The Shaving Cadre

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Quijote's search for BBS

Straight Shave 38

Waterville Cutlery 6/8
Shavemac Finest
Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars
LT DC / Chatillon Lux Unconditional Surrender

Good morning all. This was a great uneventful shave. The 2 pass shave now feels natural in all but one spot at the corner of my jaw where I am still able to get it well, just isn't quite comfortable yet. I ended up with a DFS+ with no irritation or red stuff.

I have come to a conclusion on the disappearing vs vanishing. The disappearing is slightly more nourishing. The vanishing absorbs into the skin more readily. After a few days of using the disappearing, I tend to notice a tackiness to my skin. They both have a minty scent, but the scent of the vanishing is slightly stronger. They both fade rather quickly. Within 10 minutes, it is gone. I think for me, the vanishing is the better option.

Have a great day all. Thanks for reading.
Glad you are liking the Cognac and Cuban it is such a great scent. One of my favorites for sure!
Dang, look at that. That's a manly shave right there!
nice read and interesting take on the D VS V, I have not noticed that as I do a cold rinse after a cold towel and rinse, so not tackiness, I am looking forward in trying the Vanishing as well
Starting in Thursday, I am going to try to use the DX almost exclusively to see what kind of longevity I get it of it. Then I will send it back with the V and possibly something else.
Great stuff Don! Nice 2 passer!

I've got to revisit the Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars sample I have. If I remember correctly it didn't perform that well for me.
clyde72 said:
Great stuff Don! Nice 2 passer!

I've got to revisit the Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars sample I have. If I remember correctly it didn't perform that well for me.

Thanks. It is worth another look. It is one of my top performers.
Stirling Boar
Stirling Naked and Smooth
LT VC / Fine Italian Citrus

Today, they were taking pictures at work, so I wanted to use the razor I have the least risk of a visit from Mr Murphy. The tech got the call. It was a good 3 pass BBS. Everything played together nicely.

I am starting to wonder about this boar brush though. I noticed that the bristles are getting more flexible, but the tips aren't really getting any softer. I looked at the bristles more closely and a few of them are splitting below the tips. I didn't have time to get a real in depth look to see how many are like this, but I did see a few. I will have to take a closer look at it later. The ones I saw are splitting around 1/8 inch below the tip.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Interesting about the boar. I wonder if it will work it's way up. Will be curious to see what you uncover.
I've got about the same number of shaves on my Sterling and my Semogue 1305. They are both still pretty scritchy but splitting from the tips as expected.
Great stuff Don. The Tech is one of my favorite DE's, and is just the right amount of mild for me.
Cvargo said:
Interesting about the boar. I wonder if it will work it's way up. Will be curious to see what you uncover.
I took a look at it when I got home. There are some splitting like normal and some odd ones. I will keep going with it to see what happens with it.
Majorrich said:
I've got about the same number of shaves on my Sterling and my Semogue 1305. They are both still pretty scritchy but splitting from the tips as expected.
Awesome picture
Straight Shave 39

Feather DX Kamisori - Proguard (4)
Made Rite 1000
CBL Damascus
LT VC / Barbisol Pacific Rush

This was a 2 pass DFS. It was a good shave, but I just wasn't feeling it today. Not sure why. Possibly slept wrong, not sure, but everything today has been like that. Oh well, the soap performed great. It was a little different texture than I am used to, but it worked very well.

Havea great day and thanks for reading. Is it tomorrow yet?