplanted our Rose of Sharon plants (some over 7' tall) to the front yard yesterday. I am pooped and happy not to have to do weights today.
I will be digging and planting some Snapdragons and roses for Stacy tomorrow. Plus getting a bunch of veggies going in the garden boxes that were finally set up and filled with soil today. Probably going to be feeling it plenty on Monday morning.
Today's workout was:
- 33 mins on the elliptical

Mom joined in for 35 mins on her treadmill and tomorrow I get to hit the weights again. I don't think that my back tightness was due to working out, but more to poor posture at the PC, as it's still ongoing .... and that's even before my garden work started. :p
After a week of elliptical-only, it's back on the weights this morning. I think the next time I go see the Doc, I'll talk to him about my left shoulder. It's still painful when doing some exercises and I want to make sure there's nothing going on there ... except for being so huge and massive. :ROFLMAO:

Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 33 mins on the elliptical .... Mom joined in for 35 mins on her treadmill this morning as well.

Afternoon Walk/Run: 60 minutes.

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 19 Legs

I missed a work out on Friday and on Sunday, never thought I’d be so down about missing a workout??? I guess I was tired because I fell asleep before 7:30pm both days. Oh well, back to it tonight!
Started the next meso of training today -

Bench Press 2x
Incline DB Flye 2x
JM Press 2x
DB Facepull 3x (@woodpusher, you might try adding a movement like this in, as done correctly, they are therapeutic for the shoulders)
EZ Bar Spider Curl 2x
After a week of elliptical-only, it's back on the weights this morning. I think the next time I go see the Doc, I'll talk to him about my left shoulder. It's still painful when doing some exercises and I want to make sure there's nothing going on there ... except for being so huge and massive. :ROFLMAO:
Hey feel free to send me a video(s) of you doing the exercises you feel. I mean form checks are sort of my job, I'm happy to help out a brother.
It's the shoulder joint, Cole, making a nice clicky noise not muscles being contorted that is the issue when bench pressing . Same thing when I do a pushup. No issue when doing DB rows.
It's the shoulder joint, Cole, making a nice clicky noise not muscles being contorted that is the issue when bench pressing . Same thing when I do a pushup. No issue when doing DB rows.
I'm not sure I'm getting you, your shoulders are clicking when you do pressing movements?

Clicking in and of itself isn't always bad, generally if there's not pain, during or after the movement, it's less to worry about. But clicking in pressing, tends to also have pain, either while you're doing it or after.

In general, joint problems are actually the more common type of problem in exercising. Better technique can really help mitigate some of it.
I read a bunch on bench press technique as well as watching videos, and it seems that I am doing things correctly...I think. :unsure: Time going down = time going up, with breathe in on the down and exhale on the up, finishing with arms fully extended. My down end touching my chest just above the nipples with the upper-arm/elbows a little "in" (i.e. not parallel to barbell), and my extension ending a little bit )1-2" perhaps) more towards the feet than being straight-up or like an incline press.

Some of my joints are funny. My hips, knees and ankles click and pop, I can "crack" my wrists and nose (like people crack knuckles), and I get lots of popping noises just by doing shoulder and/or neck rotations. Getting older, I guess.

Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 33 mins on the elliptical ... mom joined in for 36 minutes on her elliptical this morning and we had our daily conversation about her previous three meals (I always work on her recall) as well as various minor topics which vary daily.
Leg day today, surprisingly good feeling for all exercises. It's been a struggle to find exercises that work well at home, but I think it's dialed in for now.

Barbell Squat - 3x
Step Back Lunge - 2x
Band Hamstring Curls - 3x

DB Lateral Raises - 3x
Grippers -4x

The hamstring curls have taken a long time to get dialed in, I was trying all kinds of variations, which only resulted in a couple of irritating tweaks.
But one little bit at a time, it's working great now, feeling my hams throb (in a good way) as I type here.
It was a combination of the right foot straps, bands and even the carabiners to hook it all together.