The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Thanks, Cole for the Erector video. Standing upright is what try to do with my farmer's walk, but my arms are "long" carrying the weight, rather than curled up. I can see the benefit of changing the carry, but not sure what my EZ-curl bar would be liftable to chest high (or comfortable to carry) and my barbell only has 70lbs on it. No extra plates available at present.
Thanks, Cole for the Erector video. Standing upright is what try to do with my farmer's walk, but my arms are "long" carrying the weight, rather than curled up. I can see the benefit of changing the carry, but not sure what my EZ-curl bar would be liftable to chest high (or comfortable to carry) and my barbell only has 70lbs on it. No extra plates available at present.
Yeah, I think the practical way to use an EZ bar that way would be to lift it from a rack set to the right height. Or get a couple of buddies like John did in the video. I guess that's not so practical now though.
Today's workout done,

Sumo Deadlift - 3 sets
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 3 sets
Heel Elevated Feet Forward Squats - 4 sets
Snarky TSC comments - plenty
Near Death Experience - at least one
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

No mommy again today, as she has company up; Newfoundland is one of the bright spots in Canada for Covid control. I think I scared Rich away, as he has hopped in his car-car and left town as quick as he could.
DELTa Dawn, What's that flower you have on? Could it be a faded rose from days gone by? - Tanya Tucker
Take the LATS train to Clarksville and I'll meet you at the station - The Monkees
Cole gave me ED - woodpusher

Okay, one of those isn't a song but it is true! @HMan posted a while ago about scheduling some down-time and then recently about erector muscles, and since my back (erector muscles?) has been a little tight throughout the day for the past week or so, I figure it's all his fault! :p

I'll be taking a week off from weights and just doing the elliptical work, which still work the erectors but I hope that "walking" isn't something that I need a rest from.

Today's workout:
- 35 mins on the elliptical

No mommy again today; she's all bunged up and feeling uncomfortable.
I'm not sure what ED is, but I'm sure they have medicine for it.

It's really a good idea to take a light period of some sort every now and then. I train stupidly much, so I generally take every 5th week off. (That's this coming week, yay!)

Recovery is the name of the game with training, if something isn't recovered, take some time off. If it's a frequent problem then look at your scheduling to see if you can arrange things so they have time to recover between training sessions. You're not doing stupid stuff, so I think that's the biggest thing for you.

There's a whole science behind knowing when to take time off, but at the end of the day is, take time off when you're too beat up to train. Then, depending on how hard you're going, start to take preemptive breaks. You know every 8the week you have issues, take week 7 off, kind of thing.... enough rambling for a Sunday from me.
First meso in the bag, I'm trying to be better about not overfishing, and this may have been one of my most successful mesos. Weight gain also seems to be right on track. @woodpusher gave me the idea of using a 7 day average type system to track average bodyweight, and I'm nicely at the low end of where I want to be, even though I've had plenty of extra snacks and stuff. I also think I look a bit burlier. Not my nurse telling me what a he man I am burly, but we all can't be Sam.

I'll make a couple of minor adjustments to next meso's program, but for the most part plan to continue the same for another 4 week burst after the low key week ahead.
Saturday's Workout:
Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes

Evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession Day 12 Leg Day

This day was not nearly as OUCH as last week, so that is a noticeable gain! I felt better and more confident while doing the exercises. This week the number of reps we do has reduced from 12-10, but we are encouraged to use heavier weights/bands and we also have 3 sets instead of 2. It makes me happy that I'm feeling so good!

Yesterday's workout:
Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes

Evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession. Day 13 Cardio Flow

Killer workout, though I'm struggling with a couple of exercises that are hard on my feet. I had a bad case of turf toe over a year ago that wants to flare up, but baby it so I don't have to deal with that mess again... I was extremely excited that my legs did not KILL like they did last week, so again GAINS! I took measurements and saw that everything except my waist is still shrinking! I'll put everything in excel this week so I can show some comparisons.


Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes (Absolutely beautiful out, but a bit chilly, the lilac bushes that are everywhere smell amazing).

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 14 Stretch and Release, ALSO I plan on doing some Abs and some light bicep work.
Today's workout was:
- 35 mins on the elliptical

No mommy again today, but that's okay as her "traffic jam" seems to have cleared and she is processing a backlog of queued departures at Gate-B(athroom).
Way to go, mommy! I'm so proud of you. 👶🍼
YESTERDAY BONUS: A 35 min lunchtime walk with my wife, followed by 1.5 hrs of preparing a trench/bed in our front yard to transplant our Rose of Sharon bushes (6+ feet high). Lots of old gnarly roots from an old tree to have to hack through, so this was more work than anticipated.

Today's workout was:
- 35 mins on the elliptical

Mommy is back once again (all passengers and their luggage have been successfully unloaded!) and clocked in 35 mins on her treadmill.

Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes (COLD this morning, only 35F and it is supposed to snow at around noon).

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 15 Total Body Core.

I'm really starting to see some solid gains! I'm so happy that I decided to change my life 01/01/2020. To be honest, I never thought I'd be able to have the success I'm having now! I still have a lot of goals to meet, but I'm ore excited than ever that I'll meet and exceed them.

Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes.
We ended up having snow yesterday afternoon and it frosted last night, woke up to it being 29F for the morning Walk/Run. I bundled up and really enjoyed the brisk air.

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 16 Booty/butt.

I increased the weights and resistance loops for last night's workout and I was pleasantly surprised that I excelled with the heavier weights. I had a partially torn bicep last March and had been rehabbing it for the last year and its been tough. Well, This was the first time I was able to curl a 20 lb weight in my left hand without a sharp pain in my bicep! I was super excited about this GAIN! I'm hopeful that I'll be able to increase the weight again here in the next 2-3 weeks!

Have a great day guys!

Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes.
We ended up having snow yesterday afternoon and it frosted last night, woke up to it being 29F for the morning Walk/Run. I bundled up and really enjoyed the brisk air.

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 16 Booty/butt.

I increased the weights and resistance loops for last night's workout and I was pleasantly surprised that I excelled with the heavier weights. I had a partially torn bicep last March and had been rehabbing it for the last year and its been tough. Well, This was the first time I was able to curl a 20 lb weight in my left hand without a sharp pain in my bicep! I was super excited about this GAIN! I'm hopeful that I'll be able to increase the weight again here in the next 2-3 weeks!

Have a great day guys!
Seriously Matt, the work you have put in and the success you have had is super exciting! I remember when I lost my 70 pounds a few years ago...I had similar enthusiasm. Keep up the great work my friend!