The Shaving Cadre

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Quijote's search for BBS

Thanks guys.

I also got soaps in from CBL today. These are my first. I am very excited to try them. I just have to figure out what to try first.
Quijote said:
Thanks guys.

I also got soaps in from CBL today. These are my first. I am very excited to try them. I just have to figure out what to try first.

You will not be disappointed! They are great!
Straight Shave 37

Feather DX Kamisori - Proguard (3)
Stirling Synthetic
CBL Russian Tea
Chatillon Lux La Forêt de Liguest Salve / Chatillon Lux La Forêt de Liguest AS

I had narrowed it down to either this soap or the Damascus. I just did a blind pull and got this one. Wow, what a soap. It did not have a particularly string scent in the bag, but once lathered, it just enveloped me. The lather was easy to create and get to a great consistency. This is probably one of the best soaps that I have used. Thank you Chris for including me on this.

As far as the shave itself, did I really NEED to shave today? No, but I wanted to, so I did. I did 3, yes 3, full passes with the DX. That was first time doing that many passes. It turned out very well. Just some minor seepage in one spot. I ended up with a CDBBS to write home about. If it hasn't been for that seepage, I would have added the G to the end of that.

A la Mancha, last night was fun. Although, my daughter abandoned me to hang out with friends after 2 dances. I basically chatted with a couple of the dads whose daughters did the same for the rest of the night. One of the guys had some great stories about his time stationed on a sub.

Today is going to be another fun day. My son's pack is all going to WonderWorks. Let the craziness ensue.

Have a great day everyone.
Great read and shave today. Sounds like a good evening yesterday too
Great shave today Don...and another fun day with the little'un and the scouts! Have a great time!
My youngest daughter and I attended her annual father daughter dance a couple weekends ago. I’ve done this few times now but this year made me laugh a bit. I don’t consider myself all that old but as I looked around the dance floor there were definitely a lot more New Balance shoes ...a shoe I consider “old man” shoes . I guess the dads are getting older (not me of course)

glad and you liked the soap. I think you might really enjoy the Damascus, it’s quite unique.
Very cool that you were able to give CBL soaps a try. Quality suds, and his Russian Tea is a great scent.
Great couple of reads and shave Don!
Congrats on the 1st 3 pass with a straight!

Sounds like you are getting to spend some great quality time with the kids! Enjoy while you can!
No shave today.

We basically finished our derby cars today. They both with exactly 143 grams with the wheels. We just have to put on a light coat of paint. My wheels have been shaved and look more like bicycle tires. I was going to recess them, but I couldn't find my counter bore bits. This will be a good first entry anyways.
Quijote said:
No shave today.

We basically finished our derby cars today. They both with exactly 143 grams with the wheels. We just have to put on a light coat of paint. My wheels have been shaved and look more like bicycle tires. I was going to recess them, but I couldn't find my counter bore bits. This will be a good first entry anyways.

just remember that it isn’t about the boys winning the race it’s more about spending tome with them to build the car.
Oh, I know. I was enjoying teaching him as we went. Some of my favorite memories as a kid was in my dad's shop. I want to pass along that feeling for him too. I doubt we will win, but he is enjoying it.
Tech - Nacet (5) (probably)
Sorrentino Tuxedo
CBL Vegan Damascus
LT DC / Proraso Cypress and Vetyver ASB

A was running a little late this morning and wanted a fast no hassle shave, so I reached for the tech. I haven't used it in a while, so I am not 100% sure if this is the blade in it, but the last entry I found with it had this blade, so we will go with it. Whatever it was have me a great shave. 3 passes and I am BBS+ with no irritation. The only downside to the tech is that the longevity of the BBS is not as great as my other razors.

I went with another CBL soap today. This time, it was the Vegan Damascus. I thoroughly enjoyed the scent and performance of it. The disappearing cream with the Proraso ASB left me feeling like a million bucks today.

A la Mancha, another busy weekend in the books. It was fun, but man, it was nonstopped. My week at work will be like a vacation from the weekend.
Good stuff Don. I enjoyed your dance pictures on facebook, that your wife posted. Busy weekends are always tiring... but work a vacation... I didn't know those two words could be in the same sentence is that format.
Nice shave Don...the techs are great razors. I PIF'd my two I had away as I was shaving primarily with straights, and they're great starter DE's.

The busiest weekends are usually the most unforgettable...those are the ones where the memories are made!
Heh, I hear ya about work. My office is much quieter than it is at home.
Cvargo said:
Good stuff Don. I enjoyed your dance pictures on facebook, that your wife posted. Busy weekends are always tiring... but work a vacation... I didn't know those two words could be in the same sentence is that format.
Thanks. She posts a lot more than I do. I am lucky to post something every couple weeks.
Dagwoodz said:
Nice shave Don...the techs are great razors. I PIF'd my two I had away as I was shaving primarily with straights, and they're great starter DE's.

The busiest weekends are usually the most unforgettable...those are the ones where the memories are made!
This one was definitely memorable. WonderWorks was just nuts on Saturday. But they had a great time. And I beat everyone (parents, kids, leaders) at laser tag.
NurseDave said:
Heh, I hear ya about work. My office is much quieter than it is at home.
Same here. Very busy, but in a good way.
Great shave Don! Really hard to bet a Tech for a nice reliable quick shave.